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That Cure is so bad I think I'm going to go painting right now to redeem myself.


The letters totally change style as it goes on. It starts out chunky and bubbly, then moves into some Vault wannabe funk style E. Complete trash. Someone should draw a spewing dick over it.

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So once upon a time in a land far far far away from YL drama lived a happy burning little Rage 3 piece. That piece sat on that wall for 2 weeks lookin as fresh as the day it had been painted.Then one day in the early hours of the AM, two foolz with apparently no respect for a writer that has done nothing in the past but give credit where it was due and pass their flicks along to only the worlds biggest graff mag to help get them exposure, decided it would be an AMAZING idea to shit all over that piece and not even hook the artist up with a simple scribble next to what they had done, to show there was no sort of disrespect going on. No, instead those dicks decided to make a ridiculously bold yet incredibly pointless and stupid statement. Thus proving further more to the onlooking graffiti world that the statement, "Those YL kids are a bunch of fuckin assholes" is not only a matter of opinion its about as factual as it gets.


So I don't think this statement is too far off when I say...

FUCK YL'S, or at least two of them





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Dude, that's amazing how he fit the "Fuck YLs" around the existing shit. That's some skill right there.


I don't understand why it's not acceptable to go over a two week old piece? Rage is a cool dude, but why can't his pieces get gone over like everyone elses?

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hey "emitone" how do you manage to type while holding rage's dick. and why would you act like a cheerleader mucking up the forum on some rah rah bullshit. if having opinions and speaking your mind makes you an asshole, then YLionaires are that. it seems like there must be more to this story than abyss and lime just rolling out a spot and dropping pieces.

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Not that I have to clear the air and defend my actions but check it HAL...


Water street is one of HI crews walls. In the last 7 years we have put up over 200 pieces on it if not then a lot more. I have the flicks to prove it. THIS IS OUR SPOT.


Not one memeber of My crew steps to walls and that don't belong to us and rocks over pieces. No matter how old the pieces are. Do you see ANY of us on ya'lls walls? Absoulutly not.We have a thing we call respect. This gets applied to every painting situation we're in. In the way past maybe I pulled some hot moves like that, but usually there was a motive or at least a good arguing card that could be pulled.No matter how many of you heads reading this agree with HALS comment or my opinion, what it all comes down to is this...


NONE OF YOU WANT TO GO TO ONE OF YOUR WALLS (if you have ones) AND SEE SOMEONES ELSES SHIT OVER YOURS UNLESS IT WAS YOUR BOY OR YOU HAD KNOWLEDGE OF THEIR PLANS TO DO SO. That is just flat out wrong.It takes doing mad homework to get your own spots and it must not be as easy as people think because there are less than 5 legal spots in the entire state. So one could say a legal spot in this state is a VERY valuable thing to possess.And they should not be ran like bridgeport was because we have all seen the outcome of that.


Im aobut as worked up as I could be about this. I just think its WAY past time for writers that have been in the game for years to grow the hell up and start acting like it. Most of us are men and don't have the time or motivation to go "handle" this crap.Besides, who wants to


I could carry on but I wont. I feel I have made some simple points that should be taken into consideration. I just don't know how else to put it.This was a weak move and should be frowned apon.


And irm.....no more to the story, its just that

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Those pieces are on the hi cru legal wall ....i saw the fuck yls earlier today and didnt know what the deal was but now that i see the pieces that were there before i know the deal. I think what emitone is getting at is the fact that these dudes painted on a hi cru wall without permission thats prob why they feel dissed im sure if it were any old wall it would not have mattered.

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I agree with Emit about the respect thing. Also I agree with him about getting older and "Most of us are men and don't have the time or motivation to go "handle" this crap".


But what I keep thinking is that it is just a fucking wall. Who really cares? Go paint another thing on that wall or somewhere else. Very few pieces last forever, it is part of reality with painting. Take your pics and drive on. No need to be stupid about any of it. I only realized this as I got older, because back a few years ago, I wanted to fight one of Emit's boys for the same thing, but know that I think back, I just do not care. I had my fun and now it is over. Same will happen to all of you at some point or another. Reality takes over with all of us.


Sorry for rambling on.


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So once upon a time in a land far far far away from YL drama lived a happy burning little Rage 3 piece. That piece sat on that wall for 2 weeks lookin as fresh as the day it had been painted.Then one day in the early hours of the AM, two foolz with apparently no respect for a writer that has done nothing in the past but give credit where it was due and pass their flicks along to only the worlds biggest graff mag to help get them exposure, decided it would be an AMAZING idea to shit all over that piece and not even hook the artist up with a simple scribble next to what they had done, to show there was no sort of disrespect going on. No, instead those dicks decided to make a ridiculously bold yet incredibly pointless and stupid statement. Thus proving further more to the onlooking graffiti world that the statement, "Those YL kids are a bunch of fuckin assholes" is not only a matter of opinion its about as factual as it gets.


So I don't think this statement is too far off when I say...

FUCK YL'S, or at least two of them


fuck this shit. its ok for you to blast over yl shit, and say fuck yl, but when game goes over my shit at a spot with open space, and i blast over him i'm being the dick? fuck this. this is gauze, i dont care if you think i'm a dick, but you're holding a double standard. and keep jocking abis and lime, its good promotion.

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