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WHAT THE FUCK DO CAPITAL LETTERS HAVE TO DO WITH SEXUAL ORIENTATION? Nothing, but they have a lot to do with EMPHASIS. I propose that people who call something they dislike "gay" may have issues with homosexuality. Do you? Are you struggling to cope with the feelings you have involving a man's asshole? You'd be a bottom anyway, huh? Your probably just an ignorant young boy who still thinks it's cool to speak/write like a child.


And to clear things up: Those LIRR cars are dead cars! A great, great find, no doubt, but they cannot be compared to NYC subways. Only A.J. in his diluted fantasy world could make such a comparison. While I'm at it: way to go drowning out those TALE pics A.J. The most charming part was not that all the pics were meager, but that a lot were re posts. It's amazing you get any respect.


When i say gay i do not mean homo-sexual (although you did sound pretty offended when i said that so i am guessing that you are) I am calling you retarded...... you do not need to emphasize anything you say because you dont say anything important... you say fucked up shit to try to get a rise out of people, and chances are you do not even write, you just sit at home listening to your hardcore music and jack off to pictures of dead animals, while your dad fondles your balls.. I know you are probably a 14 year old boy whos testicles just dropped and you are very confused about which poster to put on your wal...(go with the timberlake one....wink wink...) but in the meantime while im away you can keep reading your tiger-beat and 17 mags and ill keep painting and we will see who wins in the long run...... PEACE

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2DK is like the marines, they'll take anybody with two hands and feet. 2 Drop Knowledge son! Kinda funny cus A.J's only good at tags and con throws, and not even consistently. He's not good at piecing, not good at avoiding arrest, not good at dealing with real motherfuckers, he's not even good at fighting. He's like a grown toy. If it wasn't for all those youngins lining up cuz they don't know better he'd probably wouldn't even write anymore. If A.J. spent half the time tryng to break out the toy mold as he did on trying to be the D.C. graff guru he'd be somebody besides D.C.'s biggest clown. Better yet, you should stick to rapping, cus graff obviously ain't your thing.

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