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Everything posted by MisPantalonesEstaEnfuega

  1. Holy Fuck I am beyond down for a group show! I need to built my resume up! As much as I would like for it to be in Philly there aren't too many photo galleries let alone good ones. I have no gallery connections but whoever does needs to start inquiring.
  2. PPA!!!!!!! Due to unexpected personal reasons, being in huge debt, and a slave to the 9 to 5 i have be completely out of the loop. I apologize profusely. I get a nice size pay check friday and will next day it. WHO EVER IS NEXT ON THE LIST PM YOUR INFO OR PLEASE EMAIL IT TO : KJCONVERY@HOTMAIL.COM Once again, I am so so sorry. Oh, and rage pants I have a gift for you partially as an apology for sucking with the PPA so if you could also email/pm me your info i'll send it off to you.
  3. i really don't understand any of this, i got bit torrent and i'm searching piratebay. I'm downloading They Live and a couple cds and my download speed is fucking terrible how do i fix this?
  4. steve austin> did you photoshop those last two polaroids? one>those are so sharp i can't believe you got that from a camera using 600/sx70 film two>The color and saturation is unreal, it is so top notch for a polaroid i may need to steal that(broken?) camera from you. If that camera is in fact broken and those aren't photoshopped you need to get it fixed immediately, they're amazing.
  5. I just want everyone to know that I might be a sell out. I'm seriously considering buying a Nikon D70 or a Fuji S2...just about the same camera but whatever... I still intend to shoot shit loads of medium and large format film but I just want all of you to know... Now, back to working on the ppa.
  6. If I quit smoking i would save $2,500 a year. I could buy a couple really nice lenses or even if I so desired a dSLR. Smoking sucks.
  7. the shot of the hand holding the spray can has amazing tonality and i am pretty fond of it.
  8. i was a strictly Ilford man, i only shot with HP5, FP4, and Delta 3200 then on an off chance i picked up some neopan 100 at my school store because it was like a dollar less than Ilford and I've been hooked ever since. since probably january i've only shot medium and large format so i tend to blow things up to 20x24(partially why i don't post photos often, most of the time they don't fit in the scanner and i am too lazy to stitch them together). I'm starting to get into Tmax 100. Tmax film in Tmax developer is the sex.
  9. i've become a huge fan of the neopan films. The Neopan 100 is a beautiful film, it's literally grainless. Your photos came out nicely, i like the first set better. I know you're a fan of contrast, i am too, but in a couple of those i think you over did it. The one of the guy in the suit sitting on the hay as hardly any tonality.
  10. Polaroid 54 film, ToyoView 45CX w/545i back:
  11. You Win. Burn the left side of her face in. If it wasn't so hot I'd probably go as far as to see how much you would want for an 8x10. Keep up the good work.
  12. About Shooting at ESP>> ESP exclusively has my school do all their photo work so we get to go for free. Each November there is the annual trip there to just run a muck and take photos. I went for the first time in November(Save Terror Behind the Walls a few times...) I was really excited about it. The Chair both Jbrsh and Rage shot was the first thing I shot. Later in the day as I walked by it again there were literally five kids shoving to get in there to shoot. My school has been doing this for years and seeing other people's work is really disenchanting, there is only so much you can do that hasn't been done before. Last time I went I shot a good 8 rolls of film, most of them being bizarre macro shots of various textures just to submit something different. The second time around I only wanted to use my viewcamera, which I pretty much did, but I still got your average shots. I've kinda lost a lot of interest in photographing the place(Its a shame, I was hired to be an assistant for a shoot there june 24th, blah.) But yeah, its realllyyyyyyy fun the first time around if you don't go to my school. I'll go back again but probably to take the audio tour or if someone pays for me to go to Terror Behind the Walls.
  13. I shot mostly with my 4x5 view camera and with my 6x7. The 6x7 was slide and color so I won't get around to processing that just yet(probably monday) As for the view camera I shot only 3 sheets of film and probably 4 54film polaroids. I was thinking about scanning them but I might save them for the pass around(probably not...I have something else planned) So possibly tomorrow I'll post polaroids. Tonight I must get drunk.
  14. what/where is pennhaurst? what are the chances of us getting arrested?
  15. rager> would you mind posing for say like two pictures? I'm taking a summer class on portraiture/advance theory of light and the only way I can get out of the class tomorrow is if i'm going to ESP to shoot a model. Sooo since its a theory of light class I'll probably just shoot some bullshit silohette or something. If you don't want to do it, no problem. I'll bust out with the self timer.
