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omar bin laden says his father is sorry for the 911 attack


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::you have said nothing factual,::



Funny how I added the proof, and people still try and deny it hahaha


I posted photos of actual Federal documents, and still people do not want to believe.


I've posted photos of these people walking around in Nazi uniforms and still they want to deny it.


I've posted articles from the Washington post, and some people still want to deny it.



I posted photos of little kids being burned up with Mk77, and some people still want to deny it.


Hell I backed up everything I have typed with proof.


After everything I added and some people still say I have not said anything Factual......they have to be some redneck racists that believe white people are the master race and want to kill off all other races.


Go scream your white power somewhere else you racist pigs.

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::Re: haha how fucking ridiculous - Today, 01:58 AM




Yup. It's all a conspiracy to get government subsidies for African condoms.::





Apprently your the one that fail......you proved my theory correctly when you typed that.....like I said before, go scream your white power somewhere else you racist pig.

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::Re: haha how fucking ridiculous - Today, 01:58 AM




Yup. It's all a conspiracy to get government subsidies for African condoms.::



Apprently your the one that fail......you proved my theory correctly when you typed that.....like I said before, go scream your white power somewhere else you racist pig.


Who are you to talk to me? For one that was in jest, but more to the point it was in a thread about condoms which helps prevents the transmission of HIV which Africa has a lot of.


Crossfire is so full of you noob nut jobs I can't beleive I started posting here again.

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Noob hahaha. I've been coming to this board long before you.

I've been painting graffiti since 1989, I have been coming to the yards since the mid 80's.

Me, susan Ferral, Schmoo, and Ion was the foundations for Art crimes.

Sorry but your the noob.



But anyway I'm going to go ahead and prove without a doubt how opium plays a part and how it's connected to George Bush.

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I guess I'll start by introduceing you the the "Zapata Corporation", it is a holding company based in Rochester, New York and originating from an oil company started by a group including the former United States president George H. W. Bush. Various writers have found links between the company and the United States Central Intelligence Agency.


go ahead look it up I'll wait.



Remember a little thing called the "Iran-Contra affair"


Maholy alleged that Zapata Off-Shore was used as part of a CIA drug-smuggling ring to pay for arming Nicaraguan Contras in 1986-1988, including Rodriguez, Eugene Hasenfus and others. Mahony claims Zapata's oil rigs were used as staging bases for drug shipments, allegedly named "Operation Whale Watch." Mahony allegedly worked for Naval Intelligence, US State Department and CIA for two decades.


go ahead look up the "Iran-Contra affair" I'll wait.

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Now let me introduce you to company called "Russell and Company".


go ahead and look it up I'll wait.



In 1823, Samuel Russell established Russell and Company with the purpose of buying opium in Turkey (formerly known as Persia), and smuggling opium into China. Russell and Company has dealings with the Perkins Syndicate in 1830. Russell and Perkins merged and made a fortune together.


Thomas Perkins was America's first and foremost opium dealer. The Appletons, Cabots, Endicotts, Hoopers, Higginsons, Jacksons, Lowells, Lawrences, Phillipse's, and Saltonstalls were all related to Perkins.


go ahead and look up these people, I'll wait.



William Huntington Russell was a founding member of Yale's "Order of the Skull and Bones/S&B" in 1833. William H. Russell was Samuel's cousin. William studied in Germany from 1831-1832. When William Russell returned to Yale in 1832, he founded a "Society" with Alphonso Taft (S&B 1833). Alphonso was the father of President William Howard Taft (1857-1930) (S&B 1878). Robert Taft, the son of William Howard Taft was also a Yale graduate.


George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegal was endoctrinated with the philosophy taught by Immanuel Kant. George W. F. Hegal taught principles rooted in Fascism and Communism. Scull and Bones ( Original spelling) was founded at Yale in 1832. William H. Russell was Yale class valedictorian in 1832. The members of his new society ( skull and bones) was restricted to 15 members. This group is only at Yale University. Their motto: Bari Quippe Boni.


