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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


Microsoft Patches 10 Critical IE Flaws


Published: April 12, 2006


Ten critical flaws in Microsoft's Internet Explorer were patched with a cumulative security update issued by the vendor yesterday, and users of all versions of Windows are being asked to load the updates immediately, as attacks for some of the flaws are currently underway. In addition to the multifaceted IE update, the software giant issued four other patches for a variety of flaws, which ranged in severity from moderate to critical.

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


TDK now shipping 25 GB Blu-ray recordable media


Whether TDK is actually the first out of the gate with Blu-ray recordable discs available to the public, may be a matter of some debate - Sony is also claiming that honor - but today, TDK announced it's ready to ship to US retailers what it's describing as the first publicly available single-layer Blu-ray recordable discs. The news means that retailers are likely to be able to sell 25 GB recording media to consumers when the first components hit the shelves, perhaps in late May, most likely in June. However, the question of 50 GB dual-layer availability is a little less clear.


source http://www.tgdaily.com/2006/04/10/tdk_shipping_25gb_blu-ray_media/

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


Internet unplugged: Browse the Web offline


You can now browse and search the net on your laptop computers and hand-held devices--without an Internet connection.


heres the source http://www.hindustantimes.com/news/181_1672248,00020019.htm



seems liek it would take up a lot of space on the computer. unless i am misunderstanding it...

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


yes this technology is already inplace you can view websites offline they just came up with a new way to present it to you the web is not big with the size harddrives in retail computers getting up to tarabyte size space is not really an issue



rephrase that the web is fucking huge full of garbage but websites are small 1 by 1

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


addon to the blu-ray technology


First Blu-ray PCs to Come from Fujitsu


Fujitsu will become the first computer manufacturer to ship computers with integrated Blu-ray drives when it releases desktops with the technology in Japan this June, the company said Tuesday. The news follows an announcement by Toshiba Monday that it would begin shipping HD DVD-enabled laptops by mid-May.


The desktop, which would include a 37-inch LCD display, will retail for 600,000 yen ($5,063). The notebook would also be fairly expensive, setting the consumer back 400,000 yen ($3,371). Toshiba's models are expected to retail for a similar price.

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


yea, but it seems to only emphasize the use on laptops and pdas. i know laptops are just pushing the 100 GB mark and pdas, i have no clue. for PCs it seems fine but there would be a lot of unnecesary things that will be loaded to the hard drive. a lot more than there is currently anyways..

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


no, webaroo lets you download pre-selected content or type in a url


now, i have used httrack for backup (ripping pr0n sites) and some other

such software, but i could never get a php site to mirror...


until webaroo.



woohoo free crap

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


buddy of mine got the new razr celly is pretty koo might have to go get me one (im in to technology and all but i cannot get stuck in that little world of the blackberrys and pdas and all them little gadgets fuckem pain in the ass and mad annoying take over your whole life

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


yeah you ever notice in gadgets they start off really big (cell phone for example they were huge and then they got down to the size a 3 fingers and now they are getting big again to display tv and shit its kind of funny

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


Virus Profile: Linux/BiWiLi

Risk Assessment

- Home Users: Low-Profiled

- Corporate Users: Low-Profiled

Date Discovered: 4/10/2006

Date Added: 4/10/2006

Origin: N/A

Length: variable, average 4Kb

Type: Virus

SubType: File Infector

DAT Required: 4737

Virus Characteristics


-- Update April 10, 2006 --

The risk assessment of this threat has been updated to Low-Profiled due to media attention at:


Techworld.com: New virus threatens Linux and Windows PCs


BiWiLi is a binary virus that is able to infect executable binary files in the Windows and Linux environments. Detection for infected Windows PE executable files is provided with the W32/BiWiLi driver.

Detection for infected Linux ELF executable files is provided with the Linux/BiWiLi driver.

Although this is not a very common technique, it's not the first time. Some time ago also the W32/Etap.d and Linux/Lindose viruses were able to infect in a similar way.




The virus is a direct action file infector, it searches the current directory, where it is run from, for suitable binary executable files to infect.

Infected files have their filesize increased due to the virus bytes presence. The number of bytes being added to the executable files varies, it depends on the original filesize and on the disk geometry.

The date and time of infected files is changed to the moment the infection occurs.

Infected files have some visibible strings inside, for example, but not limited to:

  • JPanic
  • Sepultura

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