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you clearly know fuck all about JA and probably graffiti too. "they have nothing in common whatsoever", they both do graffiti idiot, sigh. JA is also not a snitch so quit dissin him over the internet, the mans a legend so show some respect loser


did nobody else catch this? I think COLT 45 may know a little somthing about graffiti you dumb mother fuker.

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ja is pure.

saber made a fucking boost/scion/sparks/clothing company filthy rich. dude got pimped. and do not argue that he's getting paid, he sees a fraction of a percent off of what his art is selling.

ja as far as i know is in no way interested in making legal graffiti dribble.

fucking half baked rebels.

the comparisons end there.


PURE? What, is he the fuckin VIRGIN MARY???????

Are you forgetting about all the lame shits hes done too??? Movies, commercials, art shows, snitching??? Besides, he failed miserably at all that, even being a rat. He doesnt have to worry about work or have shows when he was born into a never ending bank account. Its easy not to sell out when you dont have bills to pay. Hell, its even easier to bomb.

And I'm know saber did pretty OK from boost and scion. Youre assuming numbers here. He ain't ballin', but Im sure that check was good for a meal or two.

And lets say ja was interested in doing something legal? Trust me, his hands are dirty too. I bet $100 that I know what he'll do...a throw up. If he was to go ALL OUT, I bet he'd do a bunch of them. Mind boggling, right? If you seen him try to do a piece, you'd understand. Straight doo-doo.


One thing no one can deny about the two, both are some of the best known names in graff. Regardless of online opinions.

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PURE? What, is he the fuckin VIRGIN MARY???????

Are you forgetting about all the lame shits hes done too??? Movies, commercials, art shows, snitching??? Besides, he failed miserably at all that, even being a rat. He doesnt have to worry about work or have shows when he was born into a never ending bank account. Its easy not to sell out when you dont have bills to pay. Hell, its even easier to bomb.

And I'm know saber did pretty OK from boost and scion. Youre assuming numbers here. He ain't ballin', but Im sure that check was good for a meal or two.

And lets say ja was interested in doing something legal? Trust me, his hands are dirty too. I bet $100 that I know what he'll do...a throw up. If he was to go ALL OUT, I bet he'd do a bunch of them. Mind boggling, right? If you seen him try to do a piece, you'd understand. Straight doo-doo.


One thing no one can deny about the two, both are some of the best known names in graff. Regardless of online opinions.



as far as im concerned your comments are as truthless as the other guys....


Ja did acting for work, becuase his family cut his money off yrs ago, and dude was str8 homeless for a while living in tunnels.... so stop usin the trust fund card, shits beyond played.

Next getting up in movies is for more fame, not $$$ your comment is based purely on being biased and a hater. and what art shows is JA doing where HE actually sells ANYTHING? none. 1 in europe where he did it for euro fame, and one in hyc where the proceeds went to KET for legal fees.


And the rat thing is another bullshit card used against him cuz nobody, not even the people he has beef with can do anything to blemmish his name.


JA is the definition of PURE. Get it right. With a career twice and 3 times as long as the people who try to diss his name.



yall haters are a flash in the pan, youll come and go like all the rest. ive seen it.

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i think JA said it best himself "writing on walls doesnt make you shit"...so that fact that all you guys care about this dude more than he obviously does is pretty funny.



this east vs west shit has to stop too....the west coast is not all "pretty pieces in chill spots"...and NY is not "same throwups over and over".....all you little shit talkers are just stereotyping and being real ignorant. theres plenty of niggas who do it NYish on the west coast and theres alot of niggas in NYC who get down on the peicing tip as well


moral of the story: if your not JA or Saber then shut the fuck up...this shit is retarded as fuck

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PURE? What, is he the fuckin VIRGIN MARY???????

Are you forgetting about all the lame shits hes done too??? Movies, commercials, art shows, snitching??? Besides, he failed miserably at all that, even being a rat. He doesnt have to worry about work or have shows when he was born into a never ending bank account. Its easy not to sell out when you dont have bills to pay. Hell, its even easier to bomb.

And I'm know saber did pretty OK from boost and scion. Youre assuming numbers here. He ain't ballin', but Im sure that check was good for a meal or two.

And lets say ja was interested in doing something legal? Trust me, his hands are dirty too. I bet $100 that I know what he'll do...a throw up. If he was to go ALL OUT, I bet he'd do a bunch of them. Mind boggling, right? If you seen him try to do a piece, you'd understand. Straight doo-doo.


One thing no one can deny about the two, both are some of the best known names in graff. Regardless of online opinions.


Fuckin toy! Get on JA's king status:mad:

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as far as im concerned your comments are as truthless as the other guys....


Ja did acting for work, becuase his family cut his money off yrs ago, and dude was str8 homeless for a while living in tunnels.... so stop usin the trust fund card, shits beyond played.

Next getting up in movies is for more fame, not $$$ your comment is based purely on being biased and a hater. and what art shows is JA doing where HE actually sells ANYTHING? none. 1 in europe where he did it for euro fame, and one in hyc where the proceeds went to KET for legal fees.


And the rat thing is another bullshit card used against him cuz nobody, not even the people he has beef with can do anything to blemmish his name.


JA is the definition of PURE. Get it right. With a career twice and 3 times as long as the people who try to diss his name.



yeah, doing video games for mark echo is pretty pure. and the fact that he doesnt sell anything at art shows isnt a plus, what is he going to sell, a throw up? its funny how nobody said anything about how bad his piecing attempts have been...

contrary to what all you "imma bash somebody who comments by commenting on their comments" kinda people, im not hating. i just think its funny that this guy is held in such high regard when certain facts are ignored. the snitch rumor is what it is. boy took an L and wanted help from the cops. shit happened. bfd. mq never did time over it, so its almost like no harm done.


i wasnt even chosing sides on the west/east coast, ja/ saber thing. they both excel in certain parts of graf and fail in others. saber throw up? ew. ja piece? ugh.


kings can do it all. these dudes may be kings of their respected fields, but thats where it ends.

besides, i dont care and i have to take a crap. ill think of you cheerleaders when im wiping my ass.




btw, i looked up the meaning of pure and it said SENTO. not ja. sorry. :p

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ja is what he is.the dude has clearly put in alot of work,and although he may be lacking in style,he certainly knows how to get up consistently for over a decade,and i respect him for that.

he cant be compared to saber,nor can saber be compared to him.love ja or hate him,he has still put in more work than you, got more ups than you and you are still talking about him.



now post flicks and stop the bollix

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