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I bring JIHAD on that little ass you infidels.


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The last thing I want to do is leave my family for 15 months, because there are people who want to impose their beliefs on other people. I think most people who have deployed in the Army think along those lines now.


well, In Iraq. That wasn't the reason the US govt. said they went in "because people want to impose their beleifs on others". I don't think the american people would've found that sufficient to go to war with them.

And again, the taliban, they said he was hiding Bin Laden who was perceived as the perpetrator of 911 so they went in on the stregnth of that alone.

Never did the US govt. officially say "were going to war because there are people who want to impose their beleifs on other people".

As a matter of fact. If you talked to many muslims in Iraq or Afghanistan you would find that the reason they fight Americans (insurgency and such) is that they beleive........(now get this) That there are people (americans) imposing their beleifs (and way of life) on them.


Ironic huh?

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I find the whole thing disgusting. I just do not understand how us as americans or for that matter, anyone else can think that their way of thinking is the only way that everyone else has to live by.


I truely do not understand why we invaded Iraq. If they did not have oil, we would not be there.


Afghanistan. I have seen with my own eyes that the people fighting us over there are for the most part not from there. I have seen people we killed who have blond hair. No Afghani's have blond hair. They were mercs. I think he have helped Afghanistan, but sooner or later they have to act on their own and take control of their own country. I can also say that most of them do not want to or do not know how to do that. They have been told what to do for so long, they do not know how to act without someone telling them.


I just remembered a funny/sad story. We came across a guy at a market one day who had what looked like a broken ankle. The doc with us took a look at it and saw the guy rubbing something on it, he said it made it feel better. That stuff turned out to be brake fluid for a car and it was numbing it because it was eating away at it. The guy did not believe my doc because his village doc(?) gave it to him.


Education on every level is the only way to raise that country to be more then it is and that takes more time then the US people have.


No easy way for either of these countries and America does not have the patience.

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poverty is something serious to contend with. That's definately something most Americans have to be thankful for. That they weren't tested with extreme poverty. Even the poor people in America are fat and obese. That should tell us something about out society.

But as for poverty. It breeds the most unbeleivable ignorance. I guess it's difficult for some people to not be poor when 2/3rds of the worlds resources are being wastefully consumed/hoarded by less than 1/3 of the worlds population.

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