Go ahead and look these people up, I'll wait.

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Both T. H. Perkins and opium kingpin Joseph Russell became extremely prominent merchants as a result of their shipping business.


President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's grandfather was Warren Delano, Jr. Warren hailed from Canton, Ohio, and was Chief of Operations at Russell and Company.


Go ahead and look up "Warren Delano", I'll wait.



Prescott Bush, George Bush sr, and George Bush jr was all part of this elite

Skull and Bones group.



Prescott Bush after being found guilty by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt

of the Trading with the enemy act, he went to Texas and invested in the

Oil company which is still in the Bush family.


This oil company Started the Zapata Corpation.


Zapata Corparation was said to have been loading Opium inside oil rigs

and this became known as the Iran-Contra affair.

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Remember Bush and kerry fighting to be president???


Well lets look at them two.


Senator John Kerry, Became Skull and Bones member in 1966.


President George Walker Bush, Became skull and bones member in 1968.



Lets look at George Bush Sr.

Notice the Cia connections.



George Herbert Walker Bush, Skull and Bones member in 1948:


was born and raised in Greenwich, Connecticut.

His parents were Prescott Sheldon Bush and his wife Dorothy.


was schooled at Phillips Andover Academy and Yale where he graduated in 1948.


U.S. House of Representative from Texas' Twelfth District in 1966.

William Stamps Farish III managed all George Bush's personal wealth in a "blind trust." Farish was one of the richest men in Texas.


Henry Neil Mallon gave Bush the chance to learn the oil business. He later owned Zapata Oil that drilled in the Gulf of Mexico.


Under President Gerald Ford, he was the head of the U.S. Liasons Office in Beijing, China.

CIA Director until 1977.

The CIA's operation against Cuba would be called "Operation Zapata," since they used his business as their base of operation.


Vessels used in Cuba were called "Barbara" and "Houston."


Son John E. "Jeb" Bush (1933- ) was Florida Governor in 1998.

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Lets look further in how Kerry plays a role.


John Heinz (1844-1919), Skull and Bones member in 1931.


a businessman, in 1876 he formed F & J Heinz Company to market pickles, horseradish, ketchup, baked beans, sauces, and soups.

his company was reorganized in 1888 as H.J. Heinz Company. It's slogan was "57 Varieties."

John Heinz, his son, was killed in a plane crash in April 1991, and John Tower was killed within a few hours of John Heinz.


Sarah Heinz Settlement HOuse was founded in Pittsburg, PA.

John Heinz III married Teresa Simones Ferreira, the daughter of a Portuguese family in Mozambique. She then married Senator John Kerry.


And just a little bit of information, In 1942 the Heinz family was charged in

Franklin d Roosevelt's tradeing with the enemy act along with Prescott Bush.

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If you do NOT know what that document means then let me




President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas, at 12:30 p.m. Central

Standard Time on November 22, 1963, while on a political trip to Texas. He was

pronounced dead at 1:00 p.m.



To his own admission, this document places Bush IN Dallas for the remainder of the day and night of November 22, 1963. He is implicating a political activist (James Parrott) in the process. Why did Bush want to keep his telephone call confidential? And why does he not remember it? Why did he give his warning AFTER the assassination, if he thought Parrott was a serious threat for Kennedy in Houston? Kennedy had just visited Houston the day before ! And why are the sources of this hearsay information unknown? Who told him this, if anyone? Or is this just a document to furnish Bush with an alibi and plausible denial? Thirty years later the same James Parrott that Bush was accusing was working on Bush's presidential campaign against Bill Clinton.

