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Michael Jackson r.i.p


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Do you want to know what pisses me off?


Now, I've never been a fan of Michael Jackson's music, nor will I ever be. Yes, he did some pretty bad things in his life, heard about or kept behind closed doors, but he WAS STILL A PERSON!


What in the hell,. you might ask am I talking about? THE FUCKING FORWARDS!!! I have recieved 4 forwards since the announcement that Michael had died, until now, and NONE of them have been in rememberance of him. EVERY SINGLE ONE has been in one way or another making fun of and desecrating the memory of Michael. THIS PISSES ME OFF MORE THAN ANYTHING!


Kids think it's so fucking funny to make fun of somebody who has passed on jsut because of the lifestyle that they led, or the things that they did. It is so fucking rude not to be able to forgive and forget and remember him for the things that he did / or said that were POSITIVE while he was here. But no, they think it's funny, and then when I call them out on it, they YELL AT ME!!! They tell me that I "need to learn to take a fucking joke!" FUCK THAT!


I it is disrespectful BEYOND BELIEF!


Michael, R.I.P man...R.I.P.






lmao..micheal jackson dieing was the funniest thing i heard all day..cmon lighten up..

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Do you want to know what pisses me off?


Now, I've never been a fan of Michael Jackson's music, nor will I ever be. Yes, he did some pretty bad things in his life, heard about or kept behind closed doors, but he WAS STILL A PERSON!


What in the hell,. you might ask am I talking about? THE FUCKING FORWARDS!!! I have recieved 4 forwards since the announcement that Michael had died, until now, and NONE of them have been in rememberance of him. EVERY SINGLE ONE has been in one way or another making fun of and desecrating the memory of Michael. THIS PISSES ME OFF MORE THAN ANYTHING!


Kids think it's so fucking funny to make fun of somebody who has passed on jsut because of the lifestyle that they led, or the things that they did. It is so fucking rude not to be able to forgive and forget and remember him for the things that he did / or said that were POSITIVE while he was here. But no, they think it's funny, and then when I call them out on it, they YELL AT ME!!! They tell me that I "need to learn to take a fucking joke!" FUCK THAT!


I it is disrespectful BEYOND BELIEF!


Michael, R.I.P man...R.I.P.




fucking word!


I was watching mtv jams and they were playing all his videos.....I forgot how good the production value was they were like fucking movies...I blazin big for mj...I saw a group of about 40 bike rides all with big ass ghetto blasters riding down the street blasting thriller. and there was a big dance party in the park by my house in remembrance of him. rest in paradise micael jackson....

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know who else died today? Farrah fawcett. how come she doeant get a thread?


are you fucking serious? lets go into someones remembrance thread a piss and moan about someone else not having a thread. have some fucking respect.


why don't you make a thread, and there already was one....

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Shit if half you niggas went through the shit MJ went through growing up as a kid, you'd be just as fucked up... he was never allowed to be a KID, his father whored him out... he was performing in strip clubs when the kid was supposed to be in kindergarden... let homey rest... not saying what he did was right... but dude endured some serious abuse growing up...

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I thought "the heavens" was a place where deceased writers were honored? What was MJ's tag name?



Im sure when you look at the other "Heavens" threads, you'll notice that everyone honored isnt a writer....


Sarcasim noted in your response also, its a shame all of the bickering going on in a RIP thread....

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.......he did make a lot of good music but his personal life distorted that to a lot of people even his fans...now that hes gone its OK??? i don't understand this logic.......that's like saying, Hitler killed millions of Jews but statistically speaking outta those millions there would have been rapist child molesters murderers...so with that being said i can say Hitlers my hero...i think not......

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