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Everything posted by tEkRoCkS

  1. Did anyone but me notice that PEDAL POWER bike next to that Bates simple? WTF. and that SENTO is great..along with those ATOMS...Werd
  2. Definitly some dope shit in Finland..whats up with the gay pride above the Reso piece???
  3. MADE U LOOK!!!im gunna guess Tokeo did that?
  4. tEkRoCkS


    yo theres alot DOPE stuff in here....more bombing fliks?
  5. tEkRoCkS

    Cycle TC5

    cycle makes me say WERD!
  6. tEkRoCkS


    ah werd ive gotten countless bikes that way then i just leave them in front of my neighbors house lolhahahahaah!
  7. tEkRoCkS


    yo t.t i got a haro its fuckin ill! the dave mirra 540air signature series! all black!
  8. tEkRoCkS


    i just got a HARO 540AIR for a dyno vfr and 5bucks DAMN PAWN SHOPS ARE STUPID! i love this fuckin thing.....
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