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In what should be a surprise to no one…. Senators: CIA has secret program that collects American data


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The FBI spied on the U.S. civil rights movement and secretly recorded the conversations of Dr. Martin Luther King. The CIA, in what was called Operation Chaos, investigated whether the movement opposing the Vietnam War had links to foreign countries. 

“These reports raise serious questions about the kinds of information the CIA is vacuuming up in bulk and how the agency exploits that information to spy on Americans,” Patrick Toomey, a lawyer for the American Civil Liberties Union, said in a statement. “The CIA conducts these sweeping surveillance activities without any court approval, and with few, if any, safeguards imposed by Congress.”

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Every 3 letter agency (DEA, NSA, FBI, CIA, SEC, IRS, ATF, etc.) collects, and shares illegally obtained intelligence on every one of their slaves.


Every email, every text, every facebook post, it all sits in 3 letter agency servers waiting to be dug up the moment one of them decides to press their "dislike button", and create IRL consequences for anyone who talks shit.


People think what they did to king was bad you should have seen how they did Marcus Garvey.

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