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He may get up, but the same throwy forever? weaksauce.


This gets thrown at so many people CAP PJ SEEN and in this case JA... does the youth understand that a throwy is done for quantity and speed and not quality?? If not consider that your first lesson in Graff 101.


His shit is so "weaksauce" that you still had to comment though..thats too funny though..

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This gets thrown at so many people CAP PJ SEEN and in this case JA... does the youth understand that a throwy is done for quantity and speed and not quality?? If not consider that your first lesson in Graff 101.


His shit is so "weaksauce" that you still had to comment though..thats too funny though..




i hope this shit sunk in for these kids

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This gets thrown at so many people CAP PJ SEEN and in this case JA... does the youth understand that a throwy is done for quantity and speed and not quality?? If not consider that your first lesson in Graff 101.


His shit is so "weaksauce" that you still had to comment though..thats too funny though..

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All that I gotta say is I love how people hate on JA, when the guy has emptied more cans than anyone and will hold that crown, without pickin up another can, even if everyone who said somethin negative bout him in here ever will if they wrote till they're 80 combined. He is the epitomy of graffiti. No matter how tight your 15 color belton montana burner is that has no way the same effect to anyone, writers and non writers alike, then lets say 15 or so JA throwies 25ft (and often more) up in the air. then only to notice the guy mite have a tag on your block, then you might realize,he's got like three on your block, then you see a hollow on the next block, so now you head underground, and along your whole fuckin train line, there's JA throwies, you SEE maybe five, but theres always more you head to another bourougho. andsee the exact same thing going on.. and on the second hand, theres that guy, who has those cpl chill spots all lit up with dope pieces, and maybe a rooftop or two in the whole city. a cpl hands here and there which are always nice to see...and some frieghts if your into that, (i left out the fact he's been gettin down since the hay-days on the subways(JA)


And its not that i even like his shit particulalry its not the best lookin at all by far and wide And I'm not even from NYC. Bein from philly i got emphasis on a lotta other styles than tradishtional NYC graff, but go to NYC and bein a graff writer, and you TOTALLY SEE THAT SHIT

But all these e-junkies who havn't even been to new york have no understanding of what its actully like.. and also to think about how much of this guys shit has been gone over, by the city, other writers, and time its self, and then to see how much shit is still riding, from old school till probably (hopefully) sometime today. SERIOUS TALK.


ALSO, I HAVE BEEN TO EVERY MAJOR GRAFF CITY IN THIS COUNTRY, NYC BOSTON BMORE DC. LA (i even got family there, so i've been around, don't fuck with it) SANFRAN OAKLAND and as far as cities that are dope but leser known for graff ATL n MIAMI and the TWIN CITIES ..minnapolis and st. paul fort those who "don't get out enough" and nobody, in no city ever has written on anythin, albeit any city and where or any time, its a matter of fact. I left out I'm a FUCKIN doctor with a phd. who has researched this shit and rigoursly documented it. I have offiially relaised proof as of now,this is the latest news in graffiti, heard live on 12oz.*


Hopefully now of myreasearch, dumb people such as "catnip" can stop comparing any other writer to JAONE XTC NYC KING. Perioid. and writers from NYC or others browsing these threads can post pix please.


^^ IDon't even know why I wrote this, you can't even talk about the dude, Talkin shit or praise. He's above it all.^^


*Dr. No homo Phd (not a real doctor)




^^ as not to waste a post, hope is hasn't been posted. cause i stole it.

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