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-Harrisburg PA-


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jersey heads = best thing to happen to harrisburg since...umm....


you're fucking crazy. that comment is about as retarded as your screen name. wow, did you think up both of those gems all by yourself, the comment and the screen name? you're really on a roll, buddy.

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Harrisburg wasting money on tons of buff paint...

saw the riverfront got blasted with throwies the other day then they buffed it. again.

didn't get flicks but on the wall it said

"how many shootings so far this year Reed?

how many problems have you actually solved?

it's obvious where our tax money goes...

to re-coat the buff paint on these walls..."

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Yea I saw that shit. I saw them Wednesday morning around 11, came back with my camera around one and them shits were gone. It's fuckin insane. They're on some Orwellian 24hour graffiti survielance shit. Plus the city workers who were "beautifying" the city by painting over everything, left all their latex gloves with paint on them littered all over the sidewalk. I like how it said this is for my city at one end and then had the message for Reed at the other with a throwie on every panel of the wall in between.

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its been way too long since ive posted a thing, and this website told me to stop lurking or some shit. super weird. however, through my "lurking," i got to see all the dope shit popping off in harrisburg these days and its exciting. forreal, neos and aums, your skills astound me and make me wanna get better with every grain in my body. my man SKRAM, its fucking great to see you out and rocking again. How's that can arm? Tired? more masturbation is the key my friend. Yo Infamous, if you read this, im gonna PM on some shit. MUCH LOVE TO MY BURG HOMIES!!!!!! JG RIP, taken way too soon...

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