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here it is... niggeh wit no life at its best... my niggehs right here yeellll and yap ..."SHIT TALKING.... on a KEEP thread... not bth..... then they consist to get on to look if anything is posted about him...making the thread " A FAVORITE" haha get off the nuts bythe way... then they go out the way and " NOT DO SHIT EVER ABOUT IT" then they talk shit like there "KREW IS SICK'' when our krew is up alll over the bay... go ahead and ask town niggehs...from the sco to the oak... we do this... by the way the sin is my town.... thas y me and gufe dont paint there and still have shit reppin all day./.. kuz if haters hate...arent the supposed to b "REAL" and handle the shit.... na niggeh but u never have ,never will ... us sit here and yap... really though in ur face we all lovve to make u shut the fuck up... but us some pussy niggehs...and while we do our thang we straight laugh at u.... just like the thousands of other people peepin the thread... ur a joke for real.... and for gufe u know where to find his shit... prolly him personally.... but u continue to hide kuz y.... hes tko? or is the fact u aint gonna do shit.....kuz u ride the dick... like jocks niggeh.... ur no one... stay that way and dont come around our way or u will get fucked up... promise bitch!:lol:




jus like you said, they sit and yap on keyboards cuz they drynitchin pussies... while the true walkers put in work. they cant stand the jealousy and gotta jock, too stupid to ever realize....





drysnitching? who the fuck am i drysnitching on, i aint on here putting anyone's names, or saying person shit about anybody, im just sayin what gufe is. you fools are the ones that are on the ''jock'' of your homeboy not me. youre the ones letting a snitch claim your crew. my 'KREW IS SICK" who the fuck you think i am, i aint even in a crew, the ''sin'' is your town, i dont care, i aint in vegas or nevada for that matter, you think vegas cats are the only ones that know about Gufe. fuck me up keep, please homie, who have you ever fucked up, tryin to hype yourself up to sound like your tough on the internet. and what does him being in TKO have anything to do with it, it must mean more to you than it does to me, wether he's in tko or not, he's still a snitch. lets see ya'll get off your boys nuts a fuck him up for being a snitch. lets see how 'real' you are.

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drysnitching? who the fuck am i drysnitching on, i aint on here putting anyone's names, or saying person shit about anybody, im just sayin what gufe is. you fools are the ones that are on the ''jock'' of your homeboy not me. youre the ones letting a snitch claim your crew. my 'KREW IS SICK" who the fuck you think i am, i aint even in a crew, the ''sin'' is your town, i dont care, i aint in vegas or nevada for that matter, you think vegas cats are the only ones that know about Gufe. fuck me up keep, please homie, who have you ever fucked up, tryin to hype yourself up to sound like your tough on the internet. and what does him being in TKO have anything to do with it, it must mean more to you than it does to me, wether he's in tko or not, he's still a snitch. lets see ya'll get off your boys nuts a fuck him up for being a snitch. lets see how 'real' you are.


keep doesnt have to fuck you up. state your name, and i will do it for him/gufe. let me know. haters get handled.

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i dont write graffiti, my dads a cop so i get on here with my closetfag friends and talk shit for feelings of selfworth.

dont hate the pussy behind the keyboard, hate the internet.


you aint in a crew? your some pussytoy or a pussycop str8 up. you dont even write


and ive seen keep fuck people up you dumbass cop, hes whooped writers you wish you could bust cop. if you even wanna say your not a cop then state your name.pm me with it and you will get a visit.

quit changin screenames pussyass cop. you are on our jocks cuz your names are on your tounge.

halfsteppin haters always too shook to back up with who they are....


talkin shit on kids you dont know who put in large amounts of work when you dont even paint and sit on the net waiting to see someone post there name is what your parents wanted you to do with your life, good job, way to be a cocksucker the rest of your life

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you aint in a crew? your some pussytoy or a pussycop str8 up. you dont even write


and ive seen keep fuck people up you dumbass cop, hes whooped writers you wish you could bust cop. if you even wanna say your not a cop then state your name.pm me with it and you will get a visit.

quit changin screenames pussyass cop. you are on our jocks cuz your names are on your tounge.

halfsteppin haters always too shook to back up with who they are....