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Cuba and the Bay of Pigs Invasion


Prior to Kennedy's election to the presidency, the Eisenhower Administration created a plan to overthrow the Fidel Castro regime in Cuba. Central to such a plan, which was structured and detailed by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) with minimal input from the United States Department of State, was the arming of a counter-revolutionary insurgency composed of anti-Castro Cubans. U.S.-trained Cuban insurgents were to invade Cuba and instigate an uprising among the Cuban people in hopes of removing Castro from power. On April 17, 1961, Kennedy ordered the previously planned invasion of Cuba to proceed. With support from the CIA, in what is known as the Bay of Pigs Invasion, 1,500 U.S.-trained Cuban exiles, called "Brigade 2506," returned to the island in the hope of deposing Castro. However, Kennedy ordered the invasion to take place without U.S. air support. By April 19, 1961, the Cuban government had captured or killed the invading exiles, and Kennedy was forced to negotiate for the release of the 1,189 survivors. The failure of the plan originated in a lack of dialog among the military leadership, a result of which was the complete lack of naval support in the face of organized artillery troops on the island who easily incapacitated the exile force as it landed on the beach.After 20 months, Cuba released the captured exiles in exchange for $53 million worth of food and medicine. The incident was a major embarrassment for Kennedy, but he took full personal responsibility for the debacle. Furthermore, the incident made Castro wary of the U.S. and led him to believe that another invasion would occur.


Lets stop and take a look at this.


Bush allowed the escape of a convicted terrorist from prison to go to work for him as an undercover CIA asset in Iran-Contra.


- Bush has released another convicted terrorist.


- Both these terrorists were present on Dealey Plaza on 11/22/1963.


- Both these terrorists were convicted for killing 73 people by blowing up an airliner.


- Bush is personal friends with a close associate of these convicted terrorists, who was also a participant in Iran Contra.

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Now we know the warren comission was invovled in "finding"

JFK's killer, we know the Warren Comission is Skull and Bones members.


We know the CIA was created thru Skull and Bones members.


So lets just get back to how opium plays a role.


Many of our ambassadors to China, since Nixon opened-up China have been Skull & Bones. Including the first Chief U. S. Liaison Officer to the Peoples Republic of China, George Bush.


Why all this interest in China? Well, China, among other things, is the largest producer and user of opiates on the world.


For a while, in the 1800s, the Yankee Clippers, out of Connecticut and Massachusetts, were the fastest ship on the ocean. Whomever made the trip from Turkey/India to Macao/ Hong Kong/ Shanghai first got the most for their goods.


During the Opium Wars, the U. S. chose to stand on the sidelines and cheer for the English and French; knowing because of treaty obligations, the U. S. would share in the spoils. Russell and Company, was sometimes the only trading house operating in Canton and advantageously used the opportunity to form strong commercial ties and handsome profits. And " . . . there were powerful national interests behind the drug trade, . . .

American traders as a body were badly in need of some article the Chinese would buy, since the seal breeding-grounds by now were almost wiped out. If Chinese had not bought opium from Americans, then United States imports of silk, porcelain and tea would have to paid in coin. But there wasn't enough silver available . . .".


Later, in 1843, when the Port of Shanghai was opened, Russell and Co. was one of its earliest traders.


In 1903, Yale Divinity School set up a program of schools and hospitals. Mao Zedong was among the staff. During the intrigues of China in the '30's and '40's, American intelligence called upon the resources of "Yale in China", and George Bush's cousin and fellow "Bonesman" Reuben Holden.


After stints as UN Ambassador and Chairman of the Republican National Committee for the beleaguered Nixon ,George Bush, was sent to look after the "China" trade. He and his family are, still, very much involved with economic activity in "Red" China


Many people contend, that, George Bush has been with CIA since the early fifties and one of his jobs was to consolidate and co-ordinate the worldwide narcotics trade, which happens to be the largest trade on this planet. There are those, who say, the Vietnam "Police Action" was a cover for that consolidation.


Before the Vietnam "War", the Golden Triangle was run by French Intelligence and Corsican mobsters, during, and since the "war" the triangle has been run by US Intelligence, with aid from Scillian mobsters. This is well documented in The Politics of Heroin in S. E. Asia by Alfred McCoy, The Great Heroin Coup by Henrik Kruger and Double-Cross by Sam & Chuck Giancana.


Vice-President, George Bush, as Chairman of President Reagan's cabinet level working group and as the Director of the National Narcotics Interdiction System was the highest U. S. governmental official in the "war on drugs".


