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i tried, couldnt find it, was very upset about that. forgot what it was called and somehow nobody in virginia city knew what i was talking about. next time... i did get up to the shasta area...some cool shit up that way....chico was fucked up from how i knew it unfortunately.

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i tried, couldnt find it, was very upset about that. forgot what it was called and somehow nobody in virginia city knew what i was talking about. next time... i did get up to the shasta area...some cool shit up that way....chico was fucked up from how i knew it unfortunately.


word; I had a hard time getting directions, too. Drive though Virginia City and take the first right past the Gold Hill Hotel. This is a dirt road (4x4 recommended). Take the first left off of that road, about a mile up.

here's the area on google maps. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Gold+Hill,+NV&aq=&sll=40.499181,-118.751221&sspn=1.134056,2.469177&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Gold+Hill,+Virginia+City,+Storey,+Nevada&ll=39.278843,-119.667807&spn=0.018038,0.038581&z=15

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word; I had a hard time getting directions, too. Drive though Virginia City and take the first right past the Gold Hill Hotel. This is a dirt road (4x4 recommended). Take the first left off of that road, about a mile up.

here's the area on google maps. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Gold+Hill,+NV&aq=&sll=40.499181,-118.751221&sspn=1.134056,2.469177&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Gold+Hill,+Virginia+City,+Storey,+Nevada&ll=39.278843,-119.667807&spn=0.018038,0.038581&z=15



I was right there at least four times!!! fuck! i knew almost exactly where to go, i tried at least ten dirt roads..... if only the rental had gps! or registration!!

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