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This thread should be entitled "How to breed your own domestic anti-government terrorist threat".


Heroes are only useful for a certain period of time. After that, they just become another hand asking for more. Pretty disgusting.


reminds me of vietnam. disposable people, as you said.

i wrote my congressman last night, and this morning, i called his office and left

a message.


this video really did it for me. i can't stand to see a person who has sacrificed everything for

a country of people break down and cry because he doesn't know what else to do or how to get the treatment he needs and deserves. just think, 3,000 on one day, another 3 million in the next few years.


thanks to the bitches who said the air was safe....assholes. (meanwhile FEMA shows up in space suits).


p.s.: i'm not just talk, i'm planning on donating some money to the first responders via the feel good foundation.

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I thought you were a thoroughbred libertarian of Ron Paul stock casek what is this commie pinko federal pension shit you're trying to pull for these guys? you're just making a welfare state, they'll never get better if they rely on the government for handouts, the free market will fix the problem, bla bla bla bla

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yeah, i think he was trying to finish his sentence and got sidetracked. he was indeed a first responder on 9/11, a police officer.


look, i am fully in support of ron paul and his ideas. my reasoning for supporting anything like this is as follows:


we pay our troops and police to protect and serve our country. when they get hurt or sick serving this nation, serving people they don't even know while risking life and limb, they deserve something from us. what is it that they deserve? our support spiritually, physically, and financially.


just think about what this man selflessly did for our nation on that day. he ran head first into a situation where he did not know if he would live or die, just to try and save his fellow countrymen.


i don't know how you can watch that man break down and cry because he doesn't know how his family is going to be cared for after he dies from something he acquired on 9/11. still being selfless.


dude, i like you yum, but i'd punch you in the face irl for that shit you just said.

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yeah then id send you to hospital irl tough guy ;)


what do you mean he got distracted he actually says he was suffering from all this shit over a year before 9/11 happened.


and i agree that these people should be helped ut by the government, not because hes a cop or in the army or anything but because i believe all people should be helped out if they're sick/dying, however it is really inconsistent for your argument agaisnt pretty much everything to be that it's 'not written in the constitution therefore wrong' and then to come along and say just because you happen to sympathise with this one group of people that it is ok to 'steal money from everyone else' to pay for his medical bill.

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yeah then id send you to hospital irl tough guy ;)


what do you mean he got distracted he actually says he was suffering from all this shit over a year before 9/11 happened.


and i agree that these people should be helped ut by the government, not because hes a cop or in the army or anything but because i believe all people should be helped out if they're sick/dying, however it is really inconsistent for your argument agaisnt pretty much everything to be that it's 'not written in the constitution therefore wrong' and then to come along and say just because you happen to sympathise with this one group of people that it is ok to 'steal money from everyone else' to pay for his medical bill.


uh huh.



no, the guy got sick after he 9/11.


as far as the pensions, i don't like that such things have to be depended on by people, i don't like that at all, but this man is a hero, all the first responders are heros. they deserve such treatment. and yeah, i'm sorry it has to be asked for form the government, but the people just aren't doing anything about it.

sure, it would be nice if the news covered it and people in the u.s. did as they did to help the victims of the typhoons in asia and donated money and supplies. it's just not happening. if the news covered first responders dying right now, that would wreck the whole story. it would bring up questions officials are not willing to answer. it would also leave the news media looking like assholes.

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sounds like there needs to be some kind of government safety net so shit like that doesnt happen hey?



it makes me think that our government really doesn't care about the people who serve in its defense after the news cameras are turned off and the scare campaign is petering out.


a safety net i don't know about. i don't trust our government when it comes to money and handing it out. seems like too many of the wrong people (corporations) get it instead of the people who need it.


i honestly wish i knew how to solve all the problems, but i don't and i won't pretend to know the answers. all i know is what i see here, what i've been seeing. cops, firemen, rescue workers who got sick from what the encountered due to the EPA head and the whitehouse

lying about conditions being safe in the days following.


it makes me physically hurt inside and very sad to see our country in the state it is in now.

may god help us all because i'm not so sure we can depend on humans anymore.

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  • 1 year later...

Casek they don't care.


All of the people that rushed down there to help should be covered, completely.


Especially because of the lies that were spread. "Yea, the air is OKAY!"


I was just reading a story in the Daily News today about this exact issue. Words can't describe how angry this makes me.

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the first id saw of the first responders was on youtube, then i saw it again in SiCKO. i kind of think that in a event like 9/11 the people that went down should be covered without exception, if they have proof of being down there, they should receive medical benefits. but thats not gonna happen anytime soon.poor people,damn, i pray for them.

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it makes me think that our government really doesn't care about the people who serve in its defense after the news cameras are turned off and the scare campaign is petering out.


a safety net i don't know about. i don't trust our government when it comes to money and handing it out. seems like too many of the wrong people (corporations) get it instead of the people who need it.


i honestly wish i knew how to solve all the problems, but i don't and i won't pretend to know the answers. all i know is what i see here, what i've been seeing. cops, firemen, rescue workers who got sick from what the encountered due to the EPA head and the whitehouse

lying about conditions being safe in the days following.


it makes me physically hurt inside and very sad to see our country in the state it is in now.

may god help us all because i'm not so sure we can depend on humans anymore.


The thin veil of nationalism.

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