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A Day In The Life of... Ded Fred Nurk


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I went to uni, then to work. I hadn't done this job for awhile (I have two jobs) within minutes of chilling at my post some large bald guy with missing teeth, facial tatoos and a leather jacket sat down opposite me and started drinking beers and screaming "HHEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYY!" at women as they walked passed. He then spilt beer all over himself and in response to this went and harrased near by stores. This is my second encounter with old weirdo's withface tat's this week (Nurk sits at bar, face tat guy makes eye contact, then gets up and emphatically shakes Nurk's hand for no reason. Friend says to Nurk "I think that guy likes you". Nurk turns to friend and says "I got love in streets, but I don't think I want it". They laugh)


Hours later some council guy comes up to me.

"Hey you is this your rubbish, pick it up".

"Sure, do you have badge or something"

"What? Just pick it up"

"Sure, but I havn't seen one you guys before? You don't carry any kind of I.D."

"I've got a card"


(dude flashes buisiness card looking thing)


"So who are you? What government department are you with"

"pick the rubbish up"

"I already said sure, I'm just asking because this is the first time one of you guys have come up to me, I'm not trying to have a confrontation"

"Cleansing department. And believe me I pick on you guys all the time. So pick it up"

"I fucking heard you the first time"


We end up have a shouting match and he walks of while I follow him alittle way up the street yelling shit at him. He gets on his radio.


20 minutes later. Some "city rangers" come over and are polite. I find out later this is because they have absolutely no power. If someone resists their orders they have to use their "communication skills". Bitches.


I go get some free coffee.


Work ends early. I got to an internet cafe to finish my late essay. Get a call from my ex room mate/ close friend. She's comming to Sydney for the weekend. I relay all manner of silly shit to her and apparently this was to the approval of the weird groaning guy on the computer opposite me with a nose bleed because he felt compelled to keep turning around laughing and trying to make eye contact. I ignored him ofcourse.


I go to a bar to take a piss and get a call from a friend (its my birthday at midnight) comes to the bar with his girlfriend and attempts to get me drunk. I escape and come home to try and finish my essay. But eat shower and sleep.


That brings us to now. It's my birthday, I've had 3 hrs sleep and my essay status? Incomplete. All is well though.


Until next time this is Ded Fred Nurk, bidding you Adieu.

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