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hey pffffffft when using that program be careful you can really loose things restore them to the desktop in a folder FIRST (make the folder on the desktop called restored files) and then restore the files to that location be sure you have room on the harddrive (and also restore using unique names if the same name is present

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an incredibly powerful wifi scanner. The 'Janus Project', as it is called, can sniff 300 networks simultaneously. It stores and encrypts the data as it receives it, for later use. From the article: "In addition, the Janus Project has an instant off switch, which requires a USB key that has a 2000-bit passkey and a separate password to regain access. What's under the hood? Williams packed an Ubuntu Linux machine running on a 1.5GHz VIA C7 processor with an Acer 17-inch screen into that snazzy little rugged yellow box. Oh, and the closed case is waterproof too, in case you need to transport Janus Project on a whitewater raft to your next hacking hotspot. We don't doubt someone will."

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'Janus Project'[/url], as it is called, can sniff 300 networks simultaneously. It stores and encrypts the data as it receives it, for later use. From the article: "In addition, the Janus Project has an instant off switch, which requires a USB key that has a 2000-bit passkey and a separate password to regain access. What's under the hood? Williams packed an Ubuntu Linux machine running on a 1.5GHz VIA C7 processor with an Acer 17-inch screen into that snazzy little rugged yellow box. Oh, and the closed case is waterproof too, in case you need to transport Janus Project on a whitewater raft to your next hacking hotspot. We don't doubt someone will."


dam man, sounds like a good way to get in trouble.....

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