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Guest clockwork202
Originally posted by Bronx Lee@Oct 2 2005, 07:28 PM

I know its sad for you that your buddy is locked down, and you guys cant watch videos from new york and bite styles together, but hows about you keep talking shit on writers who've been around longer than you've known what writing is, or hows about you try to battle any of the heads you've been shitting on this thread for the last 40 pages, more specificly why dont you battle EON 1 on 1 , on the wall, name for name, you could always write epic again,

its funny your shit does'nt look nearly as good, when ahoys not around, did he used to outline your stuff for you? but now hes gone and coma can only do his to letters and you would feel  like a chump asking nore to do it for you so you practice real hard in your basement while your girlfriend cheers you on saying, your just as good as he is baby dont worry............... :king:


sure whatever you say, all i know is that youve been painting for a while and your shit still looks wack, your not a OG your just old and suck, also how about you tell the people how coma got you to apologize to 17 year old ahoy "oh im sorry man i dont want any beef sorry ahoy" your a joke just like you taking yourself seriously as a rapper your about to hit 30 whens the deal going to roll in fanta leaf, bronx lee or whatever you call yourself these days, pleaseee man you dont want it, ill erase your shit just like the 2 day crush when you and your butt buddies went out and had all your shit capped by the third.. old hipster backpackers dont want it stay on the legals your better off :love2:

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Guest clockwork202

theres also a slaer in portland and newyork i think probably a couple more lurking about


heres one i found in metal headz



ill post one of my pieces eventually

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gathering from wut i see on this internet is that d.c is light years behind on the graff game wack handstyles galore ugly ass pieces the only fresh shit i see and its based only on wut i see here is atb even if its only throwys and tags at least they can do them borf really sucks and cave shit is offpoint but im not hating on you as people your probly great guys but you arent good at all and koma and nore did s.f up and they were only here probly a few weeks made some enemys and still got a few shots runnin so cheers to destruction done the right way

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Originally posted by clockwork202@Oct 2 2005, 07:34 PM

theres also a slaer in portland and newyork i think probably a couple more lurking about


heres one i found in metal headz



ill post one of my pieces eventually


hmm, "ill post one of my pieces eventually" . sounds like to me your just waiting to find the perfect piece in some magazine to bite off of so you can do a photo shoot and post the bitch like 947 times on this thread, hey really why dont we battle for names. if Im as wack as you as you claim it should be real easy. I apologized to Ahoy because I was wrong to diss him, and i was man enouph to know it, so I told him. Its very sad what has happened to him, I know he didnt know that was gonna go down, he got caught up. So I feel for your crew, or should I say my crew. Thats right you know they were 2DKLAB first, I put them on, showed them the ropes and now they do it. Coma, Nore and Spok, shit even Ahoy used to roll through, back when all he could do was a Mae oneflow and tag, and he learned, he got to meet other writers and get connected to this scene, Xrae too used to call me when he got into beef asking advise, I looked out for him, made it safe for him to come to U St. after DNC Crew banged him and Akin out in an alley by Kaffa House. We never really spoke before, with the exception of the time when you prank called me, so let me speak frankly, the real reason why your crew sucks is becuase you dont have loyalty, Coma dissed Spok then Ahoy became partners with him, Coma bombed for years with Jale and Cave, but crossed them out over what? real friends, true crew . What about Stoe, Rezist and Isle you got down with them, went on missions and turn around and took out thier spots. sounds like treason to me. you know when you disrespect my crew you slander the names of true kings of this city, writers whoset trends in writing, not just in DC but nationwide, cats who made thier bones bombing the redline when every wall was fresh and unpainted, and those writers are the back bone of this crew, kings, and those kings bless this crew. how could i be wack? KIER influenced me, CERT taught me graffiti, SMK moulded my style, CAST showed me how to do my throw-up properly. Im not saying Im the best, but im far from the worst and far from wack. O.G. for certain, because I put the work in, and I will put that on the line everytime,

so lets battle Epic, I know big Mae prolly kicked you some drawlings before he had to roll out,

we can make a day of it pack sandwiches, have a picnic, bring our girlfriends, oh shit I just had a great idea why dont we have a couples graff battle, Eon and K13 vs Epic and Noia.