  16. I'm going to be lugging equipment the whole time. What I'm bringing: Nikon N75 35mm with 28-200mm lens Pentax 6x7 with 165mm lens Toyo View 4x5 with 210mm lens (*edit - an polaroid back for instant awesome.) Metz 45CT flash Quantim Power Pack for flash Big Ass Bogen Tripod I've got two free passes to ESP but tomorrow I'm gonna try and score another so no one has to pay. edit- I'll have probably a good 12 rolls of 35mm tmax 100 if you or captain angry are shooting 35mm and need a roll or two
  17. White Bitches: All Tmax 100. First two are 6x7 last two 35mm. I'm hyped for ESP tomorrow.
  18. what up jbrsh word is bond son shameek yo...
  19. carwreck>> the portrait of your wife is beautiful. How did you light that?
  20. just so everyone knows, I'm totally going to quit photography in like a month go to school for something stupid like investment banking and hate my life.
  21. The F3 is a beautiful camera, the only reason I didn't mention is because he said he was looking for something with some automatic features. If I didn't already have all Nikon mount AF lens I would definitely buy a F3. I'm really not in the market for a new 35mm. I only use the one I have now for shooting live bands and occastionally homeless people(I pay them or buy them food, I'm not that much of a jerk.) Other than that I shoot all medium and large format. Speaking of which, if anyone has a pentax slr, you should look into getting the 6x7 lenses and a convertor ring. Those lenses are the fucking sex.
  22. I LOVE CAMERA EQUIPMENT IT MAKES ME MOIST Rage> I don't know if you got my TXTMSG but i got hooked up with two free passes to eastern state, my teacher told me to go shoot some portraits there. Chups> Quick breakdown of slrs: You're majoring in photography(where ya going, if you don't mind me asking?) so i'm assuming you're going to do this for a living. It's super expensive at first but if you buy the hot shit it'll last you many years and they'll eventually pay for themselves. Avoid anything with a plastic body. Unfortunetly nowadays Pentax seems to only make SLRs out of plastic. You will drop your euipment no matter how careful you are and chances are it will break. Olympus doesn't make SLRs anymore, I'm pretty sure they're only digital. I'm not sure how Contax slrs are, but they take Carl Ziess lens which is bonertron. I shoot with a nikon N75(don't buy that camera, it's lame) you get the advantages of nikon lenses but it isn't durable. I'm completely bias so I'm saying shoot nikon cameras you should look into: Nikon F4 - Hard as nails SLR with the only modern feature of Auto-Focus(which is mediocre) I've used other peoples F4s and am considering picking one up on ebay(they run like $200-$$00 for the body) Only draw back, you bang it around too much chances are you'll set the diopter loose and you'll just be confused as hell trying to frame a shot. Nikon F5 ($1200 new, anywhere from $800 to $1100 used)- This shouts professional, full manual with some features like apeture priority and shutter priority. This mean bitch has a magnesum alloy body, hammer nails with it, i dare you, it'll still be cool. The best part of the F5, the auto focus is amazing. It'll focus on things before you even thought about focusing on it. Nikon F100 (body:$900 or so new, anywhere from $400 to $800 used)- not quite professional, not quite prosumer. Most if not all the features of the F5, only for some reason the loose diopter problem of the F4 shows up here. It's also the response to the bitches that complained the F5 was too heavy, so they ditched the build in motor drive. Apparently the autofocus is slower too. Nikon F6($2,049. Too New to find used) There is so much to say about this amazing piece of machinary. Basically imagine everything good every to happen to an SLR and this is it. +++blindingly fast auto focus. Oh, and it has a KEVLAR SHUTTER. What purpose this serves, I don't really know. But the fact of the matter is it's hella hip. Someone shoots you in the lens, what bullet won't fuck up your film. This was all very imprompt to and doesn't give that much information but it's a start i guess.
  23. chup-pants> what is your price range then we can go from there? olympuses have silly hot shoes, they're backwards so you can only use olumpus flashes. Give me more details
  24. izze izzee dead? Quoted post [/b] i had this bad feeling no one would get that...
  25. i'm a little drunk so this will be my last photo babble for the evening because i imagine itsgettin old and boring. Polaroids and pinhole cameras are the shit. Combining the two is even cooler. WORD IS BOND SON SHAMEEK GOT BUST IN THE HEAD TWO TIMES
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