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mainter: somehow i knew you'd ask. my cd burner crapped out. didn't i tell you the story about how it was 4 or 5 a.m. and i went to do soemthing inside my case. anyhow, i somehow barely plugged up the cd burner and powered on. i'm sure you knwo the smell that ensued.


thanks for snagging those pcmcia files mainter. you're a lifesaver. (i'm getting a student edition, but 1.5 hours left)



frankie: be careful with some of those services. http://www.codecavalier.com/blackviper/WinXP/servicecfg.htm


there ya go. check black viper's suggestions for what you need and don't.

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Guest R@ndomH3ro

Thanks to your guys help I passed my MCSE Windows Class


Now I am in Linux, and being Linux stupid where can I get a good for dummies crash course. I have been playing aroung with Kmoppix STD and haven't really figured how to get it to recognize all the shit on my laptop (like the wireless card)


Anyone good at the Linux that can help me to get familiar???

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Thanks to your guys help I passed my MCSE Windows Class


Now I am in Linux, and being Linux stupid where can I get a good for dummies crash course. I have been playing aroung with Kmoppix STD and haven't really figured how to get it to recognize all the shit on my laptop (like the wireless card)


Anyone good at the Linux that can help me to get familiar???



shai is our resident linux expert.


try ubuntu linux. good shit. should detect everything right off the bat.





p.s.: congrats on passing your test.

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Ndiswrapper is one way if you have the drivers on a CD. It's a way for Windows wifi drivers to operate in Linux enviroments. It's confusing, but I know that it works if you stick with it. Sourceforge is a good place to check, also.


That's just the way Linux is. I dealt with it, somehow. There's always a solution. Try http://www.linuxquestions.com as well.


I sort of gave up on wifi in Linux. It just never worked the way I wanted it to. Sorry, that's just my honest opinion.

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Oh, and for the command line stuff go to http://www.brunolinux.com and read as much as possible.


I will say this- you can look forward to being totally confused for a while. Then one day, you will see the light and realize that UNIX is really the best OS ever, but you will also understand that you kind of have to have a love/hate relationship with it..


I'm only using TinyXP because I needed a break from Linux. I think I'll go back to Linux eventually, but for now I'm just happy to be learning something new.

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Thanks to your guys help I passed my MCSE Windows Class


Now I am in Linux, and being Linux stupid where can I get a good for dummies crash course. I have been playing aroung with Kmoppix STD and haven't really figured how to get it to recognize all the shit on my laptop (like the wireless card)


Anyone good at the Linux that can help me to get familiar???



no thanks from us it was all you man




just a heads up (Go for the cert as soon as possible) to be sure you are ready (i got some testing programs you need to score 100% to have a desent score on the cert exam... you know what to do if you want it




also a heads up if you have not taken yer A+ hardware cert exam do it now (the test will be changing next month you have yer choice to take whichever one you want right now (the new one deals with dualcore hyperthreading and all that bullshit)

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