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Ottawa 613 - Capital City


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I don't think anyone should be suprised by this. We all watched the city buff absurd spots and bulid that idiotic fence in an effort to inflate the "cost of grafitti". So, when the study was finialized, councillors could point to a ridiculously high ammount - so as to persude people into seeing things the city's way.

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Once the winter blows in thew buff will be MUCH less consistent due to unsafe work conditions and the buffers being to cold to wipe a tag off a box, its ottawa, live with it.




Those "buffers" are private contracted workers. They recieve hazard pay for removing graffiti from dangerous spots, not to mention that they're on ladders and in cherry pickers so risk is greatly reduced. They aren't climbing up poles and holding onto ledges like writers. . The weather has very little bearing on their ability to do their job.

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