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Cats are heated Hahahaha internet beef is so FUCKING DUMB WE All talk about hating it but it always continues. I cant wait to paint i am gonna have a good time and im gonna go make a friend with a bunny rabbit so my day is gonna be way better than anyone else I might even do a super backflip into a pool of women and jello. Fuck all this garbage tits and post some flix.

SPREAD POSITIVE ENERGY things just might happen!

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Originally Posted by Adrock (View Original Post)



shut the fuck up, the only dude who 'thinks theyre something' is you, some whack ass herb from east bumfuck connecticut, who paints in amsterdam, so thinks hes something legendary because he can rock the same generic shit as everyone else. keep using that stale ass e in every piece, youve only been doing it for about 3 years now. keep dissing pieces with tags, but dont ever fucking run your mouth about my squad, we could be the biggest group of mtv-watching stencil-painting wigger artfags from the suburbs and id STILL have more confidence and pride for my boys than you could possibly have for your crew, how is anyone gonna 'get whats coming to them' when youre afraid to battle cats, and the rest of your crew gets clowned on by the whole team everytime we see them. you talk about the internet, but thats the only place your silly little 'beef' exists.


FUCKING CHURCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And if anyone has every seen a solei piece in person i want to see it because i've seen the photos from across the pond but for some reason i haven't seen one single burner in this country....and if solei responds by saying CT is whack or that he paints real cities in other countries don't even fucking try it cause you already used that excuse when Rels called you out.......so until CT is graced with one of your "masterpieces" i'm just chalking you up to being another fucking toy that can't even piece and when he does he uses someone elses outling (oiu) just like the other dudes that you run with.... But mind you i'm not looking for a response online put it on the wall or just fucking be like iverson and just fade away................

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shut the fuck up, the only dude who 'thinks theyre something' is you, some whack ass herb from east bumfuck connecticut, who paints in amsterdam, so thinks hes something legendary because he can rock the same generic shit as everyone else. keep using that stale ass e in every piece, youve only been doing it for about 3 years now. keep dissing pieces with tags, but dont ever fucking run your mouth about my squad, we could be the biggest group of mtv-watching stencil-painting wigger artfags from the suburbs and id STILL have more confidence and pride for my boys than you could possibly have for your crew, how is anyone gonna 'get whats coming to them' when youre afraid to battle cats, and the rest of your crew gets clowned on by the whole team everytime we see them. you talk about the internet, but thats the only place your silly little 'beef' exists.


hey buddy, fuck your squad!! i never said i was a legend and yes, i kill amsterdam. and i like my stale ass E in everypiece, thats my stamp and it runs in high traffic areas your shit will never see. and since we're critiquing each others shit, at least my tag doesnt take 15 fucking lines to execute. and you dont know anything about IOD, im the only east bumfuck CT herb in the crew so you cant say shit about 'my boys'. oh and props to you for the amount of emotion im seeing in your little speech up there. fuuuuck you and your crew, i dont give a shit budddy!!!!! you wont find me, thats how i battle cats, sneaky like dudes out your moms bedroom in the morning! pce playa, work on that shit tags of yours. and get out the woods!

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bump Take on that CIRR car... been seeing those roll through and actually caught a few Heists on some CIRR's.. Along with some Phrite cars that we're connected to those... seeing that alone humbles me .. all this back and forth bullshit in here, you dudes need to be grateful you are standing here every day able to rock out... squash the beef, and stay doing it steady.




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