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police tazer woman who is on ground


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i aint even going to get into a debate about this so if you respond about the specifics i really don't care, there wasn't "no" reason.


and people die everyday, regardless to where they are at in their life.


as a cop, i'd assume the worst in every situation. i wouldn't act it, but i would think of it. last thing you want is a gun in you're face when the you thought everything was going to be kosher.


still this shit needs to be nipped in the bud before its too late.

what a stupid thing to say "people die everyday" said as if that in some way justifies an unwarranted murder.


sorry what was the reason they killed those 2 black dudes? caus they 'assumed they were armed' when they weren't?

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what a stupid thing to say "people die everyday" said as if that in some way justifies an unwarranted murder.


sorry what was the reason they killed those 2 black dudes? caus they 'assumed they were armed' when they weren't?



alright, they drove the car at the cops, whatever the intent, if someone is driving a car at me, regardless to the color of their skin, if i have a gun in my hand i am going to use it.


again i'm not saying its a not a tradegy, and my "stupid comment" was made, because you think it matters that he was going to be married the next day, and i said, that people die every day regardless to where they are in their lives. death isn't fair, and it doesn't wait for anyone. thats what i ment by that.


my last reply on this issue. because this isn't even about sean bell.

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