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Wow, I feel dumb as shit. I knew I shouldn't check but I just looked to see what kind of new comments (saw the original old ones by a bunch of fuckers) were posted on news sites, and wow, all the hatred just makes me want to bomb even harder. I want to get under the skin of these raving lunatics who equate our habit and passion with murder. There is something they can never understand, so I guess lets just bask in the fact that we get to have graffiti in our lives, for both the good and bad effects it has on out lives. Keep rocking, motherfucking Sweet Home Chicago.

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The blatant hypocrisy makes my stomach turn. It seems like the media and the average Joe Blow's stance on this situation is that they are fine with a rotting abandoned factory as long as it’s colored shit brown and filled with asbestos. Anyone that's been in that factory or Brachs knows what goes on in there and graffiti is BY FAR the lesser of two evils...remember that next time some tries to pull the "Graffiti is a crime and affects the quality of life" card...Why aren't these fuck heads asking why Papa Daley hasn’t called for the demolition of this space? But yo, let some pretty little white girl from UIC get dragged in there and raped. Watch the type of reaction that would get. (I'm not wishing ill will or harm on anyone else. Just trying to make a point)


Remember, these are the same assholes that will ask you to paint something for them or their business...They'll appreciate the medium and the skill that it demands but only if it’s been taking out of its natural element. (*Insert caged tiger at the zoo cliché here) A huge McDonalds decal on the side of the train pushing unhealthy food is OK but young Afroe pushing food for thought on a fly ass panel was a no-no?


Its all conditioning...Drones are brainwashed by the media and encouraged to get fat, grow old, and hand over the loot. The days of the group protest are long gone...Ironically the spirit of the radical flower child has been pushing up daisies for decades now. Just try to kick up some dust nowadays and see what happens...You better believe someone’s going to knock on your door or worse. That’s why you make them (Police, Elected officials, Joe six pack) sweat...You are a one man protest every time you go out and do the damn thang. Sometimes, you gather with like minded individuals, call yourselves something clever, and a crew is born. One would think that a subculture with similar interests and enemies would stand united…but we continue to follow Chicago tradition as we stand fragmented on our respective ends of the city.


I leave you with this thought…Think back to all that’s been said about everyone that we have lost over the passed couple of years. So and so was: an inspiration, an amazing artist, a really cool guy to chill with, a genuine person, down for his shit, a loving father/husband/son…Isn’t it obvious that we are all talking about the same kind of person? Why do we wait to get to know about/throw up/get together and celebrate our brothers after they’re gone? I’m sure each and every one of them would’ve loved to have felt a portion of that from the city/peers/culture that they repped and gave their life for while they were still alive.


"When spider webs unite, they can tie up a lion" - Ethiopian Proverb


Sorry for the long ass rant…I’ll buy you a beer or smoke you out to make up for it.

Holler at your dag.

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I leave you with this thought…Think back to all that’s been said about everyone that we have lost over the passed couple of years. So and so was: an inspiration, an amazing artist, a really cool guy to chill with, a genuine person, down for his shit, a loving father/husband/son…Isn’t it obvious that we are all talking about the same kind of person? Why do we wait to get to know about/throw up/get together and celebrate our brothers after they’re gone? I’m sure each and every one of them would’ve loved to have felt a portion of that from the city/peers/culture that they repped and gave their life for while they were still alive.







I can't stress this enough.






Everyone seems show up at funerals when a kat passes away, but never said hi or took a minute to respect them when they saw them in person at a bar or event. Suddenly they have the kindest words to say about them and throw them up after they pass. There's nothing wront with appreciating someone after they're gone, but it should really be done while they're still here contributing in one of the hardest cities to be up in. We all put a lot on the line to have shit ride for a day or two, even hours.



