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"NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly admitted that cops target blacks and Hispanics for the city's controversial "stop and frisk" program to keep guns off the street, a state lawmaker testified this morning.


State Sen. Eric Adams, D-Brooklyn, said Kelly made the startling admission during a July 2010 meeting in Manhattan with then-Gov. David Paterson and other officials.


Adams, a former NYPD captain, said he complained that a "disproportionate" number of blacks and Hispanics were being subjected to the controversial crime-fighting program.


According to Adams, Kelly "stated that he targeted or focused on that group because he wanted to instill fear in them that any time they leave their homes they could be targeted by police."


Robert Miller

NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly

Adams said he was "amazed" and "shocked" by Kelly's alleged remarks, adding: "I told him that was illegal."


He said Kelly responded by asking: "How else are we going to get rid of guns?"





"Mr. Lhota conspicuously changed gears, commandeering the steps of City Hall to deliver a blistering attack on his leading Democratic rival, Christine C. Quinn, for endorsing a new agency that would independently monitor the city’s Police Department.


Mr. Lhota denounced Ms. Quinn’s plan as “reckless and dangerous,” declared that it would “handcuff” the department, and demanded that she immediately withdraw her support for it.


And in a personal twist, he accused Ms. Quinn, the City Council speaker, of abdicating her responsibility to have the Council monitor the police force and instead seeking to offload the task to a new and unnecessary bureaucracy."






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