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Pat Robertson: Super Human Strength!


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Robertson Claims He Leg Pressed 2,000 Pounds


June 8, 2006 2:27 p.m. EST


Richard Rittierodt - All Headline News Contributor

Norfolk, VA (AHN) - According to religious broadcaster Pat Robertson, at the age of 73 and with prostate cancer, he was able to leg-press 2,000 pounds.

Robertson said, "I did it one time, one rep, but I had built up to it for about three years."

However, some sports experts are critical of his claim because the leg press record for some football players at Florida State is 665 pounds less than what Robertson is claiming.

He did note that the way he did it would probably not be allowed in bodybuilding competitions because he did not have to lift the weight the whole way due to the fact that the brake was on.

Robertson stated, "when the professionals do it, they take the brake off and let the weight come all the way down on them. And if you don't have a lot of help, you've got a Volkswagen sitting on your hips. I didn't do that."

In an effort to strengthen his bad knees, his doctors have stated that he should be doing some leg presses.

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