Frances Mullen, Jr., the head of the Drug Enforcement Agency(DEA), in 1984 said Bush's efforts were "an intellectual fraud" and "a liability rather than an asset". Soon, Mullen resigned and the resultant General Accounting Office(GAO) report was buried.


In July, 1985, that suppressed GAO paper, reported, there were


" . . .no benefits from the National Narcotics Border Interdiction System,

directed by George Bush. In fact, the overall effect was to encourage supply . . ."


Monika Jensen-Stevenson, a "60 Minutes" producer quit her job after "60 Minutes" wouldn't let her tell the story she uncovered. Her book, Kiss The Boys Goodbye , relates how our intelligence community used the apparatus of the POW/MIA governmental agencies as a cover for the trafficking of opiates from the "Golden Triangle" .


President Reagan appointed, Ross Perot, to the President's Advisory Council on Foreign Intelligence. Reagan made Ross, a special presidential investigator, looking into America's POW and MIAs from the Vietnam "War".


Ross took it to heart and spent time and money in pursuit of the quest. He was given special clearance and access. He asked questions and interviewed everyone he could find.


From Kiss The Boys Goodbye :


Relations between Bush and Perot had gone downhill ever since the Vice-President had asked Ross Perot how his POW/MIA investigations were going.


"Well, George, I go in looking for prisoners," said Perot, "but I spend all my time discovering the government has been moving drugs around the world and is involved in illegal arms deals. . . .I can't get at the prisoners because of the corruption among our own people."


This ended Perot's official access to the highly classified files as a one-man presidential investigator. "I have been instructed to cease and desist," he had informed the families of missing men early in 1987.


The wholesale importation of cocaine into the U. S., during "Iran/Contra" is also well documented and, George Bush, is shown "to be in the loop" with many of the players keeping in contact directly with his office.


Narcotics, such as cocaine and heroin, cannot be made without the precursor chemicals. The largest maker, of these precursor chemicals, is the E. J. Lilly Company of Indianapolis, Indiana. The Quayle family is a large stockholder; George Bush, has been on the Board of Directors. E. J. Lilly is also the company that first synthesized LSD, so the CIA could have a unlimited supply for their fun and games.


A story in, Defrauding America , by Rodney Stich, tells about a "deep-cover CIA officer", of a counter-intelligence unit, code-named, Pegasus. This unit "had tape-recordings of plans to assassinate Kennedy".

The tapes were from a tap on the phone of J. Edgar Hoover. The people on the tapes were - "[Nelson] Rockefeller, Allen Dulles, [Lyndon] Johnson of Texas, George Bush and J. Edgar Hoover."


Could George Bush be involved in the JFK assassination?


In 1963, George was living in Houston, the "busy" president of Zapata Offshore. There was a note sent by the FBI's J. Edgar Hoover to "Mr. George Bush of the CIA" that was denied by George H. W. Bush. The CIA said they never commented on employment questions. Then, the CIA, relented and said, well, okay, just this once, we will tell you who this George Bush is; he is this, "other", George Bush.


Well, some intrepid reporters tracked the "other", George Bush, down; he was just a lowly clerk shuffling papers, worked for about six months and, said, he never got any inter-agency messages from anybody at the FBI, let alone the Queen Mary.


It is also interesting that a CIA code word for Bay of Pigs was Operation Zapata and that two of the support vessels were named Barbara and Houston.


Many say, George, was high up on the CIA ladder, at the time, running proprietorial vehicles and in a commanding position, responsible for many of the Cubans recruited into "service" at the time. All through the Iran-Contra affair, Felix Rodriguez(The guy who captured and had Che Guevara killed for the CIA.), seemed to always call Bush's office first.


