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partying in portland...


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Letter of Resignation:


_67_ and Portland's Worst Citizen, Oddio, have reminded me that I should really go incognito for my minor pranks on 12oz. Those pranks are admittedly silly: huge, meaningless pasted-in pm's to people who long ago stopped using, and quoting random pics with stupid comments, to name a few. The purpose of these pranks is just to test 12oz's security (minimal, at best), and to waste your time, and their disk space. Hey haters (we know some patrol here), start doing whatever you can to clog up this immoral site.


Let's talk about 12oz: They get money from advertisers selling graffito products while young men go to jail. 12oz is as bad as any cigarette manufacturer profiting from their customers' real pain.


Let's talk about you: Many now reading this have been arrested. Many more will be arrested on a mindless activity that hurts small businesses and the city. Caveman himself, and experts studying graffiti have said the addiction to paint illegally is much like that of a drug. This is truly a lose-lose situation. Get out while you can.


Let's talk about Portland's Worst Citizen: Learn to write, buddy, and try a spell checker. Put down the spray paint for a year and enroll in a remedial writing class at your nearest PCC campus.


It's 9 AM, and I expect 12oz to delete this post and kick me off by noon. Farewell! I'll be back someday under another login name (no, 12oz does not block your IP address) to gently prank the stupidest web site on the internet.

















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I caught that pete fuck slipin a few months back after he buffed a spot. Followed him to what might be his house. I have been trying to spot him sense but I dont got time for that shit. If I ever find out he actually lives their im gonna post his address so we can all even the score

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Letter of Resignation:


_67_ and Portland's Worst Citizen, Oddio, have reminded me that I should really go incognito for my minor pranks on 12oz. Those pranks are admittedly silly: huge, meaningless pasted-in pm's to people who long ago stopped using, and quoting random pics with stupid comments, to name a few. The purpose of these pranks is just to test 12oz's security (minimal, at best), and to waste your time, and their disk space. Hey haters (we know some patrol here), start doing whatever you can to clog up this immoral site.


Wow. I see you have put time into thinking about this. Good luck with your petty endeavors. I hope it helps you sleep at night. I'm quite sure your attempts to "clog up" this site are futile. The internet is bigger than you are. You are not going to hack in and become the hero of your equally lifeless vigilante friends. Tell yoursef whatever you want.


Let's talk about 12oz: They get money from advertisers selling graffito products while young men go to jail. 12oz is as bad as any cigarette manufacturer profiting from their customers' real pain.


The 'Ounce is the shit, and we all enjoy looking at it. I don't think you swayed any users with that one. We are free to waste our time looking at whatever "the internets" have to offer. For me it's this, downloading music, and porn. All of which are arguably immoral. If you are a deuchebag.


Let's talk about you: Many now reading this have been arrested. Many more will be arrested on a mindless activity that hurts small businesses and the city. Caveman himself, and experts studying graffiti have said the addiction to paint illegally is much like that of a drug. This is truly a lose-lose situation. Get out while you can.


Let's talk about you. Did your wife leave you? Is your "civilian" job unfulfilling? Are you simply not getting laid enough? I'm having a hard time understanding what you get out of this, other than being able to gloat to your yuppie friends about your good citizenship, trying to feel better about your wasted youth that flew past faster than the real King Crimson's music career did. It's not our fault that you feel empty inside. Why take it out on others?


Let's talk about Portland's Worst Citizen: Learn to write, buddy, and try a spell checker. Put down the spray paint for a year and enroll in a remedial writing class at your nearest PCC campus.


It's a fucking chat forum, buddy, not a masters' thesis symposium. Grammar schmammar. In other words, STFU n00b.


It's 9 AM, and I expect 12oz to delete this post and kick me off by noon. Farewell! I'll be back someday under another login name (no, 12oz does not block your IP address) to gently prank the stupidest web site on the internet.


Cool. See you later. Have fun with that.

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