talkin shit on kids you dont know who put in large amounts of work when you dont even paint and sit on the net waiting to see someone post there name is what your parents wanted you to do with your life, good job, way to be a cocksucker the rest of your life, and i'm nothing but a gay faggot whose too in love with Gufe to ever be real about it and not chill with him becasue hes a snitch. I know hes a snitch, but he gets dope spots and i'm all over his nuts cause he paints. dont talk about my friend no more, ima cry



why is it that since i put that cat gufe on blast, you have to wish that i was a cop. is that your way of not dealing with the fact of gufe being a snitch. isnt it funny, Bound To Happen, gets an account on here, and doesn't defend Gufe when i put him on blast calling Gufe a snitch. Instead they got slobberface on here backing him up, Come on Bound To Happen, youre probably Gufe yourself, post up your paperwork. I'll bet you you wont. and I'll bet the rest of your friends on here will come on here saying shit like, ''youre the one saying he's a snitch, youre supposed to post the paperwork" just like they did to dalooneytune shut that shit up, I'm callingyou out Bound To Happen to post your/or your friends paperwork. You fools need to back up off Gufe's crotch and be the real writers you claim to be and do what was always supposed to be done to snitches. But instead you guys are worried about my identity, why dont you worry about the boy in your crew with loose lips.

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your sayin the same shit looneytune said. that fools a cop and you type the same thing, cop.

745 in the mornin, pm me a location and prove to me your not a cop and ill show you the paperwork then ill beat your ass for wastin my time cop. then youll arrest me.

go walk the beat loneytunepig....

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i got a very close homie from bth comin over in an hour. why dont you pm me and ill bring him to you, well clear these feelings you have about bth cleared up quick.

IM SERIOUS. im takin the initiative to help you with this so you dont have to type on graff forums the rest of your life


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why is it that since i put that cat gufe on blast, you have to wish that i was a cop. is that your way of not dealing with the fact of gufe being a snitch. isnt it funny, Bound To Happen, gets an account on here, and doesn't defend Gufe when i put him on blast calling Gufe a snitch. Instead they got slobberface on here backing him up, Come on Bound To Happen, youre probably Gufe yourself, post up your paperwork. I'll bet you you wont. and I'll bet the rest of your friends on here will come on here saying shit like, ''youre the one saying he's a snitch, youre supposed to post the paperwork" just like they did to dalooneytune shut that shit up, I'm callingyou out Bound To Happen to post your/or your friends paperwork. You fools need to back up off Gufe's crotch and be the real writers you claim to be and do what was always supposed to be done to snitches. But instead you guys are worried about my identity, why dont you worry about the boy in your crew with loose lips.



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your sayin the same shit looneytune said. that fools a cop and you type the same thing, cop.

745 in the mornin, pm me a location and prove to me your not a cop and ill show you the paperwork then ill beat your ass for wastin my time cop. then youll arrest me.

go walk the beat loneytunepig....



if i was a cop, like you assume that i am, why would i be on here, why wouldn't i arrest your friend gufe for the damage he's done. hmmmmmmm probably because i'm not a cop, dumbass. quit with that cop bullshit, aint nobody a fuckin cop. just cause you can't comprehend the fact about your homie dont try to say i'm a cop. since you have the paperwork, post that shit right here to prove me wrong. I bet you won't. ''youre saying the same shit looneytune said'' what the fuck does that mean. just cause i say your friend is a snitch doesnt mean that i'm looneytune. like i said before, he aint the only one that knows what that cat did. tell your ''good homeboy from bth'' to come on here and tell everyone how gufe didn't describe acuse to the cops, how he didnt say he was the leader of jfk, how he didnt say i used to write for hfk and hes jfk and thats why he punched me, tell him to tell us that. yeah i bet he wont either cause when it comes down to it, ya'll are some punks that are faking the funk more than ever. Letting a snitch ride with you, the most bitch made shit i've ever seen. and i dont give a fuck if hes in bth, or aq, or toa, or tko, or any other fuckin crew, he could be in msk and he would still be a big fucking snitch. once a snitch always a snitch. now come back with your gay ass post talking about how you wanna meet up and how i'm a hater when i havent hated on none of you cats, i havent even hated on Gufe for that fact. Hah! you fools are the clowns, you dont see me holding hands with a snitch.

