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NHL 2006 Playoffs


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Why in the world would you watch a game on NBC when CBC is an option? Their hockey broadcasts are much, much better.


For some reason the picture goes in and out, along with the sound??


I dont know why. Other people on my street have the same problem with different channels. They think its from alot of the poeople that steal cable around here.

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Well, I am left asking how Montreal won the first two straight away against these fools. Gerber? Ward is a decent youngster, but he got alot of help, it's not too hard stopping 18 of 20 shots. I saw that slip up by NBC on Williams as well. Halfway decent game by the officials, they missed a few, but the calls weren't bad. Loved it when Davidson got proved wrong on a bunch of stuff, especially the "penalty shot" when they went back to the trailer to doctor him up some footage to redeem him twenty minutes later.

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