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confederate flag


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whats the uses of responding when you a cant bring anything to the table and b you are the same guy thats big arument is that shit happens to you cuz youlook like a thug are fit the descertion. get the chip of your shoulder or take responabilty for what you do.

i am done nuff said


oh yea guys wear pants to there waist fitted polo shirts clark wallabes


no i look like a thug cuz im brown no matter what im wearing. stfu

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oh yea guys wear pants to there waist fitted polo shirts clark wallabes


no i look like a thug cuz im brown no matter what im wearing. stfu

you are lame keep reaching for something soild homie. look the part and probaly act the part. i grew up with people like you all my life avting like white keeps you down cuz you bron. no its people like you that blame the rest of the world for there own short commings.

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no i dont wear baggy pants i wear a 32 in jeans and thats what i buy

but your eyes im a thug hope your daughter brings home the blackest

black guy know to man and has kids with him

i hate to burst your bubble all my kidss are mixed. so race to me is not a issue. so your lame attepts are still failing.
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you are lame keep reaching for something soild homie. look the part and probaly act the part. i grew up with people like you all my life avting like white keeps you down cuz you bron. no its people like you that blame the rest of the world for there own short commings.


police keep me down white black or purple. your the lame one prick:lol:

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books internet are serious dude im not here to make enemies

i could tell your a stereotype prick by the shit you posted>i look

like a thug.....

and i bet if you saw me you would call me a skin cuz i sahcve my head and wear boots with my dickes. i was not calling you a thug but your words are judt like all the thugs i grew up with and know. they way the look keeps them down.
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i cant tell ur quick to judge what i wear how i carry myself without seeing

or knowing me mixed kids good for you they will know the struggle look at tv

everybodies white even on telemundo:D

half of mexico city looks white spainsh blood. judgement made agaisnt on sounding like the typical thug i cant do anything because of they way i dress shit talk.may have been quick i apoloigze if am wrong. but thats is theyt way you come acroos
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"if yous believe that you guys are on crack this guy owned slaves himself"


guess you missed my post on this. Grant owned slaves until 1865, Lee freed his way before this. Lincoln's wifes family owned slaves and lincoln recieved inheritance from said slaves.


besides, who said anything about slavery being a good thing? it is one of the biggest stains on the human race in my opinion.

so, take your own advice guy. do some research. dont be believe everything you read. if you are gonna have a debate atleast argue with complete thoughts.

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to me its sort of like hitlers ancestors being jewish.


this sounds sort of bad though:


"i have no purpose to introduce political or social equality between the white and black races. there is a physical difference between the two, which, in my judgement, will probably forever forbid thier living together upon the footing of perfect equality; and inashmuch as it becomes a necessity that there must be a difference, I, as well as Judge Douglas, am in favor of the race to which i belong having the superior position. I have never said anything to the contrary." Abraham Lincoln

1858 debate with douglas.

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it might be like eva braun's ancestors being Jewish...


Yeah that is a really terrible thing to say but i guarantee a lot if not all confederate politicians were saying the same thing. does that make you against them? Unfortunately in those days the idea of racial inequality was completely entrenched in the public sphere (with some exceptions) much like it is entrenched in a hell of a lot of peoples private lives these days.

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no, alot of confederate politicians did believe this. without a doubt. the whole point of the argument is not to say that the south did not have racist politicians, it is to say that this is generally the way the whole of america was at this time. im gonna go out on a limb and even say that alot of abolitionists most likely didnt want full racial equality between whites and blacks.


but the lincoln quotes do, in my opinion, smash the idea that lincoln was some great anti racist guy,

( as well as each and every northerner) and that every southerner was in the KKK.


also, since in previous posts i pointed out that the slavery issue was sort of a side issue and didnt really get into play until the south needed more support for its fight against the northern tariff... it sort of shows the whole moral crusade image of the northern righteous God like crusaders fighting to free the slaves from the hitler-like south in an entirely different light.