Yo, you could bite the Slae pieces from Portland hes prolly got some good shit. Bx Lee








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Guest clockwork202
Originally posted by Bronx Lee+Oct 3 2005, 09:25 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Bronx Lee - Oct 3 2005, 09:25 AM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-clockwork202@Oct 2 2005, 07:34 PM

theres also a slaer in portland and newyork i think probably a couple more lurking about


heres one i found in metal headz



ill post one of my pieces eventually


hmm, "ill post one of my pieces eventually" . sounds like to me your just waiting to find the perfect piece in some magazine to bite off of so you can do a photo shoot and post the bitch like 947 times on this thread, hey really why dont we battle for names. if Im as wack as you as you claim it should be real easy. I apologized to Ahoy because I was wrong to diss him, and i was man enouph to know it, so I told him. Its very sad what has happened to him, I know he didnt know that was gonna go down, he got caught up. So I feel for your crew, or should I say my crew. Thats right you know they were 2DKLAB first, I put them on, showed them the ropes and now they do it. Coma, Nore and Spok, shit even Ahoy used to roll through, back when all he could do was a Mae oneflow and tag, and he learned, he got to meet other writers and get connected to this scene, Xrae too used to call me when he got into beef asking advise, I looked out for him, made it safe for him to come to U St. after DNC Crew banged him and Akin out in an alley by Kaffa House. We never really spoke before, with the exception of the time when you prank called me, so let me speak frankly, the real reason why your crew sucks is becuase you dont have loyalty, Coma dissed Spok then Ahoy became partners with him, Coma bombed for years with Jale and Cave, but crossed them out over what? real friends, true crew . What about Stoe, Rezist and Isle you got down with them, went on missions and turn around and took out thier spots. sounds like treason to me. you know when you disrespect my crew you slander the names of true kings of this city, writers whoset trends in writing, not just in DC but nationwide, cats who made thier bones bombing the redline when every wall was fresh and unpainted, and those writers are the back bone of this crew, kings, and those kings bless this crew. how could i be wack? KIER influenced me, CERT taught me graffiti, SMK moulded my style, CAST showed me how to do my throw-up properly. Im not saying Im the best, but im far from the worst and far from wack. O.G. for certain, because I put the work in, and I will put that on the line everytime,

so lets battle Epic, I know big Mae prolly kicked you some drawlings before he had to roll out,

we can make a day of it pack sandwiches, have a picnic, bring our girlfriends, oh shit I just had a great idea why dont we have a couples graff battle, Eon and K13 vs Epic and Noia.

Yo, you could bite the Slae pieces from Portland hes prolly got some good shit. Bx Lee









blah blah blah damn man lets try to keep it short, i didnt ask for your life story, keep dropping names on who taught you what you'll get more cool points, regardless of all it just goes to show your a obviously a bad student cause your still some shit and for your age and how long youve been painting should be doing way better stuff and yeah lets battle and while were at we can break dance to, please man this isnt 1989 if anything ill just take out all your shit end of story and make sure you never paint again hows that sound big guy ;)

oh before i forget what is this about "you know when you disrespect my crew you slander the names of true kings of this city" dont compare your weakass team to the real kings that came out of here you and your little buddies are no where near their level, get over yourself

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Guest clockwork202
Originally posted by Bronx Lee@Oct 3 2005, 10:45 PM

Still, though if im so weak put your name on it, oh shit I forgot its not your name

go head keep crossing me out see what it get you. 2DAYKRUSHLEAVEALLBURNED


yeah i know man we cant all have super original names like eon and since you are so well know across the country i can see why no one else would even dare to write that name, but really all jokes aside what are you going to do if i take out all your shit? put me in one of your super underground hip-hop rap songs and post it on myspace, im still waiting for one trick pony part 2 the first one set my speakers on fire hahah just kidding, but foreal though you suck

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Munch munch, ummm, Oh! Excuse me, hello there its Heatwave here. Wont you all join me in putting down the popcorn and moving to the dinner table. The daytime graff soap is over and its time for dinner. I think we are serving beef. Anyone up for seconds? ATB, 2DK, I see you, you can put you hands down now, thank you, you have been counted. Ok hold hands as we say amen and please try and resist the urge to borf while at the table, we are supposed to be writers after all. Maybe after dinner we could sit down by the river and enjoy a fire while listening to the birds and beleve me it will be cose call if we want to catch a glimpse of the cave man, who shunned society do to debt no doubt. Some say he is sek, from chasing all that tale in his youth, but I don’t know its possible he was just lusting after some fresh tunes and got addicted to the dolz. Long as he can avoid jale he wont be a goner and the cycle will completed…

:loopy2: :spin2: :loopy2:

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