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partying in portland...


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I'll make a point: All these outlaws say "go look at 7th letter, buy their played out shit" and then BKF comes out with a graphic tee that sits along side the 7th letter saber revok stuff in the same store....just saying



and your there to eat it up with mommy and daddy's money. shut up kid. no clout.

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and your there to eat it up with mommy and daddy's money. shut up kid. no clout.


fuck you. Obviously I pushed some ones buttons. But if you wanted to know I just shop at Louis Vuitton in Pioneer Place with their money. Go wear some hi top dunks like I know you do.

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fuck you. Obviously I pushed some ones buttons. But if you wanted to know I just shop at Louis Vuitton in Pioneer Place with their money. Go wear some hi top dunks like I know you do.


didnt hit any buttons, i just think your a joke.. and no, you dont know.

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i'll take 7th letter style over bkf style any day? who else feels me? holla!




7th letter and BKF get compared a lot... This isn't the first time, we are working on a colabo prodo, imagine SABER wedged in between ORFN + PANDA SEX. Thats like a lazer blast sando with seasoned curlies....

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so i uh went back a few pages. came across this little specimen. and ummm yeaaaah. case closed.


and to forust gump who wrote ``so nice ill post it twice`` hence posting this SAME HIDEOUS FUCKING TRASH not once but twice on the same page...


please, go right now to your mothers kitchen which is about five feet from where your sitting at the family computer desk. grab the sharpest knife you can find, put your penis on top of the counter, perhaps on a cutting board and start skinning your penis like you were widling your walking stick from two years at cubscouts camp you STUPID FUCK.


im gonna swarm you like piggy on the beach you increpid little shiteating queer.


******** theres supposed to be the omg pic with the ``muscle man`` o here but i aint down with computers likeyou methed out grease monkeys on here so youll just have to go back and look for it hoes.

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