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yeah i think everyone should remember what it stands/stood for too. the battle flag was flown on the battle field of confederate forces from 1861-65. slavery existed in the northern border states that remained in the union for the same time period, as well as in the south. lincolns wife's family owned slaves and lincoln and his wife received inheritance from their slave labor. Grant owned slaves and they werent released until the end of the war. Lee freed his slaves before the war started. it was not uncommon at all for white southerners who didnt own slaves to fight white northerners who did own slaves.


considering less than 7% of the white population owned slaves, and that plenty of freed blacks OWNED slaves as well, i find it hard to fathom that all troops fighting federal tyranny were fighting so the elite aristocratic class retain thier slaves. Especially given the text of Lincolns first inaugural address where he stated flat out that he didnt want to interfere with slavery, and DID NOT WANT to equalize the white and black races.


the chief reason for southern secession was economic. the import tariff. the import tariff benefitted northern industry by raising prices super high and not allowing a flow of cheaper foreign made products into america. since the south dealth with selling agriculture goods on the world market, free trade was thier stance. most of the revenue for hte US government came from the south and its imports into his harbors. it is not a coincidence that the first real battle (not counting the baltimore massecre which included the first northern and southern casualties of the war) was started by the south shelling a northern customs house, fort sumpter.

it was a sad thing when the south resorted to using slavery as an issue. not all of the elite signed onto the liberty and tax resistance aspects of the cause... and instead started thier own line of reasoning that they wouldnt be able to hold slaves any longer.


slavery was peacefully abolished across the whole globe without 600K dead.


if you want to abolish american history, you might as well just abolish america and all its legacy. slavery was legal under the american flag from 1776-1865. and legal in the colonies from 1607-1776. abolish the american flag, tear down the white house which housed aristocratic slave holders, and burn every history book in existence.


the confederate battle flag represents the same principles as the american revolution's banners represent. resistance to tyranny.

ask the black and jewish members about it in my sons of confederate veterans camp.



at least someone know what they are talking about....^^^


southern pride..

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I have no problems with the Confederate Naval Jack"rebel flag" being used in southern culture,but I do have a problem with some of the people who fly them.Many view(ed) it as a symbol of the South's resistance to northern political dominance,but, no matter who you spin it,the flag is a symbol of the institution of the economic policy of slavery.





"rest[ed] upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery—subordination to the superior race—is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth."


Alexander Hamilton Stephens, Vice President of the Confederacy.

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",the flag is a symbol of the institution of the economic policy of slavery."


without a doubt, blacks were considered inferior in the south. but you are only telling half the story. if the confederate flag is a symbol of racial hatred, so is the US flag and the christian cross.



"I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in anyway the social and political equality of the white and black races - that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race. I say upon this occasion I do not perceive that because the white man is to have the superior position the negro should be denied everything."


-the great emancipator, abraham lincoln.


the slavery issue during the war and leading up to it, to 90% of americans, it wasnt about abolishing slavery. it was about stopping its extension into new states. why was this? because the south would have more representation in DC. this would mean that the northern manufacturing interest would be smaller and tariff rates (taxes) would be much lower. this is also why the north suggested in constitutional debates that blacks be counted as 3/5's of a person for counting the population for purposes of determining how many representatives to send to congress. this is also leaving out the fact that the northern whites considered the slaves or free blacks as the ultimate in competition against white workers. sort of like how mexicans are the scape goat today for undercutting american workers. except northerners were doing everything they could from having to live with blacks.


in most battles, it was not uncommon at all for northern unionist slave holders to be fighting non slave holding southerners.

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blegh im sick of this zomg blame teh whities on everything, i am of african american decent, bur honestly the black people that did have slaves saw it nothing more than opprotunity to make money and to fit in socially, it was more so trying to imitate the white man so they could be socially accepted by their new community of the free citizens of the US.

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