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Michael Vick Gets Pwned


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and most celebrities who "encourage" hardcore drugs are usually shunned upon by the general public.


and as for the celebs who are smoking weed..who gives a fuck.




i cant believe *some people still think pot is a "drug". i wish i could punch those people in the face

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ok, anybody who tries to say that they were "influenced" by someone else to do drugs is a fucking piece of shit



people should just owe up to their own actions. nobody tied you off, and put that needle in your arm



Are you trying to tell me that rich, spoiled, stupid sluts like Paris Hilton have not influenced a huge amount of the youngest generation to become stupid, spoiled sluts? Because that is just not the case. And tons of people get influenced to do drugs. Tons. They just don't want to admit it because they have too much pride.

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Guest shai_hulud
Yo Shai, are you vegan?


Not right now. Too poor.


Raised vegetarian. Animal activist for a long, long time. But not PETA, or ALF, or anything organized. I just follow my conscience.


My big gripe with this guy (besides dogfighting) is that he was handed an opportunity that very, very few people get. And, he fucked it off...for what? He had MILLIONS of dollars. With that kind of money, you can do whatever you want.


But, NO. He had to keep it trill, or whatever. He is a sick motherfucker. He could have gotten help, but he chose to indulge his sickness. That's what makes my blood boil.


He had options. He chose to torture animals. I feel that he deserves much worse than what he got.

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oh please, so i guess everybody who listens to black metal goes out and burns churches??


people who can't own up to their own actions piss me off.



That is completely different. Black Metal bands and Ozzy Osbourne use their music as a way of self-expression. Completely different.


And I do think that far too many kids are smoking pot like there is no tomorrow. There are a lot that can handle it and go about their daily business and be useful to society, but too many just sit around and smoke all day and do nothing, and just want to be rappers.



What is really troubling is that the politicians, the people who run our country, get off scot-free for far worse crimes.

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who does a drug because a celebrity did it?



most people will tell you the reason they did the drug was to get HIGH



edit: i belive thats the fucking main reason why people use drugs right??




Are you kidding? Of course they use it to get high, but seeing other people get high is what wants to make them get high. Especially if that person is some rich, successful celebrity. I'm not saying this is the case with all people, but you are ignorant if you do not think that people are influenced to use drugs by other people, or that peer pressure is just a myth. I myself have convinced many people to get stoned, literally begged them to smoke pot with me when I was a teenager, and they did.

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Are you trying to tell me that rich, spoiled, stupid sluts like Paris Hilton have not influenced a huge amount of the youngest generation to become stupid, spoiled sluts? Because that is just not the case. And tons of people get influenced to do drugs. Tons. They just don't want to admit it because they have too much pride.


Paris Hilton is just a dumb broad. Dumb broads are a dime a dosen. With or without Paris Hilton in the lime light.


If you think people actually try to emulate Paris hilton then you're a fucking idiot.


Also, she was only convicted of DUI and driving without a license. Not raping babies. What's your hardon with this broad?

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Are you kidding? Of course they use it to get high, but seeing other people get high is what wants to make them get high. Especially if that person is some rich, successful celebrity. I'm not saying this is the case with all people, but you are ignorant if you do not think that people are influenced to use drugs by other people, or that peer pressure is just a myth. I myself have convinced many people to get stoned, literally begged them to smoke pot with me when I was a teenager, and they did.


Are you a celebrity?



Yea your right, your friends can definately influence you to do shit because you actually give a shit about what your friends think (I personally don't), and this junkie cunt i dated in highschool got me to even shoot up a few times but i quickly realized how fucking stupid it was really quick. It depends on the person I guess because some people who smoke weed definately are lazy motherfuckers but not everyone thinks the same and people tend to forget that

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yea there are a lot of kids who base their whole life around pot



but they oculd be doing far worse things



True, but once I started hanging out only with potheads, things became so goddamn'd boring after a while. All that would happen was that we would sit around and watch TV in silence. Plus I now get intense paranoid delusions whenever I smoke and aside from the body-high, it is not enjoyable in any way (yet I still smoke occasionally). My girlfriend smokes pretty much every day, and while sometimes it pisses me off because it makes her too lazy to do chores, she works at least 50 hours a week and it doesn't seem to affect her all the much.

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Paris Hilton is just a dumb broad. Dumb broads are a dime a dosen. With or without Paris Hilton in the lime light.


If you think people actually try to emulate Paris hilton then you're a fucking idiot.


Also, she was only convicted of DUI and driving without a license. Not raping babies. What's your hardon with this broad?



I have no hardon on this broad, she's got a head like an alien and she's a fucking vapid cunt. Just turn on MTV for five minutes and you can see the havoc she has wrecked on culture. I go to college now, after being out of school for five years, and I'm surrounded by 18-year-olds that worship the bitch. So no, I'm not a fucking idiot at all.

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I have no hardon on this broad, she's got a head like an alien and she's a fucking vapid cunt. Just turn on MTV for five minutes and you can see the havoc she has wrecked on culture. I go to college now, after being out of school for five years, and I'm surrounded by 18-year-olds that worship the bitch. So no, I'm not a fucking idiot at all.



tons of people worship any celebrities, its apparent when you go into a store, more magazines about celebs pooping and sleeping and any other shit. People pine over these people. Shows like tmz and what have you. Its mad fucked up

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I have no hardon on this broad, she's got a head like an alien and she's a fucking vapid cunt. Just turn on MTV for five minutes and you can see the havoc she has wrecked on culture. I go to college now, after being out of school for five years, and I'm surrounded by 18-year-olds that worship the bitch. So no, I'm not a fucking idiot at all.



Well I'm alot older than you and believe me when I tell you there's been dumb broads forever. And bitches that play dumb to get attention. Long before Paris Hilton came along.

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Well I'm alot older than you and believe me when I tell you there's been dumb broads forever. And bitches that play dumb to get attention. Long before Paris Hilton came along.



You must be blind if you haven;t noticed the change in how fourteen year old girls dress over the years.



Good night.

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besides, parents should be the ones to stop their daughters from dressing slutty.


especially since their the ones buying them their clothes



Also Paris isn't 14. She's a grown ass woman. So why should she dress and act any different than she wants?

Why's she gotta be the one in charge of dictating how 14 year olds dress and act?

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