From The Realist, (Summer, 1991):


"A newly discovered FBI document reveals that, George Bush was directly involved in the 1963 murder of President John Kennedy. The document places Bush working with the now-famous CIA agent, Felix Rodriguez, recruiting right-wing Cuban exiles for the invasion of Cuba. It was Bush's CIA job to organize the Cuban community in Miami for the invasion. The Cubans were trained as marksmen by the CIA. Bush at that time lived in Texas. Hopping from Houston to Miami weekly, Bush spent 1960 and '61 recruiting Cubans in Miami for the invasion. . . .


George Bush claims he never worked for the CIA until he was appointed Director, by former Warren Commission director and then president Jerry Ford, in 1976. Logic suggests that is highly unlikely. Of course, Bush has a company duty to deny being in the CIA. The CIA is a secret organization. No one ever admits to being a member. The truth is that Bush has been a top CIA official since before the 1961 invasion of Cuba, working with Felix Rodriguez. Bush may deny his actual role in the CIA in 1959, but there are records in the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba that expose Bush's role. . . .


On the Watergate tapes, June 23, 1972, referred to in the media as the 'smoking gun' conversation, Nixon and his Chief of Staff, H.R. Haldeman, were discussing how to stop the FBI investigation into the CIA Watergate burglary.


They were worried that the investigation would expose their connection to "the Bay of Pigs thing." Haldeman, in his book The Ends of Power, reveals that Nixon always used code words when talking about the 1963 murder of JFK.

Haldeman said Nixon would always refer to the assassination as 'the Bay of Pigs.'


On that transcript we find Nixon discussing the role of George Bush's partner, Robert Mosbacher, as one of the Texas fundraisers for Nixon. On the tapes Nixon keeps referring to the 'Cubans' and the 'Texans.' The 'Texans' were Bush, Mosbacher and Baker. This is another direct link between Bush and evidence linking Nixon and Bush to the Kennedy assassination."


So, why would an intelligence agency/secret society want to smuggle drugs and assassinate JFK?


Well, they make a lot of money, they garner intelligence assets with their participation. And there is the rationale, that, the world is a seamy and unseemly place and if your going to be the "big boy" on the block, you better know, what's going on. And what better way of knowing, than by running it yourself. Also there are some, who say, it fits into their plans to de-stabilize American families and society. Through demoralizing and

fracturing the body politic, they, can impose their will using psychological warfare and the Hegellian dialectic process.


James Shelby Downard's, article Sorcery, Sex, Assassination and the Science of Symbolism , an underground classic, links American historical events with a wild, numerological, grand occult plan "to turn us into cybernetic mystery zombies". That, the assassination of JFK, was the performance of a public occult ritual(The Killing of the King), designed as a mass-trauma, mind-control assault against our US national body-politic.


In operations, - Sunrise, Blowback and Paperclip and others , thousands of German scientists, researchers and administrators were brought to the United States after World War II. Many were "smuggled" into the country against direct, written, orders from President Harry S. Truman.


Project Monarch, was the resumption of a mind-control project, started in Nazi Germany, called Marionette Programming. "The basic component of the Monarch Program is the sophisticated manipulation of the mind, to protect itself from extreme trauma by creating Multiple Personality Disorder(MPD)."


Mr. Downward, feels that the, perpetrators, purposefully, murdered JFK, in such a way as, to affect our National identity and cohesiveness. To fracture America's soul. Even the blatancy of their conspiracy was designed to show "their superiority" and "our futility".


There have been studies that show a correlation between the JFK assassination and to rise in violence in society, distrust of government and other extensions of social ills.


Why this attack against our body politic?


A bolt of lightning struck a courier, in 1785, en route from Frankfort-on-the-Main to Paris. Adam Weishopf's tract, ORIGINAL SHIFT IN DAYS OF ILLUMINATIONS, recovered from the dead messenger, contained the secret society's long-range plan for "The New World Order through world revolution".


The Bavarian Government outlawed the society and, in 1787, published the details of The Illuminati conspiracy in: THE ORIGINAL WRITINGS OF THE ORDER AND SECT OF THE ILLUMINATI.


In Adam Weishaupt's own words:


"By this plan, we shall direct all mankind in this manner. And, by the simplest means, we shall set all in motion and in flames. The occupations must be so allotted and contrived that we may, in secret, influence all political transactions."


