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partying in portland...


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YOUR SCENE IS UNDER THREAT and the only people that are going to successfully hurt it are the people out there writing.


the civilians have noticed the mess and they've become unhappy. there is a cast of characters that are responsible for the majority of the graffiti who are on a hit list. please be aware that this little cast of loonies who are trying to attack oddio are only just getting started. as dumb as the cops and concerned citizens are, they're still able to catch you by suprise. trust me. i speak from personal experience.


if you write alot of graffiti in portland there are a few things you need to do TODAY:


clean all graffiti writing impliments, and any other graffiti related paraphenalia out of your car. do the same in your place of residence. blackbooks, photo albums, the works. i mean, you should already be doing this, but if you don't, now it's time to start. move all these things to another place, preferrably the residence of someone that doesn't write graffiti. ONLY have graffiti writing tools on you when you're actually writing graffiti. if you have photos of graffiti on your computer, make sure you have just as many photos of other people's graffiti as you do your own. that way they're going to have a tough time trying to figure out which one you are.


if you're up, one morning you're going to get awoken by a loud knock at the door. be prepared. the beds in jail aren't very comfortable, and the company isn't too friendly either.

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To Portland's worst citizen: ODDIO. How long did you think you could go on being the pied piper of these dregs, urging them on to more and more crime without any consequences? You and your buddies are costing the city hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, and private businesses probably as much. You are fowling your own nest. You are taking money away from schools and emergency services. Your selfish greed is dragging down Portland, and along with other petty criminals you are driving people and businesses to the suburbs. You are preparing the way for more conservative, reactionary politicians, and you're making this town damn ugly. Fuck you. We are a small band of concerned citizens who are beginning to watch for you, the head of the serpent. It's Oddio we want. We will harass you in petty ways, and will be on the lookout for a geek crawling under freeways taking pictures of graffiti. You are certainly one of the main taggers as well. Maybe you're Bonus or the guy who puts stupid cowboy hats on ugly letters. Maybe we will be waiting for you with night vision equipment and cell phones. We will come to your trial and smile at you during your sentencing. Start worrying and looking over your shoulder. Your carefree days are over. You are the hunted. Lastly, every minute you spend complaining about this or trying to track us down is another glorious minute you won’t be painting, ‘flicking’, or posting.


you people are truley idiots..i didn't know it was illegal to take pictures.



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To Portland's worst citizen: ODDIO. How long did you think you could go on being the pied piper of these dregs, urging them on to more and more crime without any consequences? You and your buddies are costing the city hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, and private businesses probably as much. You are fowling your own nest. You are taking money away from schools and emergency services. Your selfish greed is dragging down Portland, and along with other petty criminals you are driving people and businesses to the suburbs. You are preparing the way for more conservative, reactionary politicians, and you're making this town damn ugly. Fuck you. We are a small band of concerned citizens who are beginning to watch for you, the head of the serpent. It's Oddio we want. We will harass you in petty ways, and will be on the lookout for a geek crawling under freeways taking pictures of graffiti. You are certainly one of the main taggers as well. Maybe you're Bonus or the guy who puts stupid cowboy hats on ugly letters. Maybe we will be waiting for you with night vision equipment and cell phones. We will come to your trial and smile at you during your sentencing. Start worrying and looking over your shoulder. Your carefree days are over. You are the hunted. Lastly, every minute you spend complaining about this or trying to track us down is another glorious minute you won’t be painting, ‘flicking’, or posting.




I am a law-abiding citizen. I am not a criminal. Taking photographs is not a crime. I am exercising my first amendment rights. The accusations you have leveled against me have no foundation and are baseless. Sending threatening and harassing messages, as well as attempting to gain access to any of my private accounts is very illegal. Your IP address has been catalogued by http://www.12ozprophet.com and if necessary will be directed to the proper authorities. Please refrain from any further harassment or attempts to hack into my accounts. Thank you.



“Start worrying and looking over your shoulder. Your carefree days are over. You are the hunted.” bebopdeluxe


ORS 166.065 Harassment (1) A person commits the crime of harassment if the person intentionally: ©Subjects another to alarm by conveying a telephonic, electronic or written threat to inflict serious physical injury on that person or to commit a felony involving the person or property of that person or any member of that person’s family, which threat reasonably would be expected to cause alarm.

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Amazing, just amazing. I can't believe someone would try to pull that shit; on a person taking photo's of "Graffiti". Oddio Nice job on pulling out the Harassment law. and the Privacy laws. Bump for Oddio. And fuck Asshole people!

bump night vision, because we have it to. bump pissing old people off and bump for dental floss in suburbia.

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Any of you all hear about the graffiti workshop?

Those guys who put up projected graffiti and led lights?

Anyone like Adult Swim or Aquateen Hunger Force?

Those fools got arrested for putting up leds around boston.

Thought it was interesting.






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