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graff practice


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Hey WONT, tell us how old you are first, their is an age limit rule that us grafferz have to follow, and it states that we cant help anyone under thirteen.


no age limit. legends started writing at 8yrs old.ex:FUZZONE,DESA,etc.

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where can i practice graff to get better


WONT, the best thing to do, would be to buy a big chulk board for your room, or just get a bucket of out door chulk & try it on any semi smooth surface, that way you get the feel for it and you can do it real big. plus if u dont like it, u can take a hose to it. if u wanna do somthing detailed, i sugest getting hairspray, spray it on the clulk after u do a peice u like and it wont blow away. this advise has prolly already been givin but w/e. keeps u outta trouble too. a chill wall would prolly mean a wall where only one person a week would come across it(and thats if they went outta there way). its a good idea as well cuz u learn can control, all chulk will do is train the hand and eye, usin a can gets u use to spray, swift movements and such...btw i dont know why all these 12oz fucks ever respond if they dont got somethin productive to say, just really goes to show how stupid the are....wont-best advise someone can give, take it.

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Its things like this that cause me to stay away from the graffiti discussion area, the amount of toys here is unbelievable, and the shit that they ask is just as bad. If you need to ask where to paint, then you dont deserve being answered.



Why are you all so fucking stupid, "where can i paint?" "whats a mop?" Just stop asking and experiment, please tell me im not the only one thinking this.

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