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Werd Interview @ http://senseslost.com/interviews/werd-interview/

Werd Graffiti


What do you write? Where are you from? What crews do you run with?


Werd: I write Werd but you may see me painting Rob when I do wall pieces. I changed because I really began to hate piecing the letter “W”. too many “sticks”. Tho I still tag and bomb Werd, as well, most of my freights are Werd freights. I am from Eastvan which is a neighborhood in Vancouver, Canada. the crews I rep are POS & TSA.


How long have you been doing graffiti?


Werd: I started at the end of ‘97. it was a great era to come up while living in Vancouver. you got to see all the real kings of the city paint on a regular basis, freights and walls were abundant.


Werd Graffiti 1998


What influenced you to start doing graffiti?


Werd: When I was younger my brother was locked up and used to send me graffiti sketches. this was back in the early 90’s. I still have a few of those. I didn’t know what they meant back then. the first time I understood what graffiti meant was when I would look at the back of the Source magazine. then I started noticing tags around my neighborhood. most notably Zeus. He inspired me to start getting up. he was everywhere back in the day. no one has touched his status for ups in Vancouver.


How did you get the name Werd?


Werd: I started hitting up my initials actually to begin with but that got way too heat score. this girl I knew in school told me her dad (a local cop) was looking for me. once again I turned to the Source magazine. there was this top 5 list of most used/popular hip hop words. I think it went something along the lines of 1. yo 2. fresh 3. word 4. dope 5. (i cant remember)… but I liked the way ‘word’ sounded. I started writing ‘word’ with an “o”. Then I flipped it and used an “e”. I tried all different types of ways to spell it. Wherd, Word, Wurd, Wrd… I had a bunch of aliases back in the day as well but I’ve had the same tag/handstyle for about 10 years now.


Asume Werd Graffiti


How would you describe the Vancouver graffiti scene?


Werd: People that may read this will think I’m an old bitter fella. it’s kind of true. haha in my honest opinion the scene now is very lame compared to what it has potential to be. internet killed graffiti in a lot of ways. the new generation doesn’t go out and seek graffiti. they go to the forums and just check out pictures other people post. there aren’t as many walls as we used to have. R.I.P. to the Ivanhoes & Lonsdale king walls. the quality of bombing nowadays fails in comparison to when I first started. it lacks creativity. in this city there are a lot of style biters. people don’t want to develop their own flavor they just take from the next man. there is no

“next generation” right now as far as I can see. to be honest older writers need to start schooling the youth to keep this scene alive.


What do you prefer – freights, walls or bombing? Why?


Werd: I love freights. I used to paint about 10 panels a week during high school. The rush of painting freights is like no other. Especially when you see your shit rolling by or someone in another town hits you up about your shit they saw. when we used to be able to track freights online that was a cool feeling to know your freight was in butt fuck nowhere. Bombing used to be my favorite. that’s what I started doing. not knowing anything about freights or walls. I just bombed. here, there, everywhere. We used to mob out 20 deep tearing up the city. this one New Years Eve we had around 30 people on the bus and we destroyed it with pilots, streaks, scribes… the bus driver locked the doors on us and we had to jump out the emergency windows instead of catching a case. I love bombing and seeing my tags up everywhere. I can’t bomb my city anymore, it’s too boring. I’ve been there and done that. I really enjoy hitting up in new cities though. My favorite nowadays are walls. I get to take my time and be as precise as I want to be. I enjoy playing with the colours and techniques. funny thing is the other day I thought to myself, “why do I do graffiti?”. what if instead of using spray paint to paint walls that eventually get done over I would plant gardens around the city and take flicks of that. then other gardeners would go and cap out my garden or plant their garden over mine. Seems pretty dumb right? haha just a thought I had.


When was the last time you were out painting? What did you paint?


Werd: I recently went to Vancouver Island. I met up with Argon, Macer & Hype. We painted a couple walls and some steel out there. I ‘m surprised I’ve never painted out there. it’s a nice small scene and they have some good walls. Macer showed us great hospitality! We painted a wall that was right along a major route which was closed down the day after for a 3 hour long parade.


POS Crew Graffiti Bus


Out of all the paintings you’ve done, is there one particular painting you can call a favorite?


Werd: One of my favorites is the POS whole public transit bus we bombed. that was very memorable. big moment for the city & my crew. another favorite would have to be the piece I did in Guatemala City. It’s the nicest painting I ‘ve done outside of Canada. Then there was the time I got in a major magazine with Asume. the magazine was based in the states & we didn’t send the picture in either. we were young and it was good feeling.


Werd Asume Graffiti Wall


You just got back from a Cental American Tour. Tell us a bit about the trip. How was it? Where all did you visit?


Werd: The trip was insane. It was a life changing experience. Its almost overwhelming to know how big the world is, then you think about how big the universe is. wow. We backpacked thru 8 countries in 5 weeks. Mexico, Belize, Honduras, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, El Salvador & USA. We painted in Guatemala & Costa Rica. In one day we hit up in 3 countries. Tell me how many people you know that can say that. haha. We survived an earthquake, got involved in a riot, swam with whale sharks and escaped being robbed by 20 Hondurans. good times. Shouts out to Royale for showing us a good time in Guatemala.


