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-Harrisburg PA-


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Wow. Never thought this would happen. Dude's like a fixture around here.


Not sure how I feel about this, I think things might change for the worse.


I remember Harrisburg back in the day, not trying to see it fall back into the 80's/90's stagnation that it was.


I know right. I was walking back from Al's Cafe down Charles St. the other day and passed him. He looked distraught as fuck! His tie was all fucked up, hair disheveled and he was carrying some kind of white wal-mart type bag. Then my dumbass said "Hey what's up man, how's it going?" haha. It only dawned on me later how ridiculous of a question that was. He probably wanted to say "Oh just fuckin great. I lost my job of 27 years, couldn't be better."

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cuz, dude's been doing this for 27 years and it's probably the only thing he knows. it's like someone who just got released after decades behind bars like "what the fuck am i gonna do now?". makes you wonder what the future holds for our little city.


Will he hang himself like dude from Shawshank Redemption...?

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