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Noam Chomsky

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<a href=" NUSR title="NUSR by toxic waste dump, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1273/4706941485_4298aaae58.jpg" width="500" height="276" alt="NUSR" /></a>

<a href=" Pear, Curve title="Pear, Curve by Jeffrey-Anthony, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5082/5247276432_3d2ac64cff.jpg" width="500" height="346" alt="Pear, Curve" /></a>

<a href=" DEL title="DEL by lakos86, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4088/5190202832_2ccaa4e59b.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="DEL" /></a>

<a href=" Curve TGE title="Curve TGE by thosalumpagus, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4063/4294828548_049fc91515.jpg" width="500" height="224" alt="Curve TGE" /></a>

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also just a blurb for haters/complainers...in the early 2000s there was a few nsf threads and i heard a lot of complaints about self-promo and such, so we made a crew decision to have any nsf thread shut down immediately from like 04/05, until now. so we've had every NSF thread deleted for the last 5-6 years.


so now someone else opened one we figured let it ride, and some of the older heads like myself who dont write much illegal stuff anymore can post flicks without looking like we are shooting for cheap internet rep. our younger active writers arent posting their own shit, just FYI, cause i know this is a recurring issue in today's graff. some amazing crews like MSK have 100s of fans posting their stuff..and they DESERVE IT --our crew gives mega mega respect to msk, as they keep a tight family like we do, and dont allow tons of crew-hopping, or drafting free-agents just for rep. much respect due. same for other long lasting american crews like D30, BA, the circleT dudes, RTD, KYfuckingT, and many more.


and respect to all the new crews trying to build their own legacy. NSF is celebrating our 18th anniversary in 2011, and we know we arent on the level of a crew like MSK that is really just running the game, or legendary innovators like FC that started a lot of the game.....but we have maintained a tight fam through the years and i thought it was fair to showcase some of work for a lot of the new generation who only get their info thru 12oz. (and no diss to 12oz, ive been a member since it started, big ups to Raven and the crew!)


just wanted to say my piece about why there hasnt been an nsf thread for years, and why there is one now.


also massive respect to HM, another crew we really relate in terms of keeping it family based and not about chasing easy fame.


thats the last ill rant on it.


thanks for all the fans and for the haters too, as the criticism is also a driving force in this sport.






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@raygun "


^appreciate the compliment but cant sosign the msk comments. those dudes put in mad work, stay tight, and crush legal and illegally. we respect them for sure and several friendship overlaps.


also grew up jocking PHABLE and PUSH fr8s, so nothing but love mad society guys

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