You and the POS crew have done a bit of traveling. Where all have you guys been? Where would you like to go next?


Werd: Members of POS have been all over the world but as far as POS Crew traveling and places we have actually hit up in, we’ve gone all over Western Canada, Montreal, Toronto. Up and down the Westcoast of USA & New York. Dominican Republic, Central America, Germany, all over Asia: Taipei, Beijing, Japan. We’ve got crew that live in Poland. right now POS is really spread out across the globe.

we are going across the USA on a road trip next year. anyone out there that

wants to meet us along the way, hit me up.


What are the cities on the list for the United States tour?


Werd: As of right now we don’t have any cities picked out. We don’t even know who’s coming yet. We’re in the process of setting up interviews for selecting a documentarian to record the trip. The thing with USA compared to Canada, there are a lot more small towns along the highways that have a lot of history and culture. So we’ll be hitting anything from New York, New York to Abilene, Kansas. if anyone out there wants us to come through their town, feel free to contact me.


Do you have a favorite city you like to visit?


Werd: Personally, I love New York. When I went there, I was overwhelmed. It was a rush to actually go through the neighborhoods where graffiti started. The buildings are real old compared to my city and some of the neighborhoods look like they haven’t changed for decades. Toronto has a sick scene as well. I pretty much like any city that is new to me.


Who’s graffiti have you been feeling lately?


Werd: To be honest, I dont really pay attention to much graffiti. I will always have favorites: Virus & AA crew, Cope2, Ces, Kaput, Totem and the list goes on… I used to hate on the “fun” graffiti. graffiti where it’s simple letters but people do a lot of wild colours and faces in their pieces. For example, Remio. that has all changed now. I really enjoy that stuff, painting that kind of stuff is even better!


Rob Royale Graffiti


Do you have any good chase stories you’d like to share with us?


Werd: Maybe when I had to hide under a staircase for an hour while cop dogs were walking around me and I almost pissed my pants but held it in for fear of the dogs smelling it… or maybe when we painted some passenger cars, Tars fell on his head and hit a rock then we trekked through an hour of thick forest… or maybe when Asume and I ran across a log boom on the river… or maybe when Myst lost his shoe and I got him to jump on my back while we ran through the forest… or maybe when I thought it was cool to paint a panel with 30 different colours and we started to get chased but I was almost done so I ran back to finish my outer outline… haha man, those were the days… I’m too old and tired to get chased now. I miss a good run though. hopping over fences, hiding in bushes… oh shoot I just remembered a great story actually.


We were painting some freights. the yard was packed with a bunch of random people painting. Probably close to 10 writers from different crews in this yard at one time. as we entered the yard I look over at Sarks and tell him “if we get chased at least you’ll be caught first since you have the twisted ankle”. as we are painting I look down the line about 200 feet and see Asume start to run. then all of a sudden I look around and notice we’ve been raided. At least 10 cops with dogs are in the yard right on top of us. Sarks and Fes were the first to get busted & chewed up by cop dogs. I start to run with Dehs in front of me & a cop 10 feet behind us. I threw my bag into a nearby ditch. He jumps up on a fence but gets his foot caught and I jumped up and over. The reason I got away was because he got his foot caught. My camera was in my bag and broke.


What can we expect to see in the future?


Werd: More painting. more painting outside of my city. we’re taking a trip across the USA. expect to see us up in a city near you. You can expect a POS DVD coming out soon. check out the POS youtube account and subscribe to stay tuned.


Rob Graffiti


What can we expect to see in the POS DVD?


Werd: The POS DVD will be a collaboratoin of footage throughout the 10+ years we’ve been around. it features footage from live POS rap shows to graffiti to just friends hanging out. It’s a DVD meant for members of POS but if the general population wants to purchase it and get a glimpse of how a portion of our life has been lived, feel free. Just 3 easy payments of $29.95.


How long have you been working on the DVD?


Werd: I started working on the DVD last year, 2008. 2008 was the 10th year anniversary of POS. I started converting VHS to digital for editing purposes. that takes forever. I thought I was going to release it last year, but I decided to wait until we went on our trip through central america to attain footage from that. I have some footage from when we were first starting out that I need to edit. some real toy shit but it’s good memories for us.


Rob Graffiti


When can we expect to see the released copy?


Werd: Sometime this year, 2009. I just want to release it so I can start on the next DVD.


Do you have any last words for the Senses Lost readers?


Werd: To the young generation out there, get off the computer and go paint. Keep graffiti alive. It ruined my life and it can ruin yours too!!! Only if you try. haha. But with that being said, check out my youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/werdoner. Shouts to all POS, TSA, SDK. R.I.POS. Lee “Avers” Matasi.

Even my mom calls me Werd.

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