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blood fart

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Guest shai_hulud

I don't know.


A lot of my friends think that my altruistic tendencies are stupid and misguided...but they know that I'm a soft touch, and never hesitate to ask me for help when they need it.


The point is, very few people have come to my rescue when the shoe was on the other foot and I needed them. And, when they do, they never do it because it's the right thing to do. There's almost always a catch.


I still help my friends, but I'm starting to get weary of it. Maybe that has something to do with my response.


Also, don't feel bad about your friends who killed themselves. That's a really big burden to carry around. You're not a counselor or psychiatrist...it's not your duty, you know? Besides, there was probably very litlle you could have done if they were determined to die. I had to learn that the hard way, too.


I know that you probably think I'm a dick for saying this stuff...but, I feel the same way you do at times for some of the same reasons. I think what I'm doing on some level is telling myself to look out for number one more often.

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go talk to him ... but be aware of how much you are drinking, and at the first sign of sensing sexual tension or anything of that nature, politely excuse yourself and break north .... going to help out a friend in need is nothing that should piss your people off. everyone needs people to talk to ...

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see if you can talk about shit with him via phone or something.


drinking + emotions about his wife is going to turn out to be bad if you guys are hanging out alone.


That's what I was thinking.


I think I am going to tell him I quit drinking.

For a month or something.

Then we can just get weeded to the max and won't end up beating up hobos, each other, or passing out in puddles of tears.

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I don't know.


A lot of my friends think that my altruistic tendencies are stupid and misguided...but they know that I'm a soft touch, and never hesitate to ask me for help when they need it.


The point is, very few people have come to my rescue when the shoe was on the other foot and I needed them. And, when they do, they never do it because it's the right thing to do. There's almost always a catch.


I still help my friends, but I'm starting to get weary of it. Maybe that has something to do with my response.


Also, don't feel bad about your friends who killed themselves. That's a really big burden to carry around. You're not a counselor or psychiatrist...it's not your duty, you know? Besides, there was probably very litlle you could have done if they were determined to die. I had to learn that the hard way, too.


I know that you probably think I'm a dick for saying this stuff...but, I feel the same way you do at times for some of the same reasons. I think what I'm doing on some level is telling myself to look out for number one more often.



I know that I couldn't have stopped any of my friends from committing suicide, it is more the fact that there were things I wish I could have said to them, and now I will never get a chance.

Just to let them know they were loved.

Not that it would have made a difference.

I guess it's just selfish reasons that I feel like I wasn't able to get closure or whatever.


All my friends have come to realize that I can be relied on.

And that when things are bad, I am always there for them.

I don't mind it so much, but at times it just makes me feel taken advantage of in some ways.


When I was going through some hard times and was pretty down about life, the only people I really had that showed me any sign of support, were people from the internet.

People from 12oz.

It made me see that all my friends are pretty selfish and always caught up in their own shit, that they aren't there for me when I need them.

Save for one or two people.

But mainly, it's people that I don't know in real life that tell me I can call them or things like that.


Everyone that knows me, knows that the drink is my weakness.

I am not allowed back here after I have been drinking.

So that means I have to pass out where I am hanging out at.

I know nothing would go down sex wise.

But the more I think about it, the more inappropriate it would be for me to even think about getting wasted and passing out on my buddy's couch.


That isn't what a good friend does.

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and no one remembers falcor


I remember.




Fancy purses aren't really my thing.



I am TurboJugend.

Not Austin, because I never got around to joining the Austin chapter.

Maybe I will do that this year.

Now that I have all the time in the world to be as rock and roll as I can be.


I used to be part of the scene.

Bought all the records and magazines.

But the kids they put me down.

Laughed and said I was a clown.

Said they didn't want me around.

Made me feel so all alone.


Now I'm back with a bang.

I've got my own leather gang.

And all of them are men.

And denim's back again.


I am a saint for seamen.

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thats a rough choice and a rough situation to be in.


the same thing has happened to me a few times, because im the same way as you in that

i always feel obligated to be there for friends and talk about shit (cuz like u said, thats what a good friend should do)


tread carefully though because as you are aware, it could easily turn into intense drama.

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Guest shai_hulud

I cut off a lot of people in the past year or so. I don't really know why, I just felt like I needed to simplify things and having fair-weather friends wasn't the way to go.


The friends I kept aren't perfect. They still make me mad. My acid test for deciding which friends were worth holding on to was simple.


I got a cell phone. I called everybody in my phone book, and gave them my number. A lot of them who I hadn't kept in touch with gave me shit...said things like, "Dude, you're so hard to reach, why don't you ever keep in touch, blahx3..."


I told them that I was available NOW, and if they needed to reach me that they could. Or, they could email me. Everyone knows I like computers, and can be reached online.


So, I waited. After three months, I realized only six out of thirty some-odd people had called me. I called a lot of fools, but only SIX people kept in touch on the regular.


So, I turned off my phone. It was obviously just an unnecessary expense.


And, yeah. I'm more than happy to give people on the internet advice, solicited or not. It's no big deal, it just makes the time I spend online a little more worthwhile.


Hell, I've asked people on 12 oz. for advice before. I got about the range of responses I expected. Then, I did what I thought was right.


I just realized that your friend has a kid. That's a shame. It's always tough when there's kids involved.

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That has been my big problem with them this last year or so that they moved back to Austin.

They would come over here for playdates or whatnot, then my friend would drink wine and eat pills and pass out.

While I watched her kid.

Which was fine, kindof.

I would rather know her kid was being taken care of, versus knowing if they were at home, she would be having to try to wake her mom up and things like that.

I would try to talk to my friend about it all.

And how it wasn't just her life she was living anymore.

That her choices were messing up an innocent life.


It was weak.

I just want them to get their shit together and not fuk up their kid's life.

She is a good kid so far, but that won't last if she keeps getting exposed to the things she has been getting exposed to.




Their kid.






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strippers with my beer


kiddos in alcoholic love fights

the 12oz fucked up life support group


I'm coming up soon

it's to cold to swim at redbud/b sprigs huh?


I would think it was too cold.

It has been in the 70's or so all week.

But that is too cold for me to swim.


I am switching over to hot tubs and whiskey for the season.


I have just listened to the TurboNegro song "All My Friends Are Dead" five times in a row.

I am starting to believe it.

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They always want to act like they are hearing what I am saying.

But their actions prove otherwise.


I mean really, how hard it is to give up drugs for the sake of your own kid?

I gave up drugs for the sake of my niece, and that was one of the easiest things I have done.

All you have to do is be willing to tell all your scumbag junkie friends to leave you alone.

And they will.



If shai wants to cold lamp up in the hot tub, he is more than welcome.

I done did told him, he is always welcome in my neck of the woods.

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Guest shai_hulud

That's another big thing about me. I'm a loner by nature. I don't warm up to people easily. I'm not mean or anything, it's just the way I am.


That's why I like talking to people online. It's easy. I can be funny and witty and seem like I would be the life of the party...but, the truth is that I have to drink a lot to feel comfortable in social situations. I'm awkward and shy, and I have a hard time talking to people I don't know really well. Alcohol either makes it really easy and fun, or it can be disastrous. There's always an element of surprise there.


I think a lot of people on 12 oz. would be a little disappointed to meet me in person. The ones I met have been nice. That's a good thing.


I think I'm getting away from the point here. So, Blood Fart. If you want to smoke some tweeds with your friend, you should. I never assumed that you were up to no good. I mostly just felt like I had to say something about how being the third party in relationship drama is no bueno. Do what's right, be there for him.

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