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man kills cop; cops kill man.

En Sabah Nur

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why would i want to meet your nerdy ass? you hate cops and you like the idea of shooting cops. there are cops in your area. go out and find em so they can kill you and you can get your glory over with.

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This is what happens with Arrow.


He gets into an arguement and burys himself because hes just so fucking dumb. Then he just starts babbleing random shit and giant font with nothing to do with the topid because he knows he lost. He did it before and hes doing it now.

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first of all arrow you dumb fuck i have few scren names i have used sice like 2003 2002 . 2 i have posted in other forums but most of the idiots in them are dumb shit talking kids like you . a waste of space plus u lil peice of internet shit. i am not a self promoting my self to anyone plus sadly i come from a area of ca that does not have a big graff movement. so there is no threads dedcatied to my area. so i dont fell the need to be always in metal of brick. if you search your post u have way more in croossfire then i do. as for the dope refeernce i am not in my teens and the fact is i ma old as most of the mods. so i guess you can say i am old school .so i use words tht are old school. i ak more str8 edge. hence the i dont care for drugs and drug dealers but that comment was used as a joke. if you were around in the early 90s u would kow it came from anti drug commericals.


oh yeah you still call out everyone else as a cop. maybe its you who are the cop. people like you who rant the loudest about cops are ether snitches or bitch ass fucks who call 911 whrn they cant handlel there shit . so which one are you?? snitch or bitch???? both????

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Simple fact: If an asshole is crazy enough to kill a cop then the asshole would not think twice about killin' a grandma, a mom or a kid. Fuck that asshole! I'm glad the cops killed his sorry ass. The cop that arrested me for DUI was cool. He called me a "Happy Drunk"

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LAKELAND, Florida (AP) -- Officers fired 110 rounds of ammunition at the man suspected of killing a sheriff's deputy, according to an autopsy and records released by the sheriff's office Saturday.


Angilo Freeland -- who was suspected of fatally shooting the deputy after being pulled over for speeding Thursday -- was hit 68 times by the SWAT team members' shots, the examination showed.

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Bump myself since I don't think this article was ever posted in 6 pages of sludge...




LAKELAND, Florida (AP) -- Officers fired 110 rounds of ammunition at the man suspected of killing a sheriff's deputy, according to an autopsy and records released by the sheriff's office Saturday.


Angilo Freeland -- who was suspected of fatally shooting the deputy after being pulled over for speeding Thursday -- was hit 68 times by the SWAT team members' shots, the examination showed.

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