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The New Orleans thread.....


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Because he beats and strangles all of his girlfriends, acts like a caveman, is psychotic, and looks at literal child porn. I don't give two shits about exposing his face on the web. He's probably never even written just pretended. Fuck him. :) if you wanna hate on me for the clarifications, go right ahead. Hah.

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that was a bit uncalled for

clarifications and giving up someones identity is totally different


not mad just sayin you made your point u should probly edit that message or get a mod to take it off

if you do that put a bar across his eyes or something dude

that's not cool yo

I'm neutral on the whole hatein on nova shit bc both sides made their point but all that's gonna do is fuel the people that's hatein on him

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yea its not cool to put someone on blast liike that. fucked up. i mean i dont give a fuck about nova or relm or whoever they are but you cant play like that. besides i think most will agree with me that no one wants to see some bullshit pictures of some dudes face on here. if you are going to go through the trouble to post pictures up make sure they are of graffiti and not some stupid shit that has to do with the authinticity of some fake ass writer. seriously all this bull shit is getting tired. the dude should change his name but if he isnt then fuck it. claiming other writers work is not cool though and that is not going to change even if his name does. i dont even like to coment on this stupid drama but there is a first time for everything.

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I'm neutral on the whole hatein on nova shit bc both sides made their point but all that's gonna do is fuel the people that's hatein on him

That one pic Silent Bob said he claimed and apologized publicy for was not the only thing he posted and claimed was his. In fact he has posted some of Nova's blackbook work in the Nola Thread in Paper Chase. He even took it a step further by sending me private messages telling me he was the Nova that used to paint in the 90's. When I asked him if he had any pics to share because I always enjoyed seeing his work he said they all got destroyed in Katrina.


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seeing is those were all my blackbook shots....all of them....i dont know what ou are trying to prove by saying i claimed to be some other dude,but no i didnt i have the books, books that other writers on here have written in that know me(might not like me but know and used to kick it with me) the picture ok you got me, but me claiming another niggas history, naah son never that, get you shit strait before you TRY to put me on blast.and yes, alot of my shots of my shit was fucked up i had books of pictures from even before i started writng that i lost at my dads house....you got me on the picture son bitch move ,toy mistake,all around uncool thing to do,but to say i ever claimed another niggas career?nope ....get the fuck over it....

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this book sir? waaaay back from 99-2000 when i first started?when i met germ at the metarie wall? yeah sir my book , same book eet beet and a few other were in FROM MIDDLE SCHOOL?!?!?!? yeah brah i really knew all about what was up back then ....and i didnt learn of the other nova untill 04ish when shit from this book was done





....yeah....the same people on here claiming i knew what was up,who say ive been claiming for years, who put me down with their "crews",181,the original AWS, all my nova shit....not the other dude.....now everyone wants to jump on the fuck this lying motherfucker bullshit bc they think i snitched them out back in HS,when that was not even close to what happened.....call me out,say im a phoney....im done commenting on the matter,say what you wanna say,but im done....

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seeing is those were all my blackbook shots....all of them....i dont know what ou are trying to prove by saying i claimed to be some other dude,but no i didnt i have the books, books that other writers on here have written in that know me(might not like me but know and used to kick it with me) the picture ok you got me, but me claiming another niggas history, naah son never that, get you shit strait before you TRY to put me on blast.and yes, alot of my shots of my shit was fucked up i had books of pictures from even before i started writng that i lost at my dads house....you got me on the picture son bitch move ,toy mistake,all around uncool thing to do,but to say i ever claimed another niggas career?nope ....get the fuck over it....
I went back and checked that thread and noticed you deleted those pics from your photobucket...And you know damn well you told me you were the AOM Nova, you were all in my PM box talking bout the shit you use to paint. I busted you out when you said my boy Ease was one of the first to inspire you, when Ease was inspired by the original Nova and my homie Visken. :lol:
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this book sir? waaaay back from 99-2000 when i first started?when i met germ at the metarie wall? yeah sir my book , same book eet beet and a few other were in FROM MIDDLE SCHOOL?!?!?!? yeah brah i really knew all about what was up back then ....and i didnt learn of the other nova untill 04ish when shit from this book was done





....yeah....the same people on here claiming i knew what was up,who say ive been claiming for years, who put me down with their "crews",181,the original AWS, all my nova shit....not the other dude.....now everyone wants to jump on the fuck this lying motherfucker bullshit bc they think i snitched them out back in HS,when that was not even close to what happened.....call me out,say im a phoney....im done commenting on the matter,say what you wanna say,but im done....


oh my god your still lying. jeez. Lets try this one last time.. you were never down with 181 (which was a toy crew) why even try to claim that when you know were reading this calling you a liar??????.Thats lie #1. A.W.S (Aerosol with style) ????? come on man i hadnt even touched a can when that shit was made, and it was never even painted.Lie #2 . You are a snitch, Lie #3, you are a phony, Lie #4 you suck at graffiti,Your lying to yourself. You did start throwing up AOM after you lied to them ("I just claimed one picture and then apologized for it right away".. So inbetween "right away" you started throwing up the old novas crew??), you did change your 12oz name like 6 times, once after each time youve been called out. Theres no way i would ever have did anything in your book if i knew it was yours seeing as tho ive hated you since you snitched us out.




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