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unfortunately i dont have any documents to post. Tale went in and talked. Wether the Detective lied or not, this is what he convinced me of at the time. Me being the UNARMED man, who was fighting a coked up, bi-polar pussy with a knife......i was surprised that he was in the hospital. Lied about the situation. The detective somehow knew i was lying, said that I better fess up, and say what really happened.


NOW SERIOUSLY THINK ABOUT THIS. This guy sneaks up on me and 3 other people. HIDES his face. Has a KNIFE. And even while im beating him he yells. " Im DONE, ok. Im Done " So it would stop, and he could get up and try to cut again like a sneaky little bitch . Now this is the guy that tried to kill me from the behind. Im hearing that HE is SAYING that WE jumped him, and I HIT him with A weapon. 2 on 1, or 3 on 1, i cant remember. Now your saying that i "snitched" to avoid being charged. But PAINTING wasnt the issue AT ALL. IT NEVER WAS. It was all about WHO -HIT -WHO WITH A WEAPON. Thats it. He was SNEAKY enough to try to stab me from behind, and im hearing that he is saying that HE is a VICTIM of something that I DID TO HIM. Why would i even TRUST him to keep his mouth shut? I DID. But After all HE is in the hospital because of me right? The Detective said HE was looking pretty bad, and that things arent looking good for me. So what would you do? GET CHARGED with ASSLUTING the guy that ASSULTED YOU? If you say YES, then your fucking retarded.


After talking to tales boys, i found out that He didnt even know who he had stabbed other than me. He was fucked up. No matter who was down there, he would of stabbed them. He would of stabbed his own mother if she was there. Maybe when he was HIDING his face, he couldnt see right. YOU SHOULD OF SEEN HIM. TRIPPING OVER ROCKS, MAKING CRAZY NOISES. I wish i was painting with you GATOR while it happened. You would see things in a whole new light. Nobody else even knew who he was but me. His gay ass voice gave him away.


Tale moved to NY. Hes been there for years. He dosent even realy write like that, EXPECIALLY in DC. And since this is your best friend now, ask him why he did it? Im VERRY curious to know. I would like to hear him answer this one, since hes being so talkative now.


Heres me and tales history;


Tales asked me to fight at Takoma. After a few minutes of poundings, tales then BEGS for a break.( A wrench even fell out of my coat, and he hit me with it, and i still beat his ass) I let him go. Got some air, and want to continue. He then says he caint fight, cause " HIS FINGER HURTS ", then leaves the fight like a bitch. Then he comes to my moms house 2 days later, slashes her tires, and tags on the church across the street. This is all cause HE ran away from the fight. COWARDLY MOVE.


5 years later i see tale in an art show. I say whats up? ( non agressive) he then says that his finger dosent hurt now, and he wants to fight. I couldnt even believe that he was mad. After being in REAL beef for a while, i say " Im not scared of you, but this is small, petty, and VERY old. IF you want to fight then im down, but i cant even get mad at the shit because its so insignificant." I couldnt even get mad enough to fight. It was like being mad at someone that stole a pencil form my desk in second grade. It meant nothing at all. What was the point? We then SHOOK HANDS, called a truce, and that was it.


2 summers ago i was posting alot of flicks. I had alot of tale flicks. He pm'd me. This is around the time all the ATB shit happened. ME, Amen and borf, were the only ones really battling them. I even beat one of them up ( didnt sneak up on him either, 100% fair fight). I was giving tale flicks of his shit that he NEVER had. He was appreciative. ATB dissed his shit, and I didnt think it was right. We were talking about beating there ass. We got along.

KAEOS called tale out on a pieces that he bit from Siek and many others. TALE was embarassed. HIS card was pulled. He got mad, did a 180 on me, and said we had beef for what KAEOS said, about his obviously BITTEN STYLE. I said that it was between HIM and KAEOS, but Whatever.... i paid it no mind, after all, is this isnt beef, its about a cry baby 2-faced toy and his ego.


SPOK was cool with tale. They were suposed to paint when they both were in town. I never cared about this . Spok tells me that night that he got a PM from tale saying that he was mad at him for Painting with me and not painting with him when he was in town. It made tale look like he was from a jealous girl that wanted him to fuck. WHAT A DRAMA QUEEN.


The last time i saw him was the night in question.


This was all an attempt to get some fame, without getting it by painting and actually putting in work. (kind of like the rap game.Example; Benzino and Eminem. Gille and lil wayne.) One guy sucks, and dosent even do shit, but he tries to go at someone with a real rep, to get attention, and put his name out there.His attempt failed. Now he is trying to make me look bad, to justify his own mistakes. Its got to be hard to live your life with a FUCKED UP FACE, that YOU caused by stepping to the wrong man.




This is just proof that DC is full of retarded bitches!!!


what real writer would air there business like this on the fuckin internet for the world to see.


are all of you so insecure in what you do that u need the whole world to here about your fuckin homosexual relationship.


I have not seen such a poor public representation of one's self since Kramer dropped N bombs and tried to apologize for it.


...buncha fuckin jokers over here!!! :lol:


stop painting. get a job. disappear from the world. end your life. no one will be at your funeral.

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