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the fake mfk kids make a come back

i love MFK's style and i dont sit there and bite them like you fools come up with your own style damn....






looks like your giving them your attention though.....hmmmm i think your contradicting yourself by givin them your time......"your time".....i think of it as minutes of your life wasted giving the opposition in your case a reaction....i bet if it was your last minute left here youd be pissed you spent time drawing on those pictures letting your ego get the best of yourself ...and all the while where is your shit that is sooo original that you can post a diss that probably took you ten minutes of your life glorifying the people that you obviuosly cant stand???... bump to them dudes, i like that people arent just trying to jock that same boring freight style a lot of people are on......bubbles and arrows are cool and trendy but redundant and repetative. and really unoriginal.......;) grow up.

ps please show us your "original style" please. oh wait you probably were not on style wars or started writing in 1980.....:( mear mear mear...

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Werd to the guy who wrote the long lil ditie on true life shit giv props where they r do.quit haten! Every 1 was a lil toy at one time. Got 2 grow up and discover shit explore into others worlds of madness 2 learn your own sumtimes. If you r determained enuff you will prevail w/your own phat styleee cuz thats what that shit is (MF)they got that fire."Not this whole post" none are mf ov.", is madness.I'm going to go slam my face into a brick wall. Chi- town style!awwwwww yeeeah! what WHAT ! ! ! fr8 raperz away ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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in my opinion we are burnin what you cats usually paint on legal walls... but we are paintin it illegaly on trains... come on.. its the baby theory.. noone is born on this earth without having an influence.. everyone is influeced.. scar..codak..sparky..totem..paser..berlin.. timber.. and so on and so on.. if those mfk heads aren't happy they have pushed someone out there 2 paint thier best on freights.. then they have forgoten that they themself's were once influenced by a movemnt.. sterotypin it 2 a certain crew or section part of the united states is bullshit.. ive been watchin this absteract movement take over for years now and i want my hand in it.. yeah maybe the mfk peices ive been seein are alot better than anything ive done.. its pushed me 2 start expermenting with new things.. im not certain what i want 2 paint just yet.. but soon maybe even 5 years from now.. you'll see what im up 2.. im not stopin.. paintin normal boring pieces won't happen in my future.. and im down 2 fight, but heads, and make your life not fun over it.. if anyone wants 2 leave name's.... leave them.


i show credit 2 those who have influenced me.. like i said.. scar,codak,sparky,peeta,totem.ikon.berlin.paser.timber.replete.. and so on and so on.. i just want my hand in this movement.. and if heads wana try me..... try me..


Scar is definatley not associated with mfk and he started that shit.....i think his influences are heavy metal.

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Why even post this? I cant understand this direction in the freight movement? You cant read it from a car or even up close. Should this be on a train or a canvas in the trash? You try to come off as freight kid or a bomber where are you going here with this train. Grass roots? It's different I will give you that but I dont like it and this is a place for discussion and there seems to be alot of it with IT!

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