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That dude & his friends have a thug mentality of wanting to beat people up w/ knives and bats, so if you want to adopt that same mentality & go after him knock yourself out, it's probably all he'll respond to. Otherwise, most people have learned to ignore him. He's a wanna-be Cap at best who barely comes to that spot.


Ivan knows what's up w/ that spot, there shouldn't be all that garbage above & around it advertising what used to be a dope spot (Those old ASK flix posted were the shit down there many years ago, as was a lot of old Gesers). People have hit the open area where the extinguisher tag is for a long time and there's been some cool stuff there. The rest around it has mostly been garbage advertising the spot both for this douchebag to come down & try to flex his testosterone in some way and for cops. toys, etc. to know to go there. That spot never got as much attention as when a lot of the newer people started going there a few years back scribbling everywhere and being ultra casual about how they came & went.

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wheres the flicks

anyone know where i can watch the graffiti tv movie by any chance.

More spot blowing action on 12 oz...

picks please....

of graff lol

is it supposed to get really cold tonight?

anyways.... more flicks now please.

i saw that today shit is dope



anyone have a flick of that breast cancer ribbon on that wall from a long ass time ago?

we care about boobs too it said haha

more syke flicks

wheres the flicks at

Thats what I thought, pussy.

moving on....

anyone got some dope handstyles being thrown around CT?

post em up.

Someone post some Ouija pieces please

this thread sucks, post some mdk flicks or some shit


Dude you're more needy than a bitch. Maybe when you're always telling ppl to put some shit up, you should do a google image search and find it yourself - and maybe even post it up here for the rest of us, or better yet, go actually paint or take some damn flicks yourself.


you've been on here less than a year, already have close to 400 posts, and it's all this kind of annoying shit, and youtube videos. contribute something, or don't post so much..

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tha only reason ideo ran iz b cuz dsc let him run he knew tha deal if you wanna mess tru hartford writers who done it all and ran shit unlike no other crew will ever run it so you crown your king he and you will always know who tha tru kings are pook son

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damn DAMN shame what that spot has become... when I found that spot in 1995 it was absolutely, 100% BLANK... not one scribble... clean as the day they poured it... We kept it regulated pretty hard... we even hurt some feelings by buffing out some pieces that were done too close to the entrance...*(was never personal) NOTHING was to be visible from the road in order to preserve the spot's longevity... over time, word got out and scribbles and pure garbage spilled out into the open... What the hell does a 15 year old care about burning a spot on a hobby he wont be interested in a year from now? Used to be strictly pieces... closest thing hartford ever had to a hall of fame... DAMN FUCKING SHAME...




A year ago i was getting ready to buff the wall there when i noticed the wall was peeling so i peeled it to reveal one of the first pieces done on that section of the wall....it was a geser

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Know what you're talking about before you open your mouth, chum(p).

You aint even from here.


you know what im talking about i dont need to blow up spots over the internet...(i dont know for sure if that had any reason for the spot being where it is today, but im sure it helped)

i have been living here for about a year and i HATE CT ill be leaving soon


i use to drive an hour and some change just to take flicks in thos tunnels

id go through 2 things of film before i got to the end.


sad i go there now and its straight hot cops roll in there every once in a while nothing runs, its dead and real sad cus it was a legit spot i think the best spot ct has and the railroad ppl where always friendly as fuck, maby because they like to look at the art along the way? idk but with all the tagging facing the highway and the public going down there, i dont even bother anymore i think my piece ran for 3 days before scribbled out by randomness

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We are going to build a legal graffiti wall at Heaven Skate Park for the summer. I need kats input as to how the walls should be run.... also check this out oldest vandal caught



yo i feel that, about time there was a legal wall in reasonable distance.

make it open during the day? idrk


how big is it going to be?

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i dont know for sure if that had any reason for the spot being where it is today, but im sure it helped

i have been living here for about a year and i HATE CT ill be leaving soon



Exactly, you don't know. Like you don't know that someone threw something together before I was ever mentioned or talked to or how that person was told in front of their co-workers before it was public that what they did sucked, was poorly constructed, and would anger a lot of people on top of blowing things up. You're not from this scene and even the most short lived fallen off toy has hit those spots more than you have, so your comments are based on ignorance, and quite likely hating.


When you're ready to go give me a call and I'll help you pack.

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Yo atleast u know when POOK goes over ur shit u cant call him anything unless its to his face! I gotta respect dat. All you cats hide behind a screen name and say shit u wud never repeat LIVE! So who ever caught sum dumb shit inside my shit and my boy VEEOH shit make shur u dont drop a name Ill POOK ya shit allllll up! MENIS............get at me!


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yo i feel that, about time there was a legal wall in reasonable distance.

make it open during the day? idrk


how big is it going to be?


Everything is up for discussion...i want everyones opinion or ideas so when it opens kats aint whining about how it's run. The Skate park will have mad new shit added aswell for skaters.


Come on yall give me something...I'm thinking of running it like this http://5ptz.com/graff/about/ i need ideas from everyone to put into consideration.

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