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you stupid fuck, why are you talkin on a keep thread then. just keep your mouth shut cause you aint shit and youll never be shit. you type the same talk as luneytune and he stopped typin cuz its simple. post the papers your boy molested a lil girl and i dont think he wants the world to know that.

now just quit typin paragraphs on this shit, go handle it on the street.

gufe didnt snitch in the way your makin it out to be, i know the facts andi think your halfsteppin on some gayass situation that happened when gufe was 14. breakin his face in a public store right next to a cop station (while yellin out aqz loudly) in the daytime. take your gayass nolife somewhere where someone gives a fuck. you want my atrtention but you dont wanna meet me so i could tell you the real deal. str8 up. your halfsteppin and talkin just as pussy as luneytune so .... cop.

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you stupid fuck, why are you talkin on a keep thread then. just keep your mouth shut cause you aint shit and youll never be shit. you type the same talk as luneytune and he stopped typin cuz its simple. post the papers your boy molested a lil girl and i dont think he wants the world to know that.

now just quit typin paragraphs on this shit, go handle it on the street.

gufe didnt snitch in the way your makin it out to be, i know the facts andi think your halfsteppin on some gayass situation that happened when gufe was 14. breakin his face in a public store right next to a cop station (while yellin out aqz loudly) in the daytime. take your gayass nolife somewhere where someone gives a fuck. you want my atrtention but you dont wanna meet me so i could tell you the real deal. str8 up. your halfsteppin and talkin just as pussy as luneytune so .... cop.



so what does AQZ's history of him molesting somebody have to do with Gufe snitching?? nothing. and Oh, i'm sorry, i didn't know there was different levels of snitching. haha a snitch is a snitch plain and simple. 14 more like 16 and i knew what was up when i was in elementary school, and what, fools kill fools in broad daylight and get off with nothing cause they got no witnesses, so who gives a fuck if he broke his face in the daylight or next to a cop station. if they had all that on him, then why did gufe give a statement?? but yeah, i won't type no more shit on the keep thread, it wasn't my intention to fill this thread up with Gufe's business, but ya'll act like nothing happened and i gotta put the truth. don't respond anymore to this unless if youre posting the paperwork becasue your good bth homie should be home with you now. reply to this and i'll keep on responding. leave it as it is.



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i called your bluff faggot. you ar luneytune and you should post the paperwork. i know whats up and ive pmd you to meet up and you bitch out with lying "im outa the states and im bigger in the graff game then you think" hahaha.... your a lyin pig. luneytune told me the same thing.

you aint shit in the graff game cop

meet me now and shut the fuck up alreaddy you snivelin cryin bitch....

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looneytune this, looneytune that, homie quit trying to say i'm someone else to satisfy your thirst. you didn't call anybody's bluff. like i said you were gonna do you did exactly that, you got the paperwork and you're scared to post t. YOU SHOULD POST THE PAPERWORK typical shit you would say.


meet me now you sniveling crying bitch..haha...looks like someones feelings are hurt. and you obviously dont know whats up or else youd give that snitch the boot from your krew.

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i dont got it, i know it. and its already been said whats on it and it let down all the people expectin to hear some true snitch shit. now fuck off. your gufe crusade is highly homo


and my feelings hurt? the only thing hurtin is your asshole and your skills.

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if i was a cop, like you assume that i am, why would i be on here, why wouldn't i arrest your friend gufe for the damage he's done. hmmmmmmm probably because i'm not a cop, dumbass. quit with that cop bullshit, aint nobody a fuckin cop. just cause you can't comprehend the fact about your homie dont try to say i'm a cop. since you have the paperwork, post that shit right here to prove me wrong. I bet you won't. ''youre saying the same shit looneytune said'' what the fuck does that mean. just cause i say your friend is a snitch doesnt mean that i'm looneytune. like i said before, he aint the only one that knows what that cat did. tell your ''good homeboy from bth'' to come on here and tell everyone how gufe didn't describe acuse to the cops, how he didnt say he was the leader of jfk, how he didnt say i used to write for hfk and hes jfk and thats why he punched me, tell him to tell us that. yeah i bet he wont either cause when it comes down to it, ya'll are some punks that are faking the funk more than ever. Letting a snitch ride with you, the most bitch made shit i've ever seen. and i dont give a fuck if hes in bth, or aq, or toa, or tko, or any other fuckin crew, he could be in msk and he would still be a big fucking snitch. once a snitch always a snitch. now come back with your gay ass post talking about how you wanna meet up and how i'm a hater when i havent hated on none of you cats, i havent even hated on Gufe for that fact. Hah! you fools are the clowns, you dont see me holding hands with a snitch.



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