Along with this, goes the segreation of northside vs southside; the oldschool vs the newschool. Instead of writers coming up with a chip on their shoulder we should all walk around with a sense of respect. Anyone who violates respect should be handled the graff way or the one on one way; this is how you keep this shit alive. You all saw how the deaths of Afroe and Evol hit this city after Kise and Dept, along with many others. Seems like that built consciousness amongst writers from north to south, 13 yrs old to 40 yrs old in this city - that's why you see more shit up nowadays than in the last years. Now appreciate those who are still alive, any of us could be next at any time/ any place.




Respect the game

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I've been listening. Those of you interested in an all-city meeting, tell me why you want this. I can try my best to secure a location and help facilitate a constructive discussion. PM me your reasons, topics, ideas, and/or questions about what you would like to be brought up for consideration. And I know I'm perpetuating more hateration by putting myself out there like this. But, it's easy to sit back & criticize. It takes more effort to bring about change. I feel an obligation to help Chicago graff because I've already received so much from it. To paraphrase Paulo Freire, 'Genuine change can only come from within an oppressed community.'

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I've been listening. Those of you interested in an all-city meeting, tell me why you want this. I can try my best to secure a location and help facilitate a constructive discussion. PM me your reasons, topics, ideas, and/or questions about what you would like to be brought up for consideration. And I know I'm perpetuating more hateration by putting myself out there like this. But, it's easy to sit back & criticize. It takes more effort to bring about change. I feel an obligation to help Chicago graff because I've already received so much from it. To paraphrase Paulo Freire, 'Genuine change can only come from within an oppressed community.'


I really dig this.

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I've been listening. Those of you interested in an all-city meeting, tell me why you want this. I can try my best to secure a location and help facilitate a constructive discussion. PM me your reasons, topics, ideas, and/or questions about what you would like to be brought up for consideration. And I know I'm perpetuating more hateration by putting myself out there like this. But, it's easy to sit back & criticize. It takes more effort to bring about change. I feel an obligation to help Chicago graff because I've already received so much from it. To paraphrase Paulo Freire, 'Genuine change can only come from within an oppressed community.'


""The most potent weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed""(


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I've been listening. Those of you interested in an all-city meeting, tell me why you want this. I can try my best to secure a location and help facilitate a constructive discussion. PM me your reasons, topics, ideas, and/or questions about what you would like to be brought up for consideration. And I know I'm perpetuating more hateration by putting myself out there like this. But, it's easy to sit back & criticize. It takes more effort to bring about change. I feel an obligation to help Chicago graff because I've already received so much from it. To paraphrase Paulo Freire, 'Genuine change can only come from within an oppressed community.'



wasent the old writers bench chicago in logan @ the eagle...

what hppent to that sense of camaraderie

we have our small little social circle but i think we need to branch

ayo im tired of this realized police state inferiority bullshit

whats happent and continuing in this city is wrong and its up to us to help change views

this is the city of wind* controversy traversal - peeps pass up importance

acity where mlk can get brickt at a peace walk

acity where blago loren-maltese daly and durbin can get gutter just like the rest

acity where racism and gentrification are norm

does anyone remember back inda 90s daly son had a college jam at his crib and shot someone

does anyone remember cta p walls

cta tokens

the hiphouse by brickyard

or level on the southside

ima 80s baby bread 90skidd always learnin from my older heads

respect and learntogrow


i second this ideology kane, im liken dat paulo freire qoute

m. u nite a ll c ity


code interview buffcity


i got something for you'





scottie pippen 'ladys lets have a party'


jordan vs jordan


mj doin his thang


money its gotta be the shoes





















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I've been listening. Those of you interested in an all-city meeting, tell me why you want this. I can try my best to secure a location and help facilitate a constructive discussion. PM me your reasons, topics, ideas, and/or questions about what you would like to be brought up for consideration. And I know I'm perpetuating more hateration by putting myself out there like this. But, it's easy to sit back & criticize. It takes more effort to bring about change. I feel an obligation to help Chicago graff because I've already received so much from it. To paraphrase Paulo Freire, 'Genuine change can only come from within an oppressed community.'


yo kane let me know when u up at this all city shit so i can put u behind me n my g fam when we stompin out them bitch niggas

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