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the TOY paint thread...


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dude okay it was so gay

so i was gonna go out with my brother in the car to ameristop, get some candy cause our family sucks at buying food and get flicks cause the throw is by ameristop, so we're going out cause my dad said it was cool and my dad's friend's car was blocking the car we were gonna take, so we go back in and my step mom says that he can't move the car cause

a. hes a stroke victim so his left side of his body isnt too functional, and itd take him a long time

b. hes in the basement smoking pot with my dad

and we cant take the other car because my dad considerers anyone besides him and my step mom to be horrible drivers who get in accidents daily or some shit like that

so it ends up me and my brother go to ameristop with my step mom in the other car, then go to chick-fil-a where they got the fucking order wrong and we had to go back(forgot the 2nd chicken sandwhich) and then drove to mcdonalds then got back home

some SERIOUS bullshit

but they dont check for receipts at chick fil a to prove if you got the order wrong and originally bought it, so yea thats for anyone who cares..


oh yea

and the night i did my throw, i was with my friend and i got my throw done and half way thru his the fucking cap on the spray paint broke and we had no extras cause were stupid, now keep in mind if he wouldve left the throw like it was it would be half of a z and look retarded

hahaa so we had to finish it with a pilot

fuck last night was shitty everything went wrong

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Asen asen asen...... hows your ass feeling after that whooping? oh and Q?, wanna have a paint battle? im buying 100 dollars worth of paint soon so,..... we shall have a battle, no?(yougoslavic acent) lol but seriously. I challenge you, no beef, jut for fun. my school start tomorow so i cant buy my paint till friday and ill do it on saturday if your down

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