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ekose - fucking sick phrite tribute man. made my day.


this time of year is hard for all of us who knew and loved Roy. i keep remembering how he made it out to ohio this time in 2005, it was a good thing coming home that night knowing he was next door shooting pool and already getting toasty, and hammering away a freeway shot that very night. very memorable. we miss him daily.


happy holidays to all the AZ familia. Phritedog's in our thoughts.


-the bryguy

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yo Roy...


I think about you every day man. I think about your honest homeboy opinion about the decisions life's thrown my way, and what your take would be. I think about the crazy nights in Phoenix. I think about the integrity you had when you moved to Ohio and bent the world to work in your favor. I think about South Phoenix. I think about Sinek, Guilt and Resek. I think about all the homies in our network, and how we should be tighter. I think about the fun times. I think about how trill you were with just being happy painting on some fuck the world tip. You were a big part of my life for as short a time you were there, and in passing you taught alot to all of us on how life should be lived. Roy, you are a great person man. The only friend I've really ever lost. I miss you alot, and when I think of you... so much shit floods my brain... but I understand life is short and that I need to live it as best as I can. I can't remember a sour expression on your face man. Nothing but smiles. I truly do miss you. I'm venting man.


Peace to all my homies who knew and loved this dude with all their hearts.


It's just one of those contemplative nights, you know? Where you think about where life has taken you and you think about what life has taken FROM you. Phritedawg, rest in paradise homie.


Shout outs the to whole WA Fact squad.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Roy...Life has changed so much since you were taken from us. I was looking at some old pictures the other day and I couldnt help but smile because all that came to mind were the great times of 2005. I thank God for bringing all you guys in my life and for allowing me to party with you for the short amount of time I did. You were such a great and positive person in my life. I love you and miss you like crazy. Keep doing what your doing. Much love kiddo...btw, I want you by my side when I finally walk down ASU's stage to receive my Bachelors. And I know you know already, but I'm sure Chelly would like you there too! Love you.

<3 Cris

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I have plenty more I have benched over the last couple of years. Never meet the guy but I will say that his homies make him out to be a good , humble , fun to be around type person. I hope to bring you guys more pics in the future that might bring back some good memories. R.I.P PHRITE

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