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The transition from graffiti to fine art.


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So after begining to care less about graffiti purism I've started working on canvass. I'm finding it much more free but also more challenging.


I've found myself struggling with the new capacity to have texture, symbolism and a more thought basedl approach to the whole thing. By the last two I mean, rather than just doing a piece for a pieces sake, I've found myself doing figures that have some kind of symbolic meaning, then I'm left to think about things like "what the fuck kind of colour scheme goes with that?". It's an interesting stuggle I'm still trying to get my head around.


So have many of you people made this transition? How did you find it? What helped you with it? What made you do it?



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Alot of peoples problem with fine art is they are too concerned with achieving that "final product" they have pictured in their mind.

They start out by sketching everything out with pencil, then spend the rest of the time filling in between the lines or something to that effect. Then they make little, if any adjustments to what they have originally intended to do.

So dont be afraid to make DRASTIC changes. So what, if the changes you have made dont work out...at least you have learned that that does not work. And I'm talking drastic changes, like say maybe you want to see how the same image would look if the canvas was horizontal rather than vertical. Or maybe if you choose a different color to do your underpainting. Things like that. It's all about discovery and exploring your possibilities and making the right decisions. I hope it made some sort of sense.


You should also try to read up on some of your favorite artists...to get some insight on their lives and how they go about creating.

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I agree.

But graff elements on canvas can look good.

I find that if i was to buy a canvas painted by a well known writer I would want it to feature their style and their tag.


If it was just their attempt at fine art it wouldn't have the same appeal.


But, if the writer is trying to make it as a fine artist it is a different story.


Writers who submit art in exhibitions are asked because of their style or because they are up. I think that if the general public wanted to see fine art they could go to almost any gallery around.

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If I was to have art hanging in my house by my favorite artists it would be graff related because graff is my favorite art form and all my favorite artists are writers. I know the whole argument about graff on canvas, but if I could own a piece of art by my favorite writer. I would be happy man.


I know this seems a bit shallow. But I don't know a great deal about fine art. I see a lot of art being sold for a lot of money. I don't like the majority of it. It's just my opinion. I don't know a lot about the background of the paintings so I don't understand the reasoning behind the price tag.

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err fair enough dude. Maybe you'll start looking at it differently over time.


From personal experience it just seems the majority of writers who go to do a canvas just do a small piece on them. I've seen enough of these now to find them boring. So I would never do one. Also I've come to realise I'm not just a graff writer. I'm a creative person. I like alot of creative shit and alot of it goes beyond graffiti. I.e. it has some kind of thought behind it or whatever. I see painting canvasses as a chance to refine this stuff. I used to think about it very differently, infact if you had talked to me 4 years ago I would of called you a toy for not doing sharp clean lines. :rolleyes: Part of growing up I guess.

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