There is disagreement among scholars as to whether or not the Illuminati survived its banishment. Nevertheless, the group had been quite successful in attracting members and had allied itself with the extensive Masonic networks.


The Illuminati was, publicly, founded May 1, 1776 at the University of Ingolstadt by Professor of Canon Law, Adam Weishaupt. It was a very "learned" society, the "earliest members of Weishaupt's new order were drawn from among his students."


On December 5, 1776, students at William and Mary College founded a secret society, Phi Beta Kappa. A second chapter was formed, at Yale, in 1780. The anti-Masonic movement of the 1820s held groups, such as, Phi Beta Kappa, in a bad light. Because of pressure, the society, went public and this ". . . was the direct cause of the appearance of Yale's senior society, Skull & Bones".


In The Cyclopedia Of Fraternities, a Genealogical Chart of General, Greek-Letter, College Fraternities In The United States, shows, Phi Beta Kappa, as "the parent of all the fraternal systems in [American] higher education. There is only one "side" lineal descendant, that, is to Yale in 1780. Then a continuous line to Skull and Bones in 1832 and on through the other "only at Yale" senior societies, Scroll & Key and Wolf's Head.


Phi Beta Kappa, is the "first three Greek letters, for 'Philosophia Biou Kubernetes' or 'Love of wisdom, the helmsman of life'. A skull homophone is scull, a quick, gliding boat and part of Skull & Bones first nomenclature.


John Robinson, a professor of natural philosophy, at Edinburgh University in Scotland, and a member of a Freemason Lodge, says, he was asked to join the Illuminati. . After study, he concluded the purposes of the Illuminati were not for him.


In 1798, he published a book called Proofs Of A Conspiracy :


"An association has been formed for the express purpose of rooting out all the religious establishments and overturning all the existing governments. . . . the leaders would rule the World with uncontrollable power, while all the rest would be employed as tools of the ambition of their unknown superiors."


Proofs of A Conspiracy , was sent to George Washington. In a letter, responding to the sender of the book, the president, said, he was aware the Illuminati were in America; he felt that Illuminati had "diabolical tenets" and that their object was "a separation of the People from their government."


In Proofs Of A Conspiracy , Robinson, printed the ceremony of initiation of the "Regent degree" in Illuminism, in it "a skeleton is pointed out to him [the initiate], at the feet of which are laid a crown and a sword. He is asked 'whether that is the skeleton of a king, nobleman or a beggar.' As he cannot decide, the president of the meeting says to him, 'The character of being a man is the only one that is importance'".


This is, essentially, the same as the writing in the "tomb",


"Wer war der Thor, wer Weiser, Bettler oder Kaiser?

Ob Arm, ob Reich, im Tode gleich,"


this reads,


"Who was the fool, who the wise man, beggar or king?

Whether poor or rich, all's the same in death."


Is the Order of the Skull & Bones part of the Illuminati?


When a person is initiated into Skull & Bones, they are given a new name, similar to the practice of the Illuminati. And many recorded Illuminati members can be shown to have contact and/or strong influences with many of the professors that taught "Bonesmen" in Berlin.


Now, when a secret society conspires against the sovereignty of a king, they need to organize, raise funds, bring their plans operational and hopefully fruition.


Could we have in the U. S., a secret society, that has used the "National Security State" as a cover for their nefarious plans?


From George Bush; The Unauthorized Biography :


"That September ['51], Robert Lovett replaced Marshall as secretary of defense. Meanwhile, Harriman was named director of the Mutual Security Agency, making him the U.S. chief of the Anglo-American military alliance. By now, Brown Brothers Harriman was everything but commander-in-chief.


A central focus of the Harriman security regime in Washington (1950-53) was the organization of covert operations, and "psychological warfare." Harriman, together with his lawyers and business partners, Allen and John Foster Dulles, wanted the government's secret services to conduct extensive propaganda campaigns and mass-psychology experiments within the U.S.A., and paramilitary campaigns abroad. . . .


The Harriman security regime created the Psychological Strategy Board (PSB) in 1951. The man appointed director of the PSB, Gordon Gray . . . Gordon's brother, R.J. Reynolds chairman Bowman Gray Jr., was also a naval intelligence officer, known around Washington as the "founder of operational intelligence." Gordon Gray became a close friend and political ally of Prescott Bush; and Gray's son became for Prescott's son, George, his lawyer and the shield of his covert policy."


So you have the Whitney/Stimson/Bundy clan and the Harriman/Bush boys having a great impact on American and world political, economical and social affairs and then you have Prescott Bush's, buddy, Nixon as an activist vice-president. Then, a nation-chilling assassination, some time under LBJ, (with the Bundy boys keeping things in line), then Nixon as President(with "Bonesmen aides Ray Price('??) and Richard A. Moore. Some time out for a Trilateralist-Democrat-patsy-President and then Prescott's boy, as an activist vice-president under Reagan. Next, we get a Skull & Bones, president, who declares a "New World Order", while beating-up "on" his business partner, Sadaam Hussein.


After twelve years of Republicans, Bush, passes on the "game" to his drug smuggling buddy from Arkansas, Bill Clinton, who studied Yale Law School.



Pamela Churchill Harriman, Averil's wife, is one of Democrat's biggest fund-raiser's and gave Bill a job as director of her "PAM PAC" when he was defeated for governor in 1980. Bill made her Ambassador to France.


Another Harriman/Bush friend is, Eugene Stetson(Skull and bones member '34), he was an assistant manager for Prescott Bush at Brown Brothers, Harriman's New York office. He organized the H. Smith Richardson Foundation. The foundation, in the late 1950s, participated in the "domestic-covert" "psychological warfare" CIA "MK-Ultra" operation. The Richardson Foundation helped to finance the testing of "psychotropic drugs including LSD" at Massachusetts, Bridgewater Hospital , "the center of some of the most brutal MK-Ultra tortures."


During the Iran-Contra operations, the H. Smith Richardson Foundation was a "private donors steering committee", working with the National Security Council to co-ordinate the office of "Public Diplomacy". This was an effort "to propagandize in favor of and run cover for the Iran-Contra operations, and to coordinate published attacks on opponents of the program."



After, Antony Sutton's first ground-breaking exposes, the Sterling Library at Yale "has refused to allow further researchers access to the Russell Trust papers".

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I guess I'll have to go even deeper,


How about when George W Bush's homebody in the Cia was convicted of drug

smuggleing and turned informant on the Columbian cocaine people.

And then he got murdered.



Yeah bet ya'll did not even know about that huh.

And yes you heard me right, Barry Seals was Convicted (not only accused but




Barry Seal, Check that one out.


He flew in over 5 billion dollars worth of cocaine between 1981 to 1986 known as

the "Mena" drug scandal, thats right you heard me right Mena, arkansas

(Bill clinton).








Oh he was linked directly to George bush and Bill Clinton.

PBS did a story about this guy as well:

"PBS’s Frontline: Thirty Years of America’s Drug War: A Chronology"


And he was behind in taxes over 80 million dollars, yea you got me

right 80 million dollars in back taxes.



How quick people forget about the 1980's.

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Them are REAL miliatry documents.


And if you do not understand what it means,


Code named Operation Northwoods, the plan, which had the written approval of the Chairman and every member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, called for innocent people to be shot on American streets; for boats carrying refugees fleeing Cuba to be sunk on the high seas; for a wave of violent terrorism to be launched in Washington, D.C., Miami, and elsewhere. People would be framed for bombings they did not commit; planes would be hijacked. Using phony evidence, all of it would be blamed on Castro, thus giving Lemnitzer and his cabal the excuse, as well as the public and international backing, they needed to launch their war.




Yeah you got that right.


Now I added the official Military document proof of this,

so there is no way you can say I am making this up.


Struggle struggle struggle, 9/11 was a inside job.

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