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Lumos you're an idiot, yeah you got tight art skills but your graffs look way like Atlas and some foos from msk not just a little, a lot, and you just blow it off like whatever while peeps are ridin your pee wee thinkin the letters you do are your styles. You do mad repeats too you can't do other styles? Catchin fame off someone elses shit and not giving them props is huge weak fool. Give props where they're due or stop rippin foos off and catching fame of their shit. Come up with your own, if you can.

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Lumos you're an idiot, yeah you got tight art skills but your graffs look way like Atlas and some foos from msk not just a little, a lot, and you just blow it off like whatever while peeps are ridin your pee wee thinkin the letters you do are your styles. You do mad repeats too you can't do other styles? Catchin fame off someone elses shit and not giving them props is huge weak fool. Give props where they're due or stop rippin foos off and catching fame of their shit. Come up with your own, if you can.


its mainly because i dont care

im not posting to catch fame

and i dont care if people "dick ride me"

get over it

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like i said

i dont care

im sharing my shit

i could care less what people do

u should keep ur shit to PMs

because my answer to everything u say will always be the same


sevnth if ur gunna talk shit, keep it to PMs and out of here

there has already been too much chatter

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like i said

i dont care

im sharing my shit

i could care less what people do

u should keep ur shit to PMs

because my answer to everything u say will always be the same


sevnth if ur gunna talk shit, keep it to PMs and out of here

there has already been too much chatter

if you don't care what people do then why do you care if we type our opinions here? freedom of speach buddy.

plus you already know if you're gonna front in public, you're bound to get your cards pulled in public, keep up the dope skills, share some original graffs, if you can do any, peas.

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if you don't care what people do then why do you care if we type our opinions here? freedom of speach buddy.

plus you already know if you're gonna front in public, you're bound to get your cards pulled in public, keep up the dope skills, share some original graffs, if you can do any, peas.


im not fronting in public

im saying keep chat to a minimum because this isnt a place for talking its a place for drawings on paper

if u really WANT me to show you how a bite by me would look

then give me some time and ill show u

if anything

id say i was merely influenced

there is a big difference between the two, as you;ll see if i ever end up doing what i just said id do for fun


yalllll have a good night now ya hear

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Convergent evolution is the emergence of biological structures or species that exhibit similar function and appearance but that evolved through widely divergent evolutionary pathways. The similarities that are shared in the case of convergent evolution are not the result of evolution from a common ancestor sharing those similarities. Instead, the similarities are typically explained as the result of common adaptive solutions to similar environmental pressures.


i think there are parallels of this theory to graffiti... and think of it this way if the wheel wasnt invented by the first dude..some1 else wouldve come along..

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word, keep it real foolio, give props to those who influence you its only right. And i wanna see some original graffs from you, not atlas or whoever influenced graffs, that would be a real treat, peas pops.




go back to vandal squad you fucking clown , and if yall ever take a chance to fucking learn how to read. fucking guy already said dozens of times atlas inspired it, yall need to stop acting like he cares what you think



p.s. at the time the sketch in question was made , he messaged it to me on msn and even said him self it looks alot like atlas, and knowing full well it would get called out posted it..fucking guys just trying to share some shit thats all



pps lumos is a fucking sexy ass savage that id gladly feed my first born too while i masturbate in the corner




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Its funny seeing doodz coming to threads and thinking they're superior, and righteous with

no contribution, the guy has one post and talks shit?..


either someone from oz hiding with a new name to conceal his rep?




I would understand him if he was "atlas" (not likely), I bet even he wouldn't be so butthurt like this guy.


NONETHELESS, I like this thread, keep it cool, too many good threads have been ruined like that.

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Its funny seeing doodz coming to threads and thinking they're superior, and righteous with

no contribution, the guy has one post and talks shit?..


either someone from oz hiding with a new name to conceal his rep?




I would understand him if he was "atlas" (not likely), I bet even he wouldn't be so butthurt like this guy.


NONETHELESS, I like this thread, keep it cool, too many good threads have been ruined like that.


put lumos' weiner back in ur mouth and don't take it out til youre told to, now stfu. Sorry for the extra chatter lumos, peas.

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