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you stuck listening to that old school stuff, while like 90

5 of them niggas are struggling to make a comeback on the main or underground scene. if they make good music the underground will embrace them and they would still be sucessful. dont talk about the "industry" holding them down because there are plenty of sucessful artist that have zero radio play. maybe they should go on smack lol. help promote there new album lol!



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Guest etchburns

dipz and goal and krak in the background




This post started as just another musing about something seen now and then: a car parked and unmoved for an extended period of time on a public street. It quickly morphed into a series of questions for which I have no real answers.


The car we’re speaking of is a black, luxury sedan, Chrysler L300, with Maryland plates. It has two rear flat tires and it’s on East 16 Street and Avenue Y, parked very close to a hydrant and a sign that says “No Parking Wednesday 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.” for, what seems like, more than a month.

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Guest etchburns



Emergency services, including firefighters and police emergency response units, flooded Nostrand Avenue between Avenue T and Avenue U today at 12:45 p.m. According to Gothamist Newsmap, they’re responding to a “Barricaded EDP” (emotionally disturbed person) call at 3302 Nostrand Avenue. Meanwhile other units were opening and testing every fire hydrant on the block.


We’ll update this story as more information becomes available. If you know anything, please e-mail us.

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Guest etchburns

abt in the cut like peroxide





Artist's rendering of completed station rehabilitation at Neck Road. The station will have wider platforms, larger stairwells, more exits, and vision panels.



Just one month shy of the first-year anniversary of construction at the Avenue U and Gravesend Neck Road train stations, the sites reek of the failures soon to ail the rest of the line.



For those who don’t take the train often, above is a photo of the Avenue U train station taken from the platform. They began putting up new frames that will hold the walls here and at the Neck Road train station earlier this week. Work began on the two stations in December 2008, and the MTA said that they finish the Coney Island-bound sides by the end of 2009. Then they’d switch to the Manhattan-bound side, polishing off the project in 2010.


Well, that was the original plan. The MTA changed the Brighton Line Rehabilitation website to reflect the fact that these sites ain’t gettin’ done on time. The tentative date for completion for the Coney Island-bound side is now “Early 2010″, and the full project will be done in “Early 2011.”


If you haven’t noticed, this is the same “Two year plan” that has been extended to the rest of the local stops between Newkirk Avenue and Kings Highway. One year work on the Coney Island side, then one year on the Manhattan side. Gee, you think they’ll honor those schedules?


By the by, for anyone keeping track, the MTA has not yet responded to our leaders’ requests for more information. Politicians and organizers for the area met with MTA officials a month ago to ask for alternatives to the work and guarantees of the timetable. MTA told them they would be in touch in a few days after they had gathered relevant data. Apparently there are delays on that, too.

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Guest etchburns

After a five-hour standoff, the police situation near the Brighton Beach Starbucks came to an abrupt and tragic end on Saturday, as police shot and killed Samuel White.


Police allege White kidnapped and raped an ex-girlfriend, who sparked the standoff by escaping out a window to the building’s roof after contacting relatives and informing them of her situation. When police arrived, White was holed up in the apartment with a kitchen knife. After five hours of negotiation, police entered the building to throw a remote viewing device, but White lunged at them and stabbed an officer. After a taser failed to stop him, police shot White five times. He was pronounced dead at Coney Island Hospital.


White reportedly had a long rap sheet, with 12 convictions. Five of those were related to his ex-girlfriend, including a previous abduction in which he took her to a Sheepshead Bay hotel.

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Guest etchburns

A gunman opened fire on two men as they swam for their lives in the waters off a Brooklyn beach on Saturday, killing one and critically wounding the other, cops and witnesses said.


The shooting began after an argument erupted on the docks of Venice Marina in Sheepshead Bay between three men.


When two of the men got on their boat, the third pulled a gun and started firing, witnesses said.


“They jumped out of the boat,” said Frank Dogali, 57, who was washing his boat after a day fishing with his son.


“He was shooting at them in the water,” he said. “The guy reloaded and started shooting again.”


When one of the men surfaced for air, the cold-blooded shooter was waiting.


“The guy stuck his head out of the water to get some air,” the witness said. “And the shooter startled him, ran around and pumped three shots into him.”


The shooter continued firing at the men until his pistol ran out of bullets. Then he grabbed his shirt and a knapsack and fled the scene, witnesses said.

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Guest etchburns



Although we’ve let a few f-bombs slip in the past, we try to keep the cussing to a minimum. Unless it’s really, really warranted. That being said: Fuck the MTA.


The stooges running our beloved transit system have decided to eliminate the B train’s express service north of Kings Highway for two years. Beginning in September, the MTA will begin work on five stations the will require local service. According to amNY:


Local trains will run on express tracks but will not skip the six stops the express currently bypasses.


Running the trains local will add up to seven minutes to straphangers’ commutes and cost the MTA $960,000 for the additional local service, according to transit documents.


“It’s never a good time for this,” said Doris Ortiz, district manager for Community Board 14 in Brooklyn. “It’s an inconvenience, but it’s worth it.”


The Avenue H and Avenue M stations also will be closed on alternating sides during the two years, and riders will have to take shuttle buses on weekends during part of the work.


Somehow this doesn’t make sense to me. If it’s about repairs to stations, why would they have to add more stops? Wouldn’t they need to eliminate stops? And if work is being done every day, why should this take two years? Couldn’t they divide the work up and do it station by station, or a couple of stations at a time – instead of the whole stretch?


I apologize, but I need to curse again. The MTA blows my fucking mind with their bullshit. One of the most corrupt, inept office’s in our government that constantly gets by on systematically screwing the customers, increasing price, and degrading service.


This isn’t just whining about my commute. I don’t have a commute. I work in Sheepshead Bay and only need to take the train to see friends. This is about a serious issue about the development of our neighborhood. The B express is a vital part of our community and our city.

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Guest etchburns

coser in the cut




Sure, we’ve known since last November that a Starbucks is moving in on Sheepshead Bay territory, but it wasn’t clear when. Well, the Seattle-based chain will be pushing its brand of coffee and pastries at Nostrand Avenue and Gravesend Neck Road sometime in December. The little building now under construction, pictured above, will only be part Starbucks. The java-brewer will take up the space on the far side from the corner, while the corner space will be another retail unit still to be decided.

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Guest etchburns

zer in the cut




Scaffolding and construction barriers at the new building being erected at 2979 Ocean Avenue at Avenue Z are expected to be removed this week, as the edifice nears completion.


The three-story mixed-use property will include five retail units on the first floor, and eight apartments on the two top floors. It previously was occupied by the John J. Healey Funeral Home, which served the area for several decades. According to a superintendent at the site, no units have been rented yet. There also appears to be several weeks worth of work to be done inside the building before it is complete.

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Guest etchburns



Those of you around Sheepshead Bay who have seen this mysterious “REDFISH SMOKING” flyer posted all around the neighborhood are probably confused about what it means. You’re not the only ones who are confused. The flyer is prompting questions about who is plastering them all over and even more importantly: Why?


On Lisanne Anderson’s Flickr page, where the photo was originally found, commenters are saying that it might be an unsuccessful viral marketing campaign. If it is to market something, then what?


There is a website called redfishsmoking, so it might be that they are just looking for hits. If so, the real hit they should expect is one to their wallet, in the form of a fine from the city.


These illegal and annoying posters definitely need to stop. I am only vaguely curious as to what the message “Redfish Smoking” means so that I can call these people out for their paper graffiti.


Illegal postings are not as “victimless” as they might seem. What about the business owner who now has to spend money, time and effort trying to clean this junk off the door?


If you know anything about this sign and the people who have perpetrated this ‘crime’, we advise you to call 3-1-1 or one of your local politicians. Or, maybe, we need to wait until they post the sign on every single pole on the block where one of our local politicians lives.

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Guest etchburns

wowwwwwwwww i remember when i was like 4 or 5 my grandma lived across the street from di faras and that dude dominick whiped up a fuckin extra cheese slice fore 1.25 and regular was $1.00. for god fuckin sakes that place was soo good.







After Coney Island’s Totonno’s Pizzeria burned down in March, we were devastated by the loss of a legendary pizzeria near our ‘hood. Now local pie-hunters are taking one more hit, as another celebrated dough tosser near our borders raises its prices to damn-near-unaffordable.


Di Fara Pizzeria (1424 Avenue J) in Midwood will now charge $5 for a regular slice, $25 for plain pies, $30 for square pies and special round pies, and $35 for special square pies. Additionally, the joint will be closed on Tuesdays as well as Mondays.

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Guest etchburns



The sticker above was seen pasted on the side of a literature bin near the B49 bus stop at the corner of East 17 St & Sheepshead Bay Road.

utz logo


It’s an advertisement for SLUTZ — literally! A visit to their website (no gratuitous links included, here) was a dead-end — but, their Myspace page indicated that this group of logo-copiers run nightclub events. They specialize in “tight-ass beats” marketed with a picture of a woman’s butt.


The logo they chose to “slut up” belongs to none other than the UTZ Quality Foods, Inc. snacks and potato chip company. The doctored logo does have a slight difference in the little girl’s hairline, but it is unmistakably the UTZ logo, otherwise.


First, we’re wondering why these event organizers feel the need to put their stickers on surfaces that don’t belong to them. Next, we’re interested in knowing if the UTZ snack company will get all “tight-ass” on them, maybe slice these SLUTZ up like potatoes and fry them in hot oil for ripping off their logo.


It’s a little bit of a harsh punishment, but maybe that would finally get the message out to these tightwad advertisers.

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in the year 2525

if man is still alive

if woman can survive

they may find...


in the year 3535

ain`t gonna need to tell the truth tell no lies

everything you think do and say

is in the pill you took today


in the year 4545

ain`t gonna need your teeth won`t need your eyes

you won`t find a thing to chew

nobody`s gonna look at you


in the year 5555

your arms are hanging limp at your sides

your legs got nothing to do

some machines doing that for you


in the year 6565

ain`t gonna need no husband won`t need no wife

you`ll pick your son pick your daughter too

from the bottom of a long glass tube


in the year 7510

if God`s a-comin` he ought to make it by then

maybe he`ll look around himself and say

`guess it`s time for the Judgement Day``


in the year 8510

God is gonna shake his mighty head

he`ll either say `I`m pleased where man has been``

or tear it down and start again


in the year 9595

I`m kinda wondering if man`s gonna be alive

he`s taken everything this old earth can give

and he ain`t put back nothing...


now it`s been 10,000 years

man has cried a billion tears

for what he never knew

now man`s reign is through


but through the eternal night

the twinkling of starlight

so very far away

maybe it`s only yesterday...


in the year 2525

if man is still alive

if woman can survive

they may find...


in the year 3535

ain`t gonna need to tell the truth tell no lies

everything you think do or say

is in the pill you took today

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