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rest in peace fut.


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dude was cool as fuck, and always went above and beyond the call of duty when it came to climbing, even if it was just for a tiny ass tag. one of those mastermind types, hella thinking and plotting, just remember how his eyes would get all big and he'd get all excited about stuff.


he supplied all the gallons and gave like 3 of those 16 foot extensions for that big 1 night sf freeway roof sweep in 99 or early 2000... the one people sort of whisper about but dont like to bring it up too much because this one crew that had a ton of huge extension fillins got completely wiped out of existence in a night. shhhhhhhh. heh.


cant even remember if we ever painted together, well once for sure- decorating the inside of the home base wherehouse in oakland for some rave, but that doesnt count.. dude climbed up and sat on the very top of this rickity old wooden 20? foot A-style ladder, it was crazy as hell, wobbling around shaking and stuff. we were all super nervous watching all worried it was going to break.

after we all left, the guys throwing the rave buffed his shit out, with some crazy hydraulic lift thing, because they didnt like that he just did a big readable block letter.

i tried to get in a fight with the guys, explaining how much dude had painted and how lucky they were he would even be willing to paint the inside of some gay rave... they were pussies though. so instead i just buffed out the piece i'd spent the last 5 days working on. they were all sad. trying to give me money and stuff. haha. i forgot what that was even about untill right now. just remembered something got buffed so i buffed myself.


we used to get all faded and stuff, a bunch of us. one time i remember it was either his or his exwifes birthday and bunch of people were there super drunk throwing up, but walked around the corner from their pad and ran out super far into the middle of the soundwall on 85 doing fillins and outlines with cars zooming by. dude was one of those types that would be super hot on probation and just out of nowhere do the craziest hottest spot like it was no thing. he did that really high billboard front on san carlos and bascom? another whole billboard back by the pruneyard, tons of shit that was hot as fuck. i still to this day cant figure out how he got up onto those roofs between 2nd and 3rd between santa clara and san fernando and did those roofs and that backwards window IA that was in the first clout.... (i think O.H. is looking up at it in the photo too.. or maybe thats not in clout, just the original.

dude was the first to use extension poles in the south bay... did a huge block letter outline tall as fuck on 85 west.........


buffed ass san jose, its all just stories. ike doh was the man though. anyway, its really too bad. much love to the ia fam... sorry guys, dude was cool as hell, he always had the complete respect and admiration from all of us. r.i.p.

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dude sure did love the house paint... .


i think he figured out how to do extinguishers on his own even. did those orange ones with pepsi in the empty downtown lot on 3rd, the one defy used to hit a lot. defy was at that birthday party too i just remembered, ran out to the center dividers even hahahha.


also could never figure out how he got up on that last roof on 87 by the tamien station, like the furthest building to the right towards the curtner station before the bridge that no one had ever been on before...


pretty much all dudes stuff was in a spot that made you go "what the fuck?!"

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i spent the best parts of my teenage and adult years gettn into shit with this fuckn ass hole!


this new years that past was the fuckn best new years WEEK ever! me you and OP and smitty. mike was the kinna dude to just give you his keys to his pad for the week if you where comin up to the city when he wouldent be home.

i love you mike.... you where one of my best fuckn friends!

IA for fuckn life!

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So Mike's been scopin this shot out for a minute, seems chill, no one would have any idea. It's by the old GoSkate off of Curtner by the McDonalds. (hey, remember when GoSkate was visible from those cheap theaters, crazy huh? i just remembered that.) Almaden Expressway is the bridge you see. on the other side of the bridge is more water and some Puzl, Jabs, and Left fills, if i remember correctly. there are some residential backyards visible from the wall, but there's so much brush it's not a big deal. so we go there during the day to get this ladder that Mike spotted earlier out of one of the backyards. he was always snoopy, but he found good ass shit, so i always paid close attention to what he was looking at. so we get the ladder and lay it in the bushes, so it'll be there for us when we return at night. i dont remember why we decided to do it at night, it wasnt really sketchy, but it was gonna take a minute because it involved some rollers, bucket paint and a ladder. so we return at night, prop the ladder up and get to it. every time we stepped on the ladder it sunk into the wet pebble/gravel down there, and it made a little noise, like a ladder sinking into some slushy jelly beans, ya know?. there was a homeless camp set up in the bushes at the top of the wall down the way a little bit and some dude kept moaning at us and saying "shut up" in a beligerant tone..... so we shot him. no, we didnt pay it any mind, but we wanted to finish what we started and get out of there. all of a sudden there's a huge spot light as bright as day shining down into the creek it was totally quiet though, the shit snuck up on us... and then we hear voices and footsteps kickin rocks and shit. so we freak and run under the bridge to the right. it was all water and some 1-2 feet high grassy weed patches. so we lay in the grass, and i'm buggin out cuz we're right below the opposite side of the bridge, if any one was on top of the bridge and decided to looked over, they'd see two dudes star gazing, like some broke back cub scouts. not good. we were totally visible at that point. so Mike starts rippin out the grass around him and covering himself with it..... straight up, like Shwartzaneger in "Predator". it seemed like a last resort, so i started to do the same. we're laying there for what seems like 3-4 hours, hearing voices and feet on gravel from what sounds to be as close as 10 feet away. when it all finally went away and it seemed quiet enough, we got up and ran through the waist high water, up the rocks, over the fence, across the Expressway, through the ritzy neighborhoods and back to me madre's spot. we didnt get to finish it.


so Mike returns the next day to scope it out and see if anything was tooken, i left my bag with my walkman and the paint and all that shit. it was all gone. he asks this homeless dude what all the racket was from the previous night, and trip this, the homeless dude says " ohh, my buddy fell off the wall and broke his neck at the bottom." -------- bug out.

so we went back a couple days later and finished it.




we'll miss you bro.

Eye to the fuckin Aye....... every damn day,

-Op the Trucker.

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Hi this is FUT's Sister, Shannon, Thank you all for your postings, it means a lot to us to know he had so many people who thought so highly of him.


Can you tell me where this image was taken? (the RIP FUT graff)


Thank you again,



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Hi this is FUT's Sister, Shannon, Thank you all for your postings, it means a lot to us to know he had so many people who thought so highly of him.


Can you tell me where this image was taken? (the RIP FUT graff)


Thank you again,




im pretty sure its in berkely.....


i'm sure you'll be seeing a lot more r.i.p. fut painting, the guy made a huge impact on a lot of our lives over the years, sorry for you and your familys loss.

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