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@misteraven - Gracias


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Danke to Raven aka @mistreraven for providing this place for us  to hang out in and persisting through the Facebook and other social media "drought" that saw most forums (and the internet history that they contain) vanish


The purpose of this thread is to see whether my storage quota can be increased as after giving Channel Zero a tour of my city I am running low on upload space, and given I have abandoned other forms of social media due to not considering myself to be so egocentric that I would not share my successes and failures, along with the experiences that lead to my learning of lessons in respect of life, with a wider audience than the tiny circle of people I would consider as friends or acquantainces in "real life".


And if you wish to have a laugh at my expense, and noting that on the 12oz reunion teeshirt list I am "on the right side of "The Boss" of this place" I figure that you might appreciate the fact that I travelled from Perth to Oslo in Norway to meet the singer featured on this track "The Raven Child" and as @defyoner and @Spitfire15 can confirm my Secondlife (which I only found thanks to Ch0 and was bestowed my title of "Prophet" by those guys) alias to have the name "Jonny Tobias" with this track by "Tobias Sammet" (my sister is named Samantha, so I figure she is an ET like my Mother JanET) is indicative of the love I have for this place outweighing the shit we all deal with every day we awake.


A wise person once told Me "if you don't ask you will never get" so consider this me asking for the ability to help make this place the historical record of my appreciation for life as well as the compendium of showing the evolution of "Me" as my Ego was calmed by a higher power giving me the ability to laugh at any challenge life throws my way "Eels in the ass be damned!!"


The attached image is the Philadelphia Church sign intersection pics I posted earlier, taken from further back with the "Moonglow" and my guiding star (My Rav3n) looking down and protecting and laughing allng with me as I write this post laughing at how SIK and 2SIK this place is for giving my (at times) "madness" a place to be recorded so that future generations to come will laugh at knowing there is zero dispute that love and laughter will abandon them.


Anyhow, I appreciate Raven for looking out for me, as I no longer care to "Hyde" here in "Oz" on "Jekyll Island".






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Also thanks to the guys (and girls - I can't assume anything these days as while I admit I can be an asshole at times, that isn't my base intention!) whom have taken the time to read my rants and diatribes I have put up since my return here, as I hope the words give the attached images the context which would be missed if one was to have experienced "walking 10 miles in My shoes" (in a day).


I appreciate that not everyone in this world has a 5 second attention span and can appreciate that the written word (which our ancestors solely relied upon to convey knowledge to generation upon generation) is still valued by those who remember the pre-internet world of elders, books and libraries being fundamental keys to personal development.


In addition to this, I hope my fearless divestment of the truth of my reality allows other's to realise that holding onto things which could later come to haunt you will inevitably lead you to choose "Psycho-SIS" as your sister of choice as opposed to "CatharSIS", as ultimately we can only judge ourselves and if you can look back at times of turmoil, struggle, or depression captured in words as I am able to, you can only laugh at how you survived "Hell" itself as you realise you prevailed and became stronger from facing life's challenges "HEAD ON" in Ch0 speak.

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And if one doubts the veracity of "A Higher Guiding Force" existing beyond our human Ego, look at this playlist, read the lyrics of the songs before and after the song which prompted Me to take a moment and be present "In the Now" as I realised how gracious I am for being afforded the perfect life I have lead thanks to God, and the significant contributors such as Raven and the members here who are familiar with both madness and comedy.


And thanks to Maria, my wife for reminding Me that I have been a long time 12oz member in a way only She is capable of.

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