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Yo transparent' date='Roxy,and whoever else lives in Vegas.I'll be out there Dec 20-27 for my homies wedding.I plan on doin it big,so i hope we can get somrthing going.Holla[/quote']


yeah i tried to get up with one of the people mentioned and they acted like i was an alien and didnt show any desire to "kick it".


you might have dif luck

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I have yet to see the commercial or travel to Vegas.


I went to Vegas and was so paranoid about someone stealing the car I was in that I just drove down the strip and then proceeded down the road to Jean, where I parked the car RIGHT IN VIEW of a security cam... I got Security to hook me up with the spot, they watched me do some burn outs and one guy got in and we raced around one part of the parking lot at about 85mph (it was just a small mostly-oval where there weren't speed bumps)...


Later that night I was sitting outside on some back steps, smoking, Smoking and drinking and drawing in my book when the door flies open and some dude shoots out into the lot. Security follows quickly and it all gets wrapped up. Cops come to aprehend and roll over to speak to me for 'witness testimony'... I'm sittin there with 2 beers empty 3 unopened and one in progress. Got the pipe tucked under my leg...


So, the Cop is now got out of his car (he drove 200 feet over to me where I had sat the whole time) and he's fully about to make me stand up and 'frisk me' and shit... 'Ride Around' busts out the back door there and intervenes. "Nah, we know this guy, he's cool. What'd he say? Yeah, that's it..." So, Cop leaves, SWEET!


Dude sits down on the stairs next to me, I offer him a beer but he says no because he's on the clock. I say 'coolio' and then he tells me that I coulda been busted just for the beer... and I'm like 'no shit... JUST the beer?..' Then he tells me that I'm on cam from like 6 angles and they been watching me.


So... I say, well, can I smoke some more? He's like 'Yeah, hell yeah, let me see what you're drawing...' He looked through my book while I toked and sipped and we chatted for probably 20 minutes before he went back to work.


I spent a little time in the casino, then hit the hay. Woke up in the morning and went out to the UNstolen car and finished my LA trip the next day. Well, I got to LA the next day, stayed in Venice for a week and flew home.

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