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3 days to cut a stencil? what, do you have parkinson's disease? stencils are for hacks that are either too afraid, or not talented enough to do real graffiti


sorry abra, but this is quite possibly the most arrogant thing ever said in the history of the english language. you are the realest!

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well, everyone who knows TURBOCAPSLOK1's identity can well say that his style has developed heaps, so i dont think theres much to argue about on that topic

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puzhell!shame the quality of melbourne graff has dropped off...


The only reason you talk with such old school wank pride is because back in the day when writers obviously had (so called) superior 'quality', people prepared to document graffiti actually had to pay money to get a photo film developed and thus would capture photos deemed worthwhile and not bother to snap digitally disposable photos of shit graffiti as modern technology and internert forums allow. Get over the fact that the standard of graffiti has 'supposedly' dropped in Melbourne accept there was just as much wak shit back in your good old days as is now you 'ol skool king'. PS Don't start the whole 'modern day writers don't have respect for crews, history, each other etc' bull shit, as it's been a cycle from the beginning and always has been the same. Writers today are not better or worse than before. It's exactly the same. The shit work is being documented as much as the fresh and as a sign of the times all of it gets shown in a somewhat pathetic yet accurate exhibition that is this forum.

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sorry abra, but this is quite possibly the most arrogant thing ever said in the history of the english language. you are the realest!


arrogant? it takes years to become good at graffiti. i've never cut a stencil before, but i know exactly how to do it and could produce a stencil as good as any one of the "top' stencil people with no practice at all.


all you have to do is follow the instructions found on many webistes online and ta-da! within minutes you're a